Lord of the Truth

Chapter 116

Robin nodded repeatedly, "... I think this is expected, this is the best outcome we can hope for right now, just make sure to pay good compensation to the families of the deceased...

Did any of the big families out there try to reach out to us in order to receive the law technique and pledge allegiance?"

Billy nodded, "Three families have reached out to us in secret, they are the unofficial rulers of three major cities and they have been persistent supporters of the rebellion... frankly,  I am uncomfortable dealing with them, I think it is a trap to steal the technique from us then they will stab us in the back."

"hmmm.. how are the boys? are they doing well?" Robin changed the subject

Billy shrugged, " I think you can say that... 2 weeks ago they burned a rebels gathering point to the ground and killed a few tens of men, one of them was a 12 level knight! there shouldn't be any knights in the new lands after the nobles escaped, and now they are starting to show up... I think you know what that means."

"... Three and a half months left, huh? I will see what I can do with this much time... alright, let's get back to what I called you for, I have a new assignment for you." Robin was a little lost in his thoughts, but his eyes quickly regained their luster, and spoke

"Of course no problem, how can I help?" Billy leaned forward slightly from his seat and replied

"I need thin metal tablets that are roughly a foot long, and they must be made to be indestructible with ordinary means," Robin spoke seriously

Surprised by the request, Billy was expecting him to talk about something about furnaces, he asked, "A foot long rectangular tablets of thin metal... hmmm... How many tablets do you need? And how do you define *indestructible* exactly? everything is destructible!"

Robin replied, "I want as many as you can make! At least ten tablets before the limit if three months from today, and when you're done bring them here and leave them in front of my room... and you should arrange for a permanent production line of these tablets in our factories too.

As for how indestructible they should be, just use those hard metals that only high level knights can forge, I just want them to stay around for a long time..."

Billy shook his head, " that would be hard, all our high level knights are in the war or incapable of making something like that, we would take a while to find a blacksmith to make them, maybe I can get you 3 tablets before the deadline..."

Robin refused immediately, "Do not waste time, three are as good as none! ..didn't you say that there were a lot of knights who came and started taking wages from us after we announced our need for people with strong souls? make them work with you on this task instead of sitting idle and sucking our blood freely!"

"...I think that will work, I'm going now to start the production, is there anything else you want before I go?" Billy nodded

"Yep, grab this," Robin picked up one of the rolls from the floor and tossed it over to Billy, "here's a list of the resources needed to upgrade the furnaces, after you gather the needed amounts of them, bring them here for Zara.

And after a month from today, come take her to the furnaces, she will start drawing on them and preparing them with my new creation for the categorized weapons production, when she tells you she has finished one, you can send it directly to the factories without consulting me... She will be responsible for determining this." He pointed toward Zara.

Billy was astonished and said, "Oh? You want to turn the furnaces into big talismans then... I'm looking forward to what they can do!"

"... Naming the furnaces after their modification as talismans don't seem right at all... and I can't say that I will draw patterns because there are also seals that will be drawn and other things may be added in the future... I will think of another name for the same method of drawing later..." Rubin scratched his head as he spoke, the thought of naming something huge as a talisman seems strange

"Hahaha, I didn't understand a word of that, but good luck with the naming!" Bailey nodded. Then he looked at Zara, "We'll count on you, little niece!" Then he disappeared silently from the room

After Billy was gone, Robin went back to the stack of rolls and took three rolls from it, containing the power source seal, the one with total reflection pattern and the concealment seal that will hide every thing inside the stone, 

then passed them to Zara, "You must have memorized how to draw the heat generation pattern by now, practice On those three for the next month,

The heat generation pattern will be drawn on the outside of the furnace, and the total reflection pattern will be drawn on the inside... the power source seal and the concealment seal will be used with both, just the ink will be changed between the two patterns... after the training month is over, use the resources that Billy will bring you and modify the furnaces, I will depend on you for everything... Do you feel capable of that?"

"Yes!" Zara nodded vigorously, this was her first time taking on an entire project from the start and without seeing Robin make something like it first.. that was a huge upgrade for her!

"Haha good!" Robin laughed and rubbed her head, then we turned toward Mila and threw two booklets and a scroll toward her, and said "You seem to be free these days, make copies of the three of them, the two booklets have to do with spiritual strength training, and the scroll has a fire minor law technique, don't let any creature other than you and Zara see them! … If you do well, I will consider giving a copy to your family."

  Mila was shocked, she didn't even know how valuable whatever that was in it, but was content that Robin had chosen her to make copies of something that he considered a secret, so she smiled and nodded straight away.

Robin then looked back at Zara, "After completing the exercises for the month, take a copy of the two booklets from Mila, it will help you a lot in completing the drawing of the furnaces quickly, especially the Soul replenishing Technique, there is no need for me to teach it to you, you are smart, when you read them you will understand everything on your own, Is everything clear to you two?"

The two girls nodded immediately

"Good, see you in a few months!!" Then he turned Robin and went back to where he came from...


"fooo" Robin took a deep breath and then let it out slowly, it's time for the real test...

Over the past two weeks, Robin has focused on researching the origin of the soul and finding solutions to prevent potential betrayal.

although he is not yet close to the answer, he feels that he is definitely on the right track.

What he has found so far is that the spiritual sense is an extension of the soul and there is no doubt about this, the next step now is to find a way to manipulate the spiritual sense...

And in this same line of thinking, Robin continued his research. 

two weeks passed, three weeks...

The research was progressing more smoothly than Robin had expected, perhaps because he had spent so much time researching soul matters earlier.

Rubin confirmed that manipulating the soul sense is possible, and began to search in the soul patterns for something that could be used to take the next step.

In the sixth week, Robin found a certain pattern in his spiritual sense aura,  no matter how much he studied this particular pattern, he could not find any use for it, it is like the pattern was just there sitting idly with nothing to do, but Robin knew that there is no way a pattern can be useless... 

after observing it for many days, it seemed as if everything else revolved around this small pattern and related to it...

At this same moment when came up with this conclusion, he came out of his seclusion and asked Zara and Mila to show their spiritual senses...

Both of them had read the Soul Strengthening Technique and Soul replenishing Technique by now and well understood the term soul compressing to create an aura around the body, which is exactly what they did

Robin searched for that strange pattern in them, and he also found it in the same place with the same essential qualities, but with slight differences in shape...

After staring at the two girls' patterns and then his own for a few minutes, he opened his eyes to the last of them and ran back to his room shouting "THIS IS IT!!"

He left the two girls behind, staring at each other in wonder.


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