Lord of the Truth

Chapter 103

The saint finally surrendered his fate to heaven and shouted, "L... la... lady Mila, she.. she is going to marry Robin Burton!!"

He said the sentence quickly and raised both hands in front of his face to defend himself against the coming attacks... But no attack came... All he heard a few seconds later was:

"Hahaha congratulations, Galan!"

"Oh, I wish I had a daughter like Mila..."

"Our resources used for nurturing her were not wasted in vain!! Hahaha"

even those who wanted to kick Galan out of his chair as Duke sighed and shook their heads, they all knew that his weakness has turned into absolute strength, but even then they smiled after and began to congratulate Galan... this news was far too important for the family as a whole, the inner conflicts can wait! 

Welcoming and bless wishing... So far the saint who came with the news and was afraid of becoming a punching bag for them to release their anger upon... has not heard a single objection!

He quickly looked toward the person most concerned, toward Galan...

And, he found him... crying?

"Thank the heavens... I was too afraid to put this proposal with the group, I was afraid that my little girl's confidence in herself would be shattered if that blatant brat refused... I can't believe that things took that path by themselves.. Thank the heavens..." Galan muttered in a low voice and a satisfied smile...

After all, he is a father... and he has always thought about the issue of his daughter's marriage since she was still a teenager, he was always concerned about who would take his daughter from him... And not once had dreamed of a better partner for her...

He was intending to support Robin with everything he got any way to gain some approval from him and make him satisfied enough to involve the Bradleys in his innovations and future plans, 

that young man, when he had in his head that he wanted to punish the majestic kingdom of Dolivar that stood lofty for thousands of years, he took half a duchy from them!!

But now he is no longer worried about finding ways to please him all the time, he now is his son-in-law... 

A good husband for his daughter and a strong ally, and his position is no longer threatened! This is the best outcome he can hope for!!

After a few seconds, Galan gathered himself back together and asked the saint, "Tell everything from the beginning until you arrived here... "


Immediately after the meeting had ended, messengers from the family came out announcing in the streets that Saint Mila Bradley had been betrothed to Robin Burton.

The news fell on all residents of the Duchy of Bradley like a thunderbolt!

Mila is the number one genius of the kingdom and one of its most beautiful women, got engaged just like that? And for an unknown person?!

Robin may be very important among the upper class of the two families in addition to the royal family ... But he was definitely not known to the vast majority in the kingdom, only members of his family know him as someone who is very lucky at adopting kids!

In fact, even Caesar is much more famous than him.

The news traveled as if they had wings, within hours it began to spread outward from the Duchy of Bradley to the neighboring duchies and then further and further.

Soon it reached Jura in the Duchy of Alton, and its inhabitants were astonished and asked for clarification from the elders of the Burton family, who confirmed these rumors!

That very day that started as normal for the residents of Jura City has turned into a holiday!

The kingdom's number one genius, the lady that her beauty would put any woman in the kingdom in shame... will become the wife of one of their own!

Although they did not know *why Robin*, as they don't Robin is the source of the talismans or what this marriage really represents... Even if it is just a marriage in name between the two families, this is still wonderful!!

Joy.. shock.. questioning.. conflicting feelings swept the general public in the kingdom, as there was no one who had not heard of Mila Bradley before

But the real impact of the news was on the elite of the kingdom...

Duchy of Alton - home of Duke Raymond Alton

"DAMN IT!" The Duke smashed the handle of his chair and rose to his feet when the knight standing before him told him the news.

"We're too late…" The Duke gritted his teeth until the knight felt that he was about to smash him as well

Little did the knight know that the Duke had been arguing with his elders for a while and was trying to find ways to connect himself with the Burton family... 

the family that added half a duchy to them and made the Duchy of Alton the largest among all the duchies of the Black Sun Realm by a large margin!

He did not know anything about Robin himself, but there is no doubt that these talismans suddenly appeared in the two families of Burton and Bradley...

 He has no authority over the Bradleys, they are as strong as him if not a little stronger... so his only hope is to find a way to control the Burton family to benefit from them with these talismans

Of course, without making enmity with them, he certainly did not want to find himself in the position of the Duchy of Tinley...

The initial plan was for him to be a little late before he started his attempts so that his goal would not seem very clear, maybe try to start some talks when the time to receive the taxes from the Burtons come, and then he might offer some army's expertise or gifts or money or.. etc~

But the Bradley family is still blocking the way for him!

The marriage of Mila Bradley to a nameless person in the Burton family clearly shows that it is not really a marriage, but rather is there as a mere facade for Mila to control the Burton family from the inside because she has namely become one of them...

Now the Bradley family is truly the sole owner of the talismans in the kingdom!

...these were not only the ideas of Raymond Alton but technically all the dukes of the kingdom!

Having Mila Bradley as a wife in the Burton family has blocked for them the idea of ​​trying to control the Burtons... the only option left is courting!

The only ones who knew the real dimension behind this announcement were Sage Albert and a selective few in the intelligence department...

This marriage was not an excuse for the Bradley family to interfere in the Burton family's affairs... Rather, it was really a marriage at the highest level.

"That bastard Galan.. he must be dancing naked in his palace by now." Sage Albert shook his head when he heard the news, "I must confess.. he played it right, I wish I was as shameless as him, sigh~..."


As for the person concerned himself, he was oblivious to all this... After that short meeting, Robin returned to his room immediately to complete what he was doing.

For him, this stage is the most exciting in the research process. 

The process in general, no matter how different the fields he is researching them are, is divided into four stages.

First - identifying the problem: 

identifying the thing that is missing or that needs to be developed or changed, for example, when Robin knew that he needed to find something to strengthen his soul power.. this was done.

Second - Examining the aspects of the problem: 

At this point, he begins to collect all possible information about the thing he wants to search for, so that it is clear to him, for example, the experiences of the extent of the spiritual sense that led him to see the pattern of spiritual strength, this also has already taken place.

Third - Finding a way to solve the problem: 

After knowing everything about the problem and gathering the necessary information, the process of finding ways to transform this information into a tangible solution that can be used for everyone, for example, finding a way to strengthen the spirit, begins, this is the next step.

Fourth - write a detailed explanation *technique* that everyone can easily use, and this concludes the research.

And the most enjoyable part in all of this is undoubtedly the third step because then he can use all of what he knew to come up with something new that no one knew before

the sense of pride he feels whenever he finishes one this stage in any research is unparalleled, and the process itself is filled with thinking and conclusions, that is what really can elevate him as a researcher...

And it's time to find a solution to strengthen the soul based on everything he knows so far!


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