Lord of the Truth

Chapter 181 Marching West!

" Time has come... this is the best if not the only chance we will get to end these old conflicts, we can't go back home before we finish it... we will attack the two of them at the same time

Two days from now, declare Marquess Rufus and Marquess Tawi traitors for refusing to help defend the kingdom in the most needed time, - with the other personal reasons if a noble asked - and announce that the Burton family had taken it upon themselves to remove this tumor for the sake of the kingdom

...Half of our stock of the talismans with a few hundred more knights, including Theo and Peon, and two additional saints with one of them must be Billy, Send them all to the Patriarch to support his ranks

After he and his troops have enough rest from the devastating battle, reorganize their ranks, and the support arrives... He must head west towards Marquess Rufus' lands!

.... hmmm right, also tell the Patriarch to slow down on his way to the heart of the Rufus family's lands, tell him to only do his best to frighten them out and show off the strength of our army while capturing small cities one by one, he must avoid any large battle...

as for you, Uncle David, head southwest to attack Marquess Tawi's lands... The patriarch will descend upon the lands of Marquess Rufus from above, and you attack the Marcuse of Tawi from below, eat their lands from both sides and cradle them in the middle, when they are trapped between both of you towards the end, it will be all over...

For you, take from here only 120,000 soldiers and the rest of the saints of our family. Destroy Marquess Tawi quickly and decisively, make our victories there seem as legendary as you can.

The rest of the fifty thousand soldiers and Lady Mila will stay here with me in case one of the two Marquess tries to flee east as well... and to show to the whole kingdom that we still care about the borders even in settling the inner conflicts, this move will shut many mouths...

Also summon two saints, 400 fire knights, and at least two-thirds of the army we left to guard the new lands at the formerly known Dolivar and Evren, and command them to come to meet me here, we need them here more... the remaining forces there and the rest of the 100 fire knights will be able to any rebellion attempt" Robin kept speaking with out taking a breath

"hmmm all that is good and doable, but I can't take on the Tawi family saints sith only myself and 4 other level 21 saints, Robin... attacking them with only 120,000 soldiers is hard enough! and the patriarch is in an even more bad situation with only 70,000 soldiers and even fewer saints..." Saint David replied after a little nod, those were two ancient families with deep roots!

Robin gave a chuckle, " If that is your only concern then I want you to reassure you and the Patriarch about the matter of the saints in the two families, you just have to keep them busy within the battle scoop and make a thick barrier around them using the flames of the Fire legion Knights so that no one sees the details of what is happening inside, and the Saints of the Royal Family will take care of the rest… Any other questions?"

"Sigh~ I hope they will arrive in time them... Everything is clear, I will contact Brian and start preparing." David nodded seriously

"Good!" Robin stood up and walked out of the tent.

Mila finally got out of her silence and hastened out of the tent and followed him, "Robin, the Burton family's army has just come out of fierce battles, why don't you give them more opportunity to rest, or maybe forget about the Marquess family altogether..."

" I may not be here forever to take off the legacy I left, I must make sure that the environment around the family is relatively safe before thinking of anything else,

And even if I was able to wait and postponed everything to the future, how long can your father hold? ... all that I'm trying to say is, when a person wants to move forward, first he must make sure that his back is safe." Robin replied seriously, then continued his walk, not adding another word.

leaving Mila standing in her place, trying to solve his puzzles...


Over the following days, the kingdom found itself on a hot plate once again

The news of the victory of the Burton family's army over three armies coming from the Kingdom of The Lying Water with a total of 480,000 soldiers spread like fire on dry straw!

The news was simply too exceptional!!

Not much had passed since the Burton family faced the Duchy of Evren and news spread that they had wrested almost a quarter of the duchy lands from them, but no one understood how the Duke had so squandered all these lands without going all out, after all, the news said that there was no big fight between them, it was a small skirmish and a few people actually died...

Only now did they understand

The Burton family today is not the same as the Burton family ten years ago.. the difference is like heaven and earth!

The news started to spread, and with it, the legends spread about the Burton family did not suffer any harm when destroying the nearly half a million enemies!

rumors got even more bizarre and spread that the Burtons has built an indomitable army and that they took the protection of the kingdom upon their shoulders.

Even the Baron, who was rescued by Robin from the attack of the 60,000-strong army, confirmed these rumors and exaggerated the extent of the strength of the army that came to defend him, even telling his family members to walk around the kingdom and spread legends about the might of the Burtons army, thinking that he would repay them the favor this way...

The Baron and his family spared no effort in all kinds of ass-kissing techniques.

As the simple citizens celebrate that their kingdom has acquired a new shield and sword, and as the higher ups re-arranging their calculations on how to deal with the rising super power that is the Burton family... Another piece of fresh news was released that shook the kingdom again.

The Burton family has declared both the Rufus family and the Tawi family traitors because they refused to participate in the defense against the huge attack on their respective duchies and that they do not deserve to live under the same sky with them!

It was also announced that they target the bloodline of the two families only and do not want problems with the residents of the lands that belong to the two families, and that after the Burtons take the two families' lands the locals will be treated as honored citizens under the authority of the Burton family

... Even cats and dogs in the streets can see that this is just an excuse, the Burton family has already sent a request for support to all the noble families that inhabit the lands of the two duchies, but they did not wait for anyone and started their battles alone, they simply did not need anyone!

Given the history of the three families, which is full of problems and blood, it is clear that the Burton family wants to take advantage of the momentum they gained by destroying their old enemies!

But the first thing that comes to mind is... The Burton family destroyed three armies with a total of nearly half a million soldiers, but instead of resting and celebrating, they issued another huge war?

If a duchy's army had gone through the same battles they would need to rest and re-supply their shorts for at least another 10 years before they think of even moving again, but the Burtons still have what it takes for it?

Even the higher ups around the kingdom had to give in, It appears that the legends that wide spread earlier had not been far from the truth...

...The worst-case scenario for the two Marquess families since the Burton family's rocket rise has happened

After hearing the news and knowing that two armies from the Burton family are coming toward them, the two families have issued a call to summon every man and woman capable of fighting in their lands and arm them with anything that can shed blood...

And they also sent messages and pleas to seek support from all their allies and all the nobles around them to send their armies to stand with them against the *Burton tyrants*

They even began sending voice messages to their acquaintances from the royal family asking for mediation and protection against the *family that thinks they are the new kings*.

But... all their efforts failed.


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