Lord of the People: My Explosion Rate is 100%

Vol 2 Chapter 1450: Advanced divine kingdom! Pet Dragon God

 Chapter 1450 Advanced Divine Kingdom! Pet - Dragon God of All Heavens!

Zhou Zhou looked at the ultimate void crystal in his hand.

This ultimate void crystal was naturally separated from the star core of the void base in Kais City.

At first, Zhou Zhan didn't care at all. He just regarded it as a pure pollutant and threw it into the first treasure house for collection.

  Unexpectedly, this is an important material that can be used to upgrade the territory.

“If one void base star core can produce an ultimate void crystal, then shouldn’t I gather two more ultimate void crystals, that is, conquer two void bases, and then I can meet the conditions for this?”

 “It’s not difficult.”

Zhou Zhou nodded slightly.

"Looking at it this way, I have met most of the conditions for promotion to the lower realm of the Lord God."

 “Only the Chaos Divine Treasure and the Ultimate Void Crystal are not enough.”


"Within three days, I will be able to promote the territory to the lower-level territory of the Lord God!"

Zhou Zhou thought to himself.

  He then opened the requirements for the Sun Kingdom to be promoted from an intermediate divine kingdom to a high-level divine kingdom.

After the last upgrade, he was busy with other things and actually forgot about it.


 Upgrade information appears.

 [Name of the Kingdom of God: Kingdom of the Sun]

  [God Lord: Sun God Lord]

 [Divine Kingdom Level: Intermediate Divine Kingdom]

 [Flag of the Kingdom of God: Stars Gathering the Sun]

[Army of the Kingdom of God: Legion of the Sun (upper level of True God), Legion of Monsters (upper level of True God), Legion of Dragon God (upper level of True God), Legion of Ten Thousand Races (upper level of True God), Tiantu Army (upper level of True God), Homeland Defense Legion (upper level of True God) ]

[Required conditions for promotion to the advanced divine kingdom: the territory level is promoted to the true **** superior level (satisfied), the divine capital area level is advanced to the true **** level (satisfied), 1000 true **** superior crystals (satisfied), and conquered 10 scarlet lords Intermediate divine kingdoms under his command (10/10) (satisfied), conquer 5 intermediate divine kingdoms not under the Scarlet Lord (5/5) (satisfied), conquer any high-level divine kingdom-level lord force and own it The True God Superior Order (1/1) (satisfied), 100 million independent regional territories, 1 million race heroes (satisfied), 10,000 gods of this race (satisfied), and 3 copies of this book The racial artifact of the race (5/5) (satisfied), having 50 true god-level offerings of this race (satisfied), and the lord’s own strength level reaching the true **** level (satisfied)! ]

 Total satisfaction in one go!

Zhou Zhou nodded slightly.

 I am not very surprised.

 With his current strength and power, it would be strange if he still did not meet the conditions for promotion.

 “Now that I’m satisfied.”

 “Then get promoted directly!”

 He said to himself.

 Then he directly thought about promotion in his mind.

 The next second.

 The written prompt appeared before Him.

  [Prompt: You have met all the conditions for promotion to a high-level divine kingdom. Do you want to promote the Sun Divine Kingdom to a high-level divine kingdom? ]


 Zhou Zhoudao.

  [Prompt: You have one opportunity to change the location of the divine capital. Do you want to change/keep it? ]


  [Tip: Your choice is confirmed! ]

  [Tip: Your lord’s territory—the Intermediate Divine Kingdom—the Sun Divine Kingdom is being promoted...]

  [Tip: Successfully promoted! ]

  [Congratulations, your intermediate divine kingdom lord territory - Jiaoyang Divine Kingdom, has been officially promoted to high-level divine kingdom lord territory - Jiaoyang Divine Kingdom! ]

  [Tip: You can show your Kingdom of God territory level on any channel! ]

Zhou Zhou nodded slightly.

 Finally promoted to a high-level divine kingdom-level lord force.

 Now he can be regarded as one of the top racial forces and lord forces in the world.

 Perhaps the word ‘one’ can also be removed.

 At this time.

 A new text prompt appeared in front of Zhou Zhou, and at the same time it resounded in the ears of all living beings in the world.

[Announcement of Ten Thousand Clans: Congratulations to the Supreme Lord Reserve - Lord Sun, for successfully promoting his Kingdom of God territory to a high-level Kingdom of God territory. As a reward, the Supreme Lord Reserve Treasure Box +1, and the High-level Kingdom Treasure Box +1! Legend level +10000! Myth level +100! ]

 [Announcement of all races: Congratulations to the Supreme Lord Reserve - Lord of the Sun...]

 [Announcement of all races: Congratulations to the Supreme Lord Reserve - Lord of the Sun...]

 Zhou Zhou smiled slightly when he saw this.

 He opens the lord channel of all races and the battle channel of all races.

Sure enough, I found that the lords of all races and the gods of all races inside were talking about the promotion of the Sun Kingdom to a high-level god-level lord force.

