Lord of the People: My Explosion Rate is 100%

Vol 2 Chapter 1465: Let the war begin! Firm seal! (4000 words big

 Chapter 1465 The war begins! Firm seal! (4000 words long chapter)

 Zhou Zhan and Wanxie Demon Lord looked up at the army of the Ultimate Void Clan.

 At the beginning, they were still confused as to why these ultimate void gods did not attack them.

  But quickly.

Wanxie Demon Lord and Zhou Zhan discovered the massive war machines, war treasures, and military formations among the more than 50 billion ultimate void gods.

 There are many supreme god-level machines, treasures and military formations among them.

 At this time, they are rapidly accumulating energy. After accumulating energy, they will release their shocking blow.

When the Demon Lord Wanxie saw this scene, his face immediately turned pale.

He immediately looked around, and sure enough he found that they were surrounded by multiple supreme god-level formations. They were now simply turtles in a urn, unable to escape even if they wanted to.

 “It’s a bit difficult.”

The Wanxie Demon Lord's face looked ugly.

 He looked at Zhou Zhan and found that the other person still looked calm and calm.

 The Lord of All Evils couldn't help but be curious when he saw this.

This common man brother is obviously just a reserve member of the Supreme Lord who has just been promoted, but why does it seem that he is more calm than him in the face of this kind of crisis?

 He has several treasures in his hands that have been bestowed by the supreme will, and he is confident that he can protect himself, so he is so calm.

Where is the common emperor?

The time for His rise was too short. The Supreme Will probably didn’t give the other side many good things, right?

 “Brothers of the common people.”

“The other side is about to attack, what are your ways to deal with it?”

The Wanxie Demon Lord couldn't help but ask.


 Zhou Zhandao.


 All the evil demon lords were stunned.

Just when he wanted to ask more questions, he saw Zhou Zhan's eyes suddenly condense.


He said in a deep voice.

 What's coming?

Wanxie Demon Lord subconsciously looked up, and his expression suddenly changed.

 I saw the massive war machines, war treasures and military formations, which had already accumulated all their energy.

They are aiming at the army of the Kingdom of the Sun and the Demon Lord of All Evils, and are ready to attack at any time.

 The Lord of All Evils looked from afar.

It seems that he can see the leader of the fourth-order void supreme **** Luoda, smile at them, and spit out a word.

'die. ’

 The next second.

Hum boom boom boom boom…

The earth-shattering artillery fire, carrying the terrifying power of the Supreme Law, is like a dense meteor shower of world-destroying stars, attacking the tens of billions of gods and gods of the Sun Kingdom and the evil demon lord.

In addition, various supreme god-level treasures also emitted the light of various laws and rushed towards Zhou Zhan and the army of Wanxie Demon Lord.

 Finally, there are various military formation spirits at the highest **** level.

They hold various weapons, and together with the army of the Ultimate Void Clan, behind the war machines and war treasures, they rush towards the army of the Kingdom of the Sun and the army of the All-Evil Demon Lord.

 The Lord of All Evils’ pupils narrowed.

When Zhou Zhan saw this, he took out ten supreme artifacts without hesitation, and then threw them directly into the ultimate void army.

 Then He did something that none of the gods expected.

He said softly:


The words just fell.

The ten supreme artifacts, which were enough to make countless supreme gods greedy for them, exploded on the spot!

 Its power is almost equivalent to twenty supreme gods self-destructing at the same time!

Rumble, rumble, rumble…

 The final void battlefield suddenly became silent.

 But in this silence, there are countless gods, true gods and even supreme gods of the ultimate void clan quietly falling into it.

And nearly one-third of the attack that the Ultimate Void clan had been preparing for a long time was forcibly offset by this shocking explosion.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhan did not hesitate to take out twenty more first-order supreme artifacts, and then threw them directly in front of the army of the Ultimate Void Clan, causing them to self-destruct one after another.

Hum boom boom boom boom…

 At this moment.

Heaven and earth are covered by the brilliance of various laws.

 Both sides couldn't even see each other's armies, only the bright and violent explosions of light.

  After a long time.

 When the light gradually dissipates.

After coming back to his senses, the Wanxie Demon Lord immediately looked over, and then took a breath of shock at the scene in front of him.

I saw that the army of more than 50 billion ultimate void gods that existed just now had dropped by as much as one billion!

 And even the supreme gods have lost two of them.

More than 3,000 main gods also fell!

And the army of gods under his command only lost more than 50 million gods.

And there is not even a single supreme **** among them, and only more than five hundred main gods have fallen.


 This is also an extremely shocking loss.

 In the past, He could have been distressed for hundreds of years.

