Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 589: immortal

  Chapter 589 Undead

   Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo!

  The blood-colored giant with four arms regained its original shape. Although it was impossible to see because of Lindy's dark night eyes, it locked the position of Felin who attacked it through Felin's attack.

  Huge blood-colored spears appeared in the four arms, and they were thrown together.

  Swift like blood-colored lightning, with terrifying momentum, it roared and attacked Felin.


  Felin's complexion remained unchanged, and he used one of the extraordinary abilities of the secret silver mirror to defend, and a huge mirror with a length and width of tens of meters appeared in front of him.


  The four huge blood-colored spears hit the huge mirror almost at the same time.

  Under the extraordinary ability of defense, the originally fragile mirror has a hardness more than a hundred times that of a diamond.

  The four huge blood-colored spears hit the huge mirror, which only caused the huge mirror to shake slightly, and then became exhausted.

  Collapsed and turned into a **** liquid, corroding the ground in front of the huge mirror into four deep potholes.

   "Is it immortal, or just immune to physical attacks?"

  Let the huge mirror disappear, and Flynn looked at the blood-colored giant with four arms, guessing the reason why the blood-colored giant is not dead.

   "You restrain this four-armed blood-colored giant, and let me attack."

  Lindy noticed that the four arms of the Scarlet Giant were intact under Felin's attack, and guessed that the Scarlet Giant's ability might restrain Felin, so she said to Felin.


  Felin nodded, and the mysterious gun in the form of a sniper rifle in his hand turned into a rifle.

   Bang, bang, bang!

  Holding a mysterious gun in the form of a rifle, the bullets were fired one after another, attacking the four-armed scarlet giant.

  The air was violently stirred by the extremely fast flying bullets, and wrapped around the bullets, each bullet was like a tornado.


   Noticing the abnormal air flow caused by the incoming bullets, the blood-colored giant with four arms opened its giant palms, and slapped the incoming bullets with palms that were even bigger than the grinding disc.

   As a result, he was naturally unable to stop it. After all, Fei Lin, as an extraordinary of the three secret arts, had to surpass ordinary extraordinary in combat power.

  Puff, puff, puff!

   Explosions came from the blood-colored giant one after another, and with the explosions, its body was disintegrating.

  First the four palms, then the rest of the body, and soon, its body was out of shape.

  However, it can be clearly seen that the body it shattered and splattered is flowing back and repairing its body under the action of some force.

   While being damaged, it is also being repaired.

   "Corrupting Light."

   At this time, Lindy made a move.

  A huge black beam of light with corrosive power attacked the inhuman four-armed blood-colored giant.

  Even the arms were blown up and disappeared, so the blood-colored giant with four arms naturally had no time to resist the huge black beam of light that struck.

  The huge black beam of light hit the four-armed blood-colored giant, and the four-armed blood-colored giant was corroded, and a hideous corrosion wound appeared.

   "Is it immortality or the ability to be immune to physical attacks?"

  Ferrin's eyes fixed on the corrosive wounds on the four-armed blood-colored giant.

  Under the light of Lindy's corruption, part of the body of the four-armed blood-colored giant has been corroded and disappeared, becoming non-existent.

  If the Scarlet Giant's immortality is only for physical attacks, the corroded wounds will not heal.

  If the Scarlet Giant has a truly immortal body, then that part of the corroded wound should be able to heal.

   "Recovering, the Scarlet Giant has a truly immortal body!"

  Under Feline's gaze, the scarlet giant's wounds corroded by the corrosive light are recovering rapidly.

  And this shows that the scarlet giant's immortality is not just for physical attacks, but the real immortality.

   "It's troublesome, I actually have an immortal body."

  Lindy also noticed this situation, her beautiful brows were slightly frowned, and she looked at Flynn and said.

   "Abilities are mutual restraints. Immortality is not true immortality. If you encounter a restrained extraordinary ability, you can still kill it. Try other abilities."

   While speaking, she used the secret art of puppet chess, and two black mage chess appeared in front of her.

   Rapidly grows larger, turning into two mage puppets of normal human size wearing mage robes.


  The two puppet mages used lightning magic at the same time, and two thick and winding lightning bolts attacked the blood-red giant with four arms recovering.


  Two scorched black marks appeared on the four-armed blood-colored giant.

  However, the same situation as before appeared.

  The two scorched black marks are rapidly recovering. Obviously, lightning cannot restrain the immortal body of the blood-colored giant.

   "Extraordinary blessing."

  Received Lindy's reminder, Flynn's thoughts flashed quickly.

  Quickly take out the dead eye from the panel, and bless it on the mysterious gun, endowing the mysterious gun with the light of death when touched.

  Puff, puff, puff!

  The four-armed blood-colored giant who had just recovered exploded again and again.

  Under the explosion, one after another hideous wounds appeared on the four-armed blood-colored giant.