[The Wanling Tribe congratulates the Fourth Reserve of the Supreme Lord on his promotion to the Lord of the High-level Kingdom of God! ]

  [The Fairy Clan congratulates the Fourth Reserve of the Supreme Lord on his promotion to the Lord of the High-level Kingdom of God! ]

  [The God Tribe congratulates the Fourth Reserve of the Supreme Lord on his promotion to the Lord of the High-Level Kingdom of God! ]

  [Congratulations from the Elemental Tribe to the Fourth Reserve, the Supreme Lord, for being promoted to the Lord of the Advanced Kingdom of God! ]


  [His Majesty the Emperor of the People is worthy of being the fourth reserve member of the Supreme Lord personally selected by the Supreme Will. It has only been a short time since he upgraded his divine kingdom-level lord power to a high-level divine kingdom-level lord power. ]

From now on, His Majesty the Cangsheng Emperor can be regarded as the leader of the top lord forces. Except for those supreme forces and will-level forces, I don’t see which lord force or racial force dares to find fault with the low-level lord forces. ]

  [Just some gossip, do you think the Supreme Lord Reserve has ever paid attention to them? ]

[That's right. Those who say these things are all clowns who cannot stand up to the stage. What kind of situation is there for the emperor of the world? Don't care about them at all. ]

  [His Majesty the Cangsheng Emperor has been promoted to the senior empire lord. The next goal should be to be promoted to the official supreme lord, right? ]

  [I still think the God of Punishment is stronger. ]

“Lord Wanxie Demon Lord has been guarding the Ultimate Void Battlefield for so many years, with meritorious service and hard work. Lord Supreme Will must have destined Lord Wanxie Demon Lord as the future supreme lord in his heart! ]

  [Destined in the heart? Are you an intimate in the heart of the Supreme Will? How do you know that the Supreme Will determines that the Lord of All Evils will become the Supreme Lord in the future? ]

We, the Lord of the Spring and Autumn Period, have been guarding the river for tens of thousands of years. We want to be the supreme lord. We are also the Lord of the Spring and Autumn Period. The Lord of All Evils, the Divine King of Punishment, and other common people’s emperors are nothing! ]


 All the lords of all tribes are blowing Zhou Zhou.

The gods on the Ten Thousand Races Battle Channel argued and even quarreled over who of the four supreme lords would become the supreme lord in the future.

 Zhou Zhou watched it with great interest.

The discussion of these gods reveals a lot.

They believe that among the four supreme lord reserves, Zhou Zhou, as the newly promoted supreme lord reserve, is the least likely to be promoted to the supreme lord in the future because he has not made many achievements and is the weakest in strength and power.

 The Master of the Spring and Autumn Period is second.

 Because the Master of Spring and Autumn has been guarding the River of Time for a long time, he has not appeared in front of the creatures of all worlds for a long time. Even in the several meetings summoned by the Supreme Lord, the Master of the Spring and Autumn Period did not participate much, but concentrated on guarding the River of Time.

 Over time.

All the creatures in the world have almost forgotten about this second reserve of the Supreme Lord, as if the other party has really been buried in the long river of time.

The voice of the Lord of All Evils to become the Supreme Lord in the future is the second highest among the gods in the Ten Thousand Races Battle Channel. Because the other party is the leader of the ultimate void battlefield and often deals with the gods in the Ten Thousand Races Battle Channel, he has so many Supporter, Zhou Zhou was not surprised.

 What Zhou Zhou feels needs to pay attention to the most is the first reserve of the lords of all races - the God of Punishment!

This supreme lord reserve is among the four supreme lord reserves. He has the highest voice and the most supporters of the supreme lord.

 According to the words of the gods of these battle channels of all races.

The God King of Punishment has long since become a powerful person in the realm of supreme will. He is on an equal footing with other will-level beings. He is the only will-level being among the four supreme lords in reserve!

In addition, the work He is currently carrying out is clearly working with the Supreme Will to fight against the invasion of the illusory clan!


And follow the Supreme Will, and fight side by side with the Supreme Will and all races!

 He ​​also knows many will-level beings. Among these will-level beings, there must be some will-level beings who are already his supporters.

 Plus other reasons that Zhou Zhou and these gods may not know.

 It’s no wonder that the God King of Heavenly Punishment has the highest voice and the most supporters among the gods!

However, although the God King of Punishment has a great reputation.

 But Zhou Zhou was not very worried.

Although the God King of Heavenly Punishment does have the most supporters and the strongest strength and power, since the Supreme Will did not choose the opponent, but continued to select the second, third and fourth supreme lords as well as his fourth reserve, this proves that He was at least a little dissatisfied with this successor. Because of this, the Supreme Will selected three other supreme lord reserves to let Zhou Zhou and the others compete with the God King of Punishment.

 So Zhou Zhou knew that although he was the weakest in strength and power, he might not have no chance to compete for the supreme lord in the future.

 Don’t think too much about it.

Zhou Zhou turned off the Ten Thousand Races Lords Channel and the Ten Thousand Races Combat Channel, and then started to check these rewards. The first thing is naturally the Supreme Lord Reserve Treasure Chest.