 But the other party suffered more losses!

 Such a comparison, Wanxie Demon Lord immediately felt comfortable.

 When he saw the number of casualties in the Sun Kingdom in Zhou Zhan, he was stunned.

 Because he discovered that the army of gods from the Kingdom of the Sun seemed to have nothing to do at this time. They were still standing in neat rows in the void, as if they were ready to fight at any time.

And among them, there is not a single fallen god!

Not to mention the fall of the supreme god, not even the main god, the true **** or even the ordinary gods, not a single one of the Sun Kingdom has fallen.

 At most, it’s just a little injured.

 But even this injury healed quickly due to their own powerful recovery ability.

 Zero deaths!

 The Lord of All Evils murmured in his heart.

How is it possible?

Even ten supreme gods could not stop the volley attack of the Ultimate Void Army just now. Even if Zhou Zhan used the self-destruction of thirty supreme artifacts to offset most of the power of the opponent's volley, the remaining The aftermath was enough to cost him a lot.

 How can there be zero deaths?

Of course the Lord of All Evils doesn’t know.

Zhou Zhan's subordinates didn't die at all, but they were automatically resurrected in an instant when they died, so he thought they died at zero.

 Come back to your senses.

Wanxie Demon Lord looked at Zhou Zhan with a complex look in his eyes.

He just now realized something most important.

His common brother actually used the self-destruction of thirty supreme artifacts to offset and counterattack the opponent's strongest first round of attack.

 Although it was resolved successfully.

 But Wanxie Demon Lord still feels very heartbroken.

That is a total of thirty supreme artifacts!

It’s enough to fully arm the five supreme gods!

 You just threw it out and blew yourself up? !

Even if they are only first-order supreme artifacts, you can’t make them like this!

 The will-level beings will call you a prodigal when they see it!

As for why the Common Emperor has so many supreme artifacts, although Demon Lord Wanxie is confused, he also knows that this is not a good time to ask about such a thing.

 Let’s ask this question again when we have time.

at the same time.

 The rear of the army of the Ultimate Void Clan. Roda, Aidu and Amuro all looked blankly at the battlefield below.

 “Just now...did I read it correctly?”

Amuro said blankly.

 “That’s right.”

Ai Du narrowed his eyes slightly, unable to hide the shock in his eyes, "This fourth reserve of the Supreme Lord, in order to deal with our first round of the most violent offensive, he self-destructed thirty first-order supreme artifacts!"

“Although the losses were heavy, it is undeniable that He succeeded.”

“Not only was our first round of offensive ineffective, we even suffered a lot of losses on our side. Even two of our companions, the Supreme God, were killed.”

“Now I will be criticized by the Emperor of the Void when I go back.”

 Aidu sighed.

 “The Emperor of Common Life…”

Luoda stared at the Cangsheng Emperor below.

“I thought I had overestimated you to the greatest extent, so I specially summoned a large army to attack, and even personally borrowed treasures from the Void Emperor. Unexpectedly, I still underestimated you.”

“Are you really willing to give up thirty pieces of supreme artifacts?”

 Loda shook his head.

They, the Ultimate Void race, are the most unrestricted race in the Ultimate Void environment, so they are the most able to live in the Ultimate Void like a fish in water.

 Because of this.

 The treasures from the Ultimate Void that other races can’t hope to obtain can be easily obtained by their Ultimate Void race.

Although this kind of harvest is very random, over tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even longer years, the Ultimate Void Clan has accumulated a lot of racial heritage.

Just like the main artifact and the supreme artifact, the main **** and the supreme **** of the ultimate void clan have at least one in their hands.

 Some wealthy main gods and supreme gods own several or even a complete set of artifacts.

Currently, some of the main artifacts and supreme artifacts circulating in the Supreme Universe and the Scarlet Universe were seized from their Ultimate Void Clan, but the Ultimate Void Clan doesn't care about this, and sometimes they even take the initiative to give away artifacts. To win over the gods in the Supreme Universe and the Scarlet Universe.

It can be seen that they have a large number of artifacts!

 But he didn’t expect it either.

 Their Ultimate Void clan is very wealthy in terms of artifacts.

 But this fourth reserve of the Supreme Lord, who comes from the Supreme Will, seems to be exactly the same.

 No, it’s not bad!

Luoda couldn't help but click her tongue when she thought of the scene where thirty supreme artifacts exploded at the same time just now.

 Throwing thirty supreme artifacts at the same time in one breath doesn’t hurt.

Such a feat, even among their ultimate void clan, can only those will-level beings be able to do it, right?

 Where did this guy, a newly promoted Supreme Lord reserve, come from so many supreme artifacts?