   The flesh and blood at the hideous wound was black, which was destroyed by the light of death.

  The death light of the dead eye destroyed the flesh and blood on the four-armed blood-colored giant.

"Or not!"

  Under Felin's watchful eyes, the originally black wounds on the four-armed blood-colored giant disappeared, turned blood-red again, and recovered quickly.

   Dying Light is not enough to kill the Scarlet Giant.

   "What if the body is completely destroyed in an instant?"

  The mysterious gun in Feilin's hand quickly turned into a sniper rifle, aimed at the four-armed blood-colored giant, and fired bullets containing extraordinary abilities.

  If the body is completely destroyed with the annihilating extraordinary ability, the mysterious points obtained will be greatly reduced, but now I don't care about that much.


  The bullets hit the blood-colored giant's limbs and arms, and then burst into silver light.

  Silver light wrapped the blood-colored giant with four arms, like a silver light cocoon.


  The silver light disappeared, and the body of the blood-colored giant with four arms also disappeared, leaving nothing left.

   "Is it dead?"

  Ferrin and Lindy both stared at the place where the four-armed blood-colored giant disappeared, waiting for the result of the blow.

   Didn't show up again!

  The four-armed blood-colored giant did not reappear.

  ‘Even if you have an immortal body, you can’t recover if your body is completely annihilated. '

   Just when Flynn and Lindy thought so.


  A long way from the body of the four-armed blood-colored giant disappeared, the lake stirred violently, and a huge monster broke through the blood-colored lake and appeared on the surface of the lake.

  It was a blood-colored giant with a height of more than 20 meters, with four extremely eye-catching arms. It looked exactly the same as the blood-colored giant whose body was destroyed by Flynn's extraordinary ability just now.

   Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo!

After   appeared, a huge blood-colored spear condensed from all four arms, roaring and attacking Flynn's direction.

   "Rifle form."

  The mysterious gun in the shape of a sniper rifle in Feilin's hand changed into a rifle shape, and a series of bullets were shot out, hitting the huge **** spear that was attacking.

  The huge blood-colored spear shattered halfway, turning into rain of blood.

   Scattered on the ground, immediately corroding the ground with hideous traces everywhere.

   "The blood-colored giant has an immortal body. Let's retreat first and go to a safe place to discuss how to crack the blood-colored giant's immortal body."

   Said Herbert, the deputy chief curator of Silver Sword.

  When Flynn and Lindy attacked the four-armed blood-colored giant, he and Roland also used their own extraordinary abilities to attack other blood-colored giants.

  The result is the same, the other blood-colored giants also have immortal bodies. Although their attacks can cause damage to the blood-colored giant, they will recover soon, and they cannot kill the blood-colored giant at all.


  Flynn and Lindy nodded.

  The four of Felin retreated away from the **** lake, dispelling the extraordinary ability of the night.

  The five blood-colored giants did not chase after the blood-colored lake, but instead pursued the retreating Felin four.

   After discovering that the "enemy" had retreated, it sank into the lake and disappeared.

  The blood-colored lake became calm again, like a huge blood-colored mirror.


  A scarlet blood male cultist walked quickly into a lounge, and there were two people in the lounge.

  One of them was a handsome middle-aged man, who was Pope Juran Bakda of Scarlet Blood.

  The other person is a woman with long blood-red hair and a mole on her left eyebrow.

  This person is the new supercar Karina Dorn of Scarlet Blood.

   "Your Majesty the Pope, it's bad, the singularity has been found!"

  The male cultist quickly walked into the room and reported to Pope Zhulan of Scarlet Blood.

   "Did you find it?"

   Hearing that the singularity had been discovered, Julan didn't panic.

   It has been nearly a month since the singularity appeared. Under the vigorous search of the Security Bureau and Silver Sword, the discovery of the singularity did not exceed his expectations.

   "I see, you go down."

  He waved his hand to signal the male cultist to leave. Although the male cultist was puzzled and didn't understand why the Pope's reaction was so flat, he still obeyed the order and left the lounge.

   "His Majesty the Pope is not worried about the restoration of the singularity?"

  The male cultist didn’t dare to ask, although his heart was not simple. However, Karina, who is extraordinary, has the qualifications. He asked Julan.

   "To restore the singularity, the premise is to be able to kill the five blood-colored giants guarding the singularity. Those five blood-colored giants are not easy to kill."

   Zhu Lan said confidently.

   "There is a three-secret technique in the Security Bureau, the extraordinary Felin Sox, can't even he kill the Scarlet Giant?"

  Karina is a little bit unconvinced.

  Every time he talks about Flynn Sox, he can clearly feel Julan's fear of Flyn Sox. One can imagine the power of Flynn Sox, who is extraordinary in the three secret arts.

  How could such a powerful Felin Sox not have the ability to kill those five blood-colored giants.



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