Lord of the Truth

Chapter 142

Chapter 142 – Pyramid

Raymond also stood up and put his hand in Robin's and shook it with a big smile

But when he went back and sat down again, his smile faded a little by a little as he looked next to him in the direction of Galan with a strange frowned look, and he found that Galan he returned him the same look…

It is as if they are asking each other *What just happened?*

"Sigh, you have a greedy son-in-law, Galan. We came with high Morales that soon we will add new lands to us. But this little brat stole our current lands from us, and the problem is.. we are satisfied with it! Hahaha." Raymond laughed hysterically.

with the creator of the talismans himself promised to back him up til he gets double what he lost, then what he has to fear?

"Argh, don't remind me, he's really a little scoundrel… he didn't even consider that I am his father-in-law and stole nearly a quarter of my lands, but that's okay… With the talismanic methods we have now, and the talisman Robin will provide us before the war, we can both drill deep into the Lying water kingdom." Galan's eyes twinkled

Robin chuckled and did not fall into the trap of those two and tried to change the subject now that he has what he wanted.. the exchange of little talks and loughs continued for about an additional half an hour.

Then Robin sent his palace guards to summon Patriarch Brian and General Edward to attend. 

An agreement of this magnitude was impossible to remain hidden, especially from these two, even Mila was also summoned to attend again as the one in charge of the talisman academy these days…

After the three arrived and Galan quickly summarized the general situation for them, the shock was the headline, but reactions varied…

Veteran General Edward began to think about how to put this huge amount of talismans into use, and made plans to train a strong army for the Burton family to defeat the two Marquess families before heading back to his own family and have the honor of initiating such a huge war… He will have a lot of work to do in the coming period.

As for Mila, she went to pinch Robin's arm because he uprooted such a large piece of land from her father even after their marriage agreement… what use is this marriage agreement then?!

As for the patriarch… when the explanation came to the point that if the Burton family were to come out victorious in the next two wars, they would be independent of the Altons and will only answer to the royal family, as the Tenth Duke family… he fainted.

After Galan finished explaining the agreement, a new, lengthy round of consultations took place, lasting about two hours, between the Dukes, General Edward, Patriarch Brian, and even Mila, who knows the inside conditions of the Bradleys and Burtons.

As for Robin, he took his leave from this session and went to prepare what he had promised… two manuals for the method of making the 6th Level Fire explosion talisman and the other for making the Five Second Darkness talisman…

If any other was in his position, he would shed a tear with every line he drew and every letter he wrote, as he was about to hand over two of his most precious inventions… but Robin prepared the two little books quickly and almost without emotion.

Everything has a price tag, and the price this time was more than satisfactory.

In fact, if Robin had made the same offers to the dukes at any other time, they would have flatly refused, no one would be willing to give up all these lands at any cost, but now that they have a huge goal ahead of them and they need their gold and strength, their current possessions are no longer of the same value as before.

After two hours Robin came back with the two books and distributed them to the dukes, then he sat with everyone again, trying to understand what they were saying… but to no avail.

Talking about military strategies, extensions, the division of tasks during the attack, the financial situation, and the conditions inside the dukedoms during the absence of their armies.. it was as if the five were speaking in a strange language that Robin did not hear before in his life.

Putting his head in Heavenly laws research all those years paid off in that field, but made him largely ignorant about almost everything else…

And Robin did not like this much…

 Fortunately, the session did not last for too long… After an additional hour, the two dukes stood up and each left for his duchy, carrying with them the priceless techniques.


A week already passed since the two Dukes' meeting…

The agreed date for the start of the war is in five years, but everyone is behaving as if it is five hours later…

Mila did not tell any of the talisman masters about the matter, but she began to put pressure on them to increase their production. 

Whoever makes two talismans daily, Mila forced him to train his soul and put more pressure and rewards for him to reach three talismans a day!

She and Zara also started training new Rune masters on how to make darkness and vitality talismans to provide the needed amounts in five years…

The Patriarch began working to provide sufficient funds to pressure work on new factories and beasts farms to supply the needs for the armaments and talismans for the coming period.

General Edward immediately began to gather more soldiers. Currently, the Burton family's army is made up of two parts.

The first and most prepared part consists of only about 10 thousand soldiers, and they are all present in the new lands, and most of the saints and knights of the family are there…

As for the second part, they are the army located next to Jura City, consisting of 90,000 soldiers without experience and lightly armed, and there are little as no knights or Caverly among them… These were the goal for the incoming period.

This new army must be quickly strengthened within five years, they have to be strong enough to be able to fight two Marquess families in succession in addition to their allies if any appeared!

As for Robin, he has caged himself in his room for the whole week, everyone thought he was back to invent something new… 

until he finally came out and went to the patriarch directly and told him, "Build me a pyramid."

"…huh?" Robin's request was so strange that the patriarch couldn't give a normal response

"I want a four-sided pyramid, at least 5 meters high and at least 3 meters wide at its base… It must be made entirely of high-quality metals, preferably of those that are used in making medium-grade categorized weapons." Robin was talking nonstop

"Why would you want something like that? It would cost the production of several furnaces for months, and when it is finished it would be useless!" The patriarch was surprised

"You will know when I'm done, just answer this… When that pyramid is finished, will it be possible to destroy it?" Robin asked

The patriarch shook his head, "Destroy it? Even the sages wouldn't make a dent on that metal pyramid if they attacked it day and night!"

"Good, give the orders to build a few stone fire furnaces here in Jura and I will personally make the Runes on them, and dedicate them only for the construction of the pyramid."

"Heh~ as you wish.." The Patriarch sighed and replied, now he has another big task above his head to finish…

"One more thing." Robin added, "Send my palace a copy of all the law techniques our family members used to build their knighthood pillars."

"This… Alright!!" The Patriarch enthusiastically replied, not knowing why Robin asked, but it would certainly result in something good.. "Do you have another request?"

"Yes… Forbid anyone who bears the Burton family name and is in the tenth level from building their knighthood pillars from today onwards, and I need a list of the names and ages of all the family members who have reached their level to be between 8 and 10."

"This… I was planning to motivate our youngsters to build their knighthood pillars during the few coming years before the war, we have lost too many knights…"

Robin smiled, "Don't worry, you'll have your knights before the war… I also want you to send Billy to make lists about the sons of the families who have sworn allegiance to us in levels between 8 and 10 and prepare to send them here too at any given moment."

"Robin.. what exactly are you going to do…" A worrying feeling began to strike the patriarch's chest

"Something that should have been done a long time ago…" Robin replied, then turned around and left….


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