Luoda gritted her teeth and thought.

He didn’t have time to think too much and immediately ordered:

 “Continue to attack the army of the Demon Lord of All Evils and the Emperor of the Living World.”

“It doesn’t matter if the first round of attacks is ineffective. Our troops, war machines, and supreme gods are far more numerous than theirs.”

 “If you pile them up in numbers, you can pile them to death.”

 Loda thought for a while and added:

“Find a few other top supreme gods who are good at assassination to surround and kill the Emperor of the People and the Demon Lord of All Evils. Especially the Emperor of the People, he is the key target for assassination. He must be killed first!”

 “As long as the emperor of the world is immortal, I feel that there will be other surprises.”


"Then let me go. It is the safest choice for me to personally assassinate the Emperor of the People."

 Aidu said immediately.

 Loda nodded.

Aidu himself is an assassin-type fourth-level supreme god. Among the supreme gods present, Aidu ranks second in terms of assassination ability, and no other **** dares to rank first.

 When He goes, Luoda will be most at ease.

When Amuro saw this scene, he was very envious and jealous.

 But he knows his own business, and his fighting style is completely that of a warrior. He is really not good at this assassin's job.

 “This guy Aidu has achieved a huge feat for free.”

He muttered.


at the same time.

 Inside the army of the Kingdom of the Sun.

 Zhou Zhan saw that in the first round of fighting, after he had forcibly gained a one-round advantage, although he was calm on the surface, he was relieved in his heart.

 It’s good if you win.

 Just the same level of offensive.

 Zhou Zhan couldn't think of any other way to solve an attack of that level in a short time, except for using a large number of supreme divine weapons to self-destruct.

 As for the thirty supreme artifacts consumed?

Zhou Zhan took a look at the supreme artifacts in his first treasure house, which were piled as high as a hill and numbered in the tens of thousands. He felt in his heart that it was just thirty first-order supreme artifacts, which was really not a big deal.

The gods of the Ultimate Void clan especially have a lot of artifacts on their bodies. Each Ultimate Void God has at least one artifact on his body, and it is not uncommon for many to have a whole set of artifacts on his body.

With the help of the Tianyun Emperor and various titles, the true artifact, the main artifact, and the supreme artifact were all destroyed by Zhou Zhan.

After a while, Zhou Zhan is confident that even if he creates the supreme **** and compares the number of supreme artifacts with him, Zhou Zhan is confident that he can win the opponent.

 At this moment.

 Zhou Zhan saw the army of the Ultimate Void Clan, after experiencing a round of self-destruction of the Supreme Artifact, attacking them again, he subconsciously wanted to use the Son of Destiny.

 But at this moment.

 A dark premonition prevented Him from releasing it.

  ‘That’s not right. ’

‘Since the Supreme God Yan Gong is the other party’s traitor, he will most likely tell the other party about my ability to instigate rebellion. ’

 ‘The other party cannot be unprepared when they know my abilities. ’

Zhou Zhan thought for a while, and while asking the soldiers to resist the attack of the ultimate void army, he took out the Bodhi statue and asked:

“Bodhisattva, what is the method used by the other party to prevent me from using the Son of Destiny? Who is it on?”

 “Two formal question-answering opportunities.”


Zhou Zhan agreed without hesitation.

"The other party's method of preventing you from using the Son of Destiny is a will-level treasure called the 'Steadfast Treasure Seal'. This treasure was accidentally obtained by the Void Emperor from the Ultimate Void. I don't know which other universe it came from. It was originally the opponent's treasure. One, the effect is specifically designed to resist the demagoguery of a man of destiny like you."

"Later, when Luo Da learned about this from the Supreme God Yan Gong, he reported it to the Emperor of the Void. After the Emperor of the Void learned about it, he gave him this treasure and asked him to use it to deal with you."

Bodhi Zundao.

“In other words, as long as I get the Seal of Firmness from Luo Da, I can use the Son of Destiny normally?”

 Zhou Zhandao.

 “That’s right.”

 Zun Bodhi nodded.

"I see."

 Zhou Zhan nodded slightly.

 Then He looked at the Lord of All Evils:

 “Brother Demon Lord, do you want to make a deal?”

 Zhou Zhan asked.

 “What deal?”

The Wanxie Demon Lord originally wanted to join the battle in person, but he didn't expect the Emperor of the Commons to say such a word, which made him freeze on the spot.

Zhou Zhan said:

“Let’s join forces to kill Naroda, the Supreme God of the Void, and then I will give you victory in the war before your eyes!”



Wanxie Demon Lord nodded without hesitation, and then asked:

 “Which one is Loda?”

 Zhou Zhan: “…”


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