Lord of the Truth

Chapter 199 Blueprint

"Billy! What's going on in the city? What is up with all this destruction?" Robin immediately opened the door to the patriarch's office and entered asking

But he was soon surprised by the number of knights, and even the presence of a few other Burton saints other than Billy, all standing around a large table and deliberating about something in the middle of it.

"Hahaha Robin, you finally got out of your seclusion?" Billy turned toward the door with his arms wide open, "Come on, you will know the causes of the destruction after you take a look here."

Robin stepped forward with his hands behind his back and stood next to Billy, looking at a blueprint on the table... a huge city blueprint!


The city, as usual for most cities in this era, is divided into three sections, and each section has a wall around it

Like the current Jura, The outer district were the weaker families who swore allegiance to the Burton family, the strangers looking for work, the families of mercenaries, the poorest of the Burtons, etc...

The difference in this blueprint is that the outer area was so huge agricultural lands for basic crops were added inside the walls, and it appears in the blueprint A few places for low-level beast farms, voice talismans carriers factories, hide and paper scrolls factories, and various other industries!

The inner district is much smaller than the outer one in the blueprint, but it is clearly superior to the Current one in Jura, this one he was looking at can surely accommodate all members of the Burton family and there will still be a lot of room left,

with large numbers of restaurants, theaters, auction halls, hotels, huge structures with *Runes fixed selling points* written on them, high-level military barracks and training grounds for the knights, and even with all that there were still Lots of empty spaces left for future generations

As for the central district, the heart of the city was increased in size a few times and more high-level training areas and secluded training spots were planned, with many more palaces and large structures!

Robin was surprised when he moved his eyes and found the word Jura in the blueprint, "This is not Jura City!"

"Haha, not yet, but very soon my friend!" Billy patted Robin on the shoulder

"My God!" Robin finally understood and looked at Billy, "This blueprint is at least 10 times the size of the original city. I can't even imagine how much manpower and funding it would need. Do we have enough gold for a project of this size? Is the internecine war over in the Duchy of Harris and Tinley? ...is this the right time for it?!"

"You don't have to worry about that," Bailey smiled and then continued, "The situation is stable throughout our lands, the lands we took from Dolivar no longer need our intervention anymore.

The first few years after the initial families swore their allegiance to us and took the Heavenly Law Cultivation Technique, the situation was kind of bad, tens of their elders died because they tries to backstab us or leak the Heavenly Law Cultivation Technique to Dolivar, or even knew someone in the family was about to backstab us but did nothing about it

they hated us quite a bit after every dying one, but as the years passed they learned their lesson... the last time one of their elders died because of the oath was a couple of years ago, and they are learning how to behave at last.

after the new nobles became stable and started gaining more knights, the situation there became fully under our control, we only need a saint or two there to direct them and you won't hear from them any problems ever again...

The lands that we took from the Duchy of Evren are quite calm, we found a few local families there and we made them follow us as well and gave them the Heavenly Law Cultivation Technique, and soon we will see their knights ruling over the land for us...

As for the lands of Marquess Rufus and Marcus Tawi, there is no dispute over them, they are under the absolute control of Julius Rufus, who became to Follow us faithfully.

As for our new lands in the Duchy of Harris, our military campaign frightened everyone, and because of our success in the lands of Tinley, those who had little love for the Harris family actually wanted to be our subjects, it was actually quite easy to deal with them after your departure.

There were a few rebellions, but we put them down easily, and a few new fortresses are being reinforced there to repel any external attack, We were also able to convince a few families from the former Duchy of Harris to swear on the tablets and there are already a few of them that are loyal to us, in a few years there will be knights emerging from them that will make our rule there absolute.

As for the project to rebuild the city... If we talk about the manpower, there are thousands who are waiting for a job opportunity, and we also have a lot of skilled workers after the giant projects, and Marquess Rufus and the Dukes Alton and Bradley helped by sending all the available labor to them as well when they heard about the project, atop all of that, we have too many slaves because of the recent wars...

As for money, this is easier. We have a reserve of a few million gold coins that will suffice to finance more than 80% of the project. Most of the projects are just brick walls and structures for housing or various commercial projects. There is no specific project that will cost expensive resources. And if we need more money, we have the Rune Masters to provide for our needs!"

Robin waited silently until Billy finished, "Tsk~ I still think it's too hurried... we could have put this effort and money into something else useful."

"Haha, nephew Robin, we are —unofficially— the largest duchy in the Black Sun Kingdom, how can we survive in our cramped, worn-out, outdated city?" One of the old saints spoke, "The old city is not worthy of our new standing, it cannot accommodate more soldiers, training areas, and travelers, we cannot defend it because its walls are weak… It simply couldn't fit us anymore."

Although Robin knew all this and in fact, he internally supported this project and he might have suggested it himself if the circumstances were different, the idea of ​​throwing millions of gold coins at a time like this hurt his heart...

"Sigh~ as you wish then... so when are you going to finish the mega-project?" Robin asked after giving a long sigh

"It will all be over in nine months at the most," declared Billy, "the day we celebrate the city's re-opening, will also be the day we officially celebrate the proclamation of Duchy of the Burton family!"

"Oh? Has his majesty didn't appoint us as an official duke family yet?" Robin furrowed an eyebrow, he thought it was already over

Billy smiled and took a scroll out of his pocket, "See for yourself."


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