Lord of the Truth

Chapter 174

Chapter 174 – First Victory

"Huh? Can't you see that I'm busy? What the hell would be more important than finishing this m-… Eh?!" the Saint replied angrily, but the words quickly got stuck in his throat.

A suspicious low cloud of dust was approaching from the south at a high speed towards them

"What is… that..?" The Lying water Saint retreated away from the Baron and began to carefully examine the cloud of dust 

*klopp klopp klopp*

As the cloud approached, the sounds of hoofs began to respond to everyone's ears, even the fights in front of the wall began to calm down as they looked at the coming cloud of dust as well.

Some of them hope that these are really the sounds of horses and that soldiers have come to help, and the other party hopes that it is really just a sandstorm and the wind is only playing tricks on the… 

lucky, this confusion didn't last long… as everyone was in anticipation of what is coming, a human voice like thunder broke the atmosphere apart.

"Fire legion, prepare to engage."


the voice of thousands of men exploded from within the dust, before anyone could react, everything changed before their eyes…

The Fire legion all raised their halberd high, ready to slash it down at their next unlucky target, and lit white flames on its blade

As if a tornado of white flames suddenly erupted, the dust that was around them got burned in an instant, revealing instead a great sea of ​​horses, in the forefront of which were a few rows of war horses.

"This… this…"

"Are all these… knights?"

2000 fire legion members, with the weakest of them at level 11 of knighthood, taking the front few raws with all of them dressed in white armor and raising their white halberds…

Those were actual knights acting like cavalries!!

Leaving aside this frightening line up and looking slightly upwards, they were 8 saints flying at a steady pace, their eyes were fixed at the baron and the few other figures that were hovering in the skies… it was clear that they were searching for targets

The words were crammed into everyone's mouths, the pressure caused by the Fire Legion cast everyone in a daze, whether the sons of the Black Sun or the Lying Water, whether Saints or those at the first level of the Energy Foundation… 

Everyone stood watching the terrifying and bewitching spectacle at the same time with an opened mouth.

"Flames… White flames! It is them, It is the Burton family!! We were saved!!!"


After two and a half days… East of the Duchy of Alton

"Welcome back! I honestly expected you to be late another day or two, but thank the heavens you disappointed me! Haha." Saint David laughed loudly as he approached a large group of cavalry coming towards him.

Robin jumped off his horse smiling and extended his hand to shake the saint's, "Haha you praise me too much uncle David… Honestly, I too expected at least another half a day of delation at least, but we were lucky and got to them in an excellent timing because of Peon and his men's excellent work, the battle was basically effortless."

"Oh? Come to headquarters and tell me more about it," Saint David patted Robin on the shoulder, then looked behind him, "All saints and senior officers come too, I'm afraid you guys will have no rest today!"


After Robin and those with him entered a huge tent on top of a small mountain, a few old men and women inside the tent stood up and applauded them with smiles on their faces,

Although they did not know the details of what happened yet there, Robin's presence here now means that they were victorious, with a swift victory at that!

And the army that he took is back almost as complete as he took it, the extent of the victory that has been achieved can be only imagined…

Robin and the rest nodded and found themselves seats in the empty chairs that were waiting for them… 

The tent had nothing but chairs placed around a large map drawn on the ground and a few stones and pieces of wood showing the distribution of their army and the hostile armies… 

with one glance at the ground, Robin understood the situation, "The clash will happen today !?"

Saint David nodded, "They have quickened their movements, perhaps in two or three hours you will find them at sight."

"…that isn't good news for us, the cavalry and the archers are all tired from traveling, I brought them directly after the battle seeking to reach you guys and rest here… I thought we still had a day until the battle" 

Robin slowly rubbed his forehead, in fact, he himself and the Special legions were also extremely tired, Robin ordered to turn back after the moment of victory and didn't wait to Let them rest, 

but they are better off than those who are still in the energy base stage like the ordinary cavalries and archers…

He wanted to make sure he is among the main army so that he can help if needed, and seeing the situation.. he was right!

But the cost…

"Don't worry about that, their army is no better off." David smiled and shook his head, he understood what Robin was implying

"Huh? they are tired? of what exactly? it's impossible that any army in this duchy could have stopped them, they are cowards that won't take a step forward if they don't absolutely HAVE to, and there isn't any big noble family in their route…  how is it possible that they are tired as well?" asked Billy, surprised

"Since they entered the Duchy of Alton and have sent parts of their army to attack the small cities and villages near them, they have plundered and destroyed 7 of them so far… If my army got busy killing a few hundred thousand peasants while raping women and little girls left and right, I guess they would be tired too!

We have had to advance more than a hundred miles more towards them after we had pleas from the next cities on their path, their elders came here and prostrated in front of everyone here to make us advance to protect them… 

I was about to refuse, but one of the elders has recommended this location to us which was actually better than the previous one, so… here we are.

We are currently in a very good strategic location… it has a small hill that is about 50~100 meters higher than its surroundings, with the near lands around us in a perimeter of a 1000 meters is exposed with little trees which will help using the talisman arrows, there are some forests and higher hills behind the 1000 meters mark, but we can basically ignore those, so I decided to wait for them here, is they want to continue towards the rest of the duchy they have to get past us first.

Reports say that they also began to gather again in one body, most likely they knew that a large army is waiting for them here and they wanted to make sure of victory."

Robin widened his eyes, "They are exhausting themselves by attacking common cities and villages? What arrogance!"

David shrugged, "The entire Duchy army is currently trapped in the Lying Water kingdom, who could stop them? They just came to sabotage and plunder…"

Robin laughed, "Let's announce to the world that is another lion in the den then!"

  David nodded, "Tell me, what happened in your battle?"

"Oh, nothing special… We found them in the midst of a battle against a baron family and attacked them from behind, we didn't need the cavalry nor the archers honestly

The first fire legion's dash alone have eaten a third of their army, the rest were either killed or captured in a matter of an hour, Mila and Billy and the rest killed the enemy saints too, none of them have escaped."

"Oh? What about losses?"

"A little less than a thousand ordinary cavalry and a few knights of the Fire legion has died, this happened after the first dash ended and the close combat began… thinking about it, I might have made different orders to save their lives… Sigh~" Robin shook his head.

"Hmmm, it's still a pretty good loss, but where are the captives?" One of the old knights asked, "Prisoners of war have a high price in the market, especially if their level is high and their age is young."

"I left them to the Baron," Robin shrugged, "I wanted to get back quickly before the great battle began here, so how could I drag behind me a few thousand soldiers bound in chains? Second, his city was devastated by fires. I think he would benefit more from them than us…"

"Hahaha, only you can forfeit hundreds of thousands of coins so easily, I hope that bastard of a baron would remember your grace!" David laughed out loud

Robin smiled and stood up, "I'm going to rest in my tent now, everything is at your disposal, Uncle David…. But when the war begins, please let someone remind me to come and watch it from the side."


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