 After he opened the reserve treasure chest of the Supreme Lord, he found a statue of the Dragon God inside.

This statue is the size of the palm of your hand, with a divine body with knotted muscles. It is golden in color, with eighteen golden wings on its back. It has a dragon head with a majestic appearance, and a golden crown on the top of its head.

In addition, its tail is very long, with a short golden blade at the end, which looks extremely sharp.

What attracted Zhou Zhou's attention the most was that the scales on the surface of the dragon **** statue actually showed mirror images of the world. Zhou Zhou could even see the joy, anger, sorrow, and even life and death of the creatures inside from these scale worlds. .

 “What kind of dragon **** statue is this?”

Zhou Zhou said in surprise.

 At this time.

 Text prompt appears.

 [Treasure name: Dragon God of All Heavens]

 [Treasure level: special level]

[Treasure effect: After the will of the owner is recognized, the Dragon God in the world will become the pet of the owner and follow the owner for life. ]

[Introduction to the treasure: The dragon **** of all heavens is an alien dragon **** captured by the supreme will from the ultimate void. It has the power to travel through all realms and create life. The supreme will initially wanted to recognize it as its master and make it its master. He became his own pet, but the Dragon God of the Heavens would rather die than obey, so the Supreme Will had to give up, and was later transferred to the fourth reserve of the Supreme Lord under it - the Emperor of the Earth. ]

 “A dragon **** is born in the heavens?”

“This name fits my title of Emperor very well.”

Zhou Zhou was surprised.

He looked at the statue and felt in his heart that this dragon **** was destined to him.

 “Every whim comes to you.”

“Is this really my destined pet?”

 He said to himself.

 At this level, he has a very clear distinction between destiny and self.


 It is something given by God and cannot be changed.

For example, one’s origin on earth, such as one’s original epic lord talent - 100% explosion rate!

 This is ‘luck’!

 And one’s fate probably refers to one’s own choices and efforts.

For example, he has never slacked off after obtaining 100% explosion rate, and has been demanding himself to the highest standards. He has only grown to this point now.

 Unlike some lords.

  Obviously, he has mastered the lord talent that has changed the world, but he is addicted to the temporary stability and joy, and eventually becomes nothing, and his life is not even as good as those lords who do not have the lord talent.

 This is ‘fate’!

 Fate and destiny are intertwined with each other, and destiny and self-destiny influence each other to achieve the fate of living beings.

As Zhou Zhou looked at the statue of the Dragon God of All Heavens, he felt that the other person's existence was intertwined with his own destiny.

  And it’s echoing in a good direction!

 Zhou Zhou no longer hesitated when he thought of this.

Since it is a good destiny, regardless of whether it is destiny or one's own destiny, just take it and that's it.

 Thinking too much is just asking for trouble.

 He directly willed himself to be the Lord.

 The next second.

When I saw this dragon **** of all the heavens, who didn't even have the supreme will, he trembled slightly, and then turned into a golden stream of light and shot straight into the starry sky of the Kingdom of God.


The starry sky of the Kingdom of God roared majestically.

 The next second.

 I saw a divine dragon that was hundreds of millions of light years long, slowly emerging in the sky of the Kingdom of God.

He bowed his head slightly and looked at the tiny figure below, his eyes full of cold pride and indifference.

 Zhou Zhou smiled slightly when he saw this.

He raised his right hand and gently grasped the stars in the sky.

 The lord's law skill - Ten Thousand Methods Star Palm!

 Tear it apart!

The entire starry sky was like a piece of paper that had been ravaged, easily crushed into a ball, and before the Dragon God across the starry sky could react, it was already like a small insect, being manipulated by Zhou Zhou. in the palm of your hand.

 The entire world of the Kingdom of God fell into darkness and silence.

 Only Zhou Zhou is the only light.

At this time, Zhou Zhou looked at the dragon **** and the dragon **** in the palm of his hand, and inexplicably thought of the scene in Chinese mythology where Sun Wukong jumped up and down in the palm of Tathagata.

 The two are exactly the same.

 “The dragon **** is born in all the heavens.”

 “Are you convinced?”

Zhou Zhou didn’t think much and said with a smile.

 “I...I’m convinced!”

 The dragon gods of the world held it in for a long time and spoke unwillingly.

 “Then from today on, you will be my pet.”

“Your name is too long and it’s troublesome to say, so I’ll call you Xiaolong.”

Zhou Zhou said casually.

 “Xiaolong is too hasty?!”

 The eyes of all the gods and dragons in the sky widened.

 “That’s called Xiao Zhu?”

 Zhou Zhou asked rhetorically.

 “...actually Xiaolong sounds pretty good too.”

 All the Dragon Gods in the world were silent for a second and said quickly.

Zhou Zhou smiled.

mock up.

 Can’t cure you yet.

 Then he began to study the abilities of the dragon gods in the world.

  4000 words long chapter!

The names of Zhou Shiyi and Zhou Wu were written differently before. Sorry, the author has already revised them. I would like to apologize here.


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