Lord of the Truth

Chapter 111

Zara was playing in front of the house with some girls her age when she saw Robin rush out of the house and pass right by her, but he was so focused that he didn't even notice her presence

When she saw him with knotted eyebrows and looking serious, she decided not to cut his line of thoughts and went back to playing...

As for Robin, he was indeed confused, so many things were going on in his head that he no longer knew what to focus on

As he was walking he heard someone calling him "Robin!"

Robin stopped and looked in the direction of the voice and found Billy waving at him with a smile, so he changed course and moved towards Billy at the same pace.

Robin's serious look wiped the smile off Billy's face and asked, "Something's wrong?"

"Billy, it's good that I found you here... Tell me, did you start making the furnaces?" Robin asked

"Huh? No, no... Only a month has passed since the decision to stop the subjection war was issued. Currently, they are still building the external structure of the first two factories. As for the furnaces, we are currently assembling components for their manufacture, and it is planned to start making them soon here in Jura."

"Very good! Tell me... what will they be made of?" Robin smiled a big smile, then quickly it disappeared and asked seriously again

"All furnaces are made of iron, but the iron must be very dense in order to withstand the heat... But since you asked for the best known furnaces, we will be lining the furnaces from the inside with metals stronger than iron, which will take some additional cost and time until the knights finish the lining process... Why all these questions ?"

"Iron... Iron... No, it won't work... Tell me, Billy, are there certain metals that can be said to have the attribute of the fire element?"

"Hmmm, metals? No, I can not think of something like that.. but there are a lot of known stones that have a high fire attribute." Billy replied curtly, he still didn't know what they were talking about...

"Stones? ...Can metal melting furnaces be built with these stones?"

"Of course not!! The least raw that can be used in building any furnace is iron, and the thickness of the walls of the furnace must be at least a foot to resist the high temperature inside, and that's for the basic known furnaces, not a furnace that can melt more than just iron as you want! If the entire body was made of just fire stones, the furnace itself would melt after the first experiment!"

Robin nodded seriously and then continued, ".... Makes sense... are there other problems with making the furnace from those fire stones than the threat of being destroyed?"

Billy shook his head, "No, the furnaces have to be huge, almost closed bodies, that can handle intense heat, there are no other requirements."

"This will increase my work a bit, but it's okay... Listen, Billy, I want you to start collecting those Fire Attribute Stones and just build the furnaces with them, don't put any metal or stone that doesn't have Fire Attribute!"

Billy was shocked by what Robin said, "What are you saying, brother? That's like building a huge castle with only sand, you must-"

Robin interrupted, "Just listen! Don't worry about the furnaces melting, I'll figure it out!"

"...as you wish" Billy shrugged, not knowing what to say more

"When will the furnace construction be finished?" Robin asked again

"You asked for 5 huge factories, so each of them needs at least 5 furnaces, that is a total of 25 furnaces, and now they all have to be built of fire stones which will take more time than expected, hmmm... I don't think we'll finish the last furnace before 10 Months from now if we start today!"

"Ten months? ... that would do as well, we will still have a month before the deadline, start today!" After the last word, Robin turned and moved towards his house again with even faster steps...


With not a moment of delaying, Robin went back to his room and to meditation, but his features indicate that he is in pain!

A day quickly passed since he spoke with Billy... he didn't move a single inch yet, trying with all he got to find solutions to a situation that has become much more complicated...

The primary idea that Robin reached before was to figure out a replacement for the beast hide with something else because the beast's hide could not handle continuous activation of something that is fire related. 

He needed something strong to handle continuous activation, something fire related to channel the fire attribute, something that can be used perfectly inside a furnace and handle the intense heat... 

And all this in consideration, what would be better than drawing directly on the melting furnaces!

But he is still limited by the certain characteristics the thing written on must have in order to work, if he needs to activate a fire pattern then he needs a fire related material to draw on... thus he rushed to ask the Patriarch before he went too far in his thinking... 

He needs something that is tough that can withstand enough heat to melt very hard metals, but on the condition that it has a fiery element for it to act as a moderator for the pattern...

But speaking with Billy, it is clear that there isn't any known material that can handle such heat...

Fire attribute rocks are still the best choice to receive the pattern and act as a medium, But it didn't end just like that... this raised another problem that must be addressed, a way to protect the rocks from the heat!

Simply... he needs to discover a pattern in order to generate intense heat, and then create another pattern to reduce the effect of heat on the fire rocks furnaces!

He needs to create something and its nemeses, then make them work together in the same closed environment...

After two more days, he finally moved to his disk and began drawing a pattern for heat generation...

A week passed in the blink of an eye, then the second... the third...

This was Robin's biggest pattern to date...

The pattern was too large for one scroll, after a few failed attempts to squeeze it in one scroll, in the end, he placed 6 scrolls next to each other so that he could barely make out the outlines.

The fourth week.. the fifth week.. the seventh!!

Finally, after two full months of trying to perfect the pattern, and after Robin destroyed countless scrolls, the final form of the heat generation pattern finally took shape!

On this day, Robin came out of his room with long, untrimmed hair and an incomplete beard that has a few hairless spots... 

Robin's new body now is about 15 and half years old, he is a teenager all over again!

he already gained a few inches since his *resurrection* and is already as the same height as Mila, his voice thickened, and his facial features are becoming more manly with every passing day

He would actually feel embarrassed seeing himself going through this again if not for the fact that he is too busy to notice...

he will keep this process of normal aging until he reaches adulthood then the body will begin to devour cultivation energy partially instead of just life force, which will slow down the aging process...


Zara was sitting in meditating position at this moment, the past 3 months have been extremely busy for her, but also extremely beneficial...

she has been very busy making new talismans and pills daily, but not even close to as pressed as before!

now she doesn't have a certain quota she needs to meet like before when she had to prepare the monthly talismans for the Bradleys and the Burtons, now whatever she makes goes to the auction house to be sold... so even if she made one talisman daily it would be all good!

that and as she gets stronger, her soul power strengthens as well and the number of daily talismans she can make with the same effort would only increase!

She still worked hard to make more money for her new dad, but at the same time she now had time to play with her new friends and cultivate in peace

during the last two months, she reached the eighth level of energy cultivation, and started laying the foundation toward the next level!

  But at this moment as she was cultivating, as usual, she was surprised as she heard the sound of steps coming her way, and shortly after, Robin appeared coming towards her with messy hair and red eyes.

But before you could ask him what's going on, he spoke first, "Take those, these six scrolls are one big pattern that will be used to draw on a large project soon, and it will have to be done from the first try without any mistakes... Go to Billy too and tell him not to send the finished furnaces he to the factories, there are many adjustments to be made on them, they should not leave Jura City before I give the order for them to leave."

"Yes!" Zara nodded straight away.


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