Lord of The Mysterious Realms

Chapter 17: The Williams Family

Chapter 17: The Williams Family

Naturally Jenkins was against this, but old Williams threatened to remove his name from will, so Jenkins was forced to take this "last leave".

But then Jenkin took over Jenkins' body.

He walked hesitantly to the front door of the house, pushed open the fenced yard gate, then walked up the steps and knocked on the door under the awning.

It wasn't that he didn't have a key to the house, it was just that the original owner didn't like to open the door himself and always knocked, no matter how late it was.

"I'm back."

He said awkwardly to the middle-aged woman who opened the door.

It was a weekday and Jenkins' father was still working at the mining company, while his younger brother was still in class. The only older brother had long since moved to the school, and Jenkins was the only free man in the house.

"It's good that you are back, come on in, dinner will be ready soon."

With a loving smile Mary Williams gave Jenkins a big hug and instead of asking him what he had done at the church,She quickly instructed the family maid to bring out home clothes and shoes for Jenkins.

Although middle class, the Williams' were among the wealthiest of the middle class, in an encounter that Jenkins didn't understand , the elder Williams seized a fortune that no normal person could imagine.

"It's a bit strange, I have to investigate it afterwards."

Jenkins reminded himself in his heart, before changing his clothes with the help of the maid.

In addition to the hired cook and maid in the house, Jenkins' brother also had a tutor. The first two were hired from the "Nolan City Domestic Centre" on referral and the latter was a former teacher of Jenkins' elder brother.

It is not clear from his memory how much they were being paid, but it must not be less than the job that Jenkins just got.

Every aspect of the family was perfect, except for Jenkins.

There was no time to return to his room to rest before the head of the family, Robert Williams, returned with his youngest son, John Williams.

"Oh!, Jenkins is back."

The middle-aged man handed his briefcase to the maid off to one side, changed his shoes and then came forward to give Jenkins a big hug.

"How did it go at Bishop Parrold's last night? Young Jenkins didn't get reprimanded, did he?"

He had a big smile on his face, and although the original Jenkins was no match for his two brothers, Robert still loved him as much as the other two .

"It was okay."

Jenkins nodded somewhat uncomfortably and with embarrassment. He felt a bit awkward.

"I'm Jenkins Williams."

He kept admonishing himself in his head, although he felt like a thief who had stolen someone's identity,but he is really liking it.

It was only after being asked to wash their hands by Mary Williams that the family settled into the dining room. Most of the cutlery in front of them was silver, a habit that the Williams' had only recently acquired. This alone showed just how much money Robert had made from the mining company.

"Hold on, please."

Before the crowd could eat, Jenkins stood up and signalled that he had an announcement to make.

"Last night I ran into Bishop Parrold and stayed with him overnight. The Bishop said a lot of things to me, though I didn't understand most of it......"

He touched his hair in embarrassment, Mary smiled and encouraged him to continue.

"Although I didn't understand most of it, the Bishop was right, I'm too old to live like this."

"Oh, the Goddess blessed us" (TN: The original tled text was : The goddess is high....well atleast literally ;p)

Mary exclaimed, drawing an intricate square symbol on her chest, Robert nodded in relief, and even his brother John applauded softly with a big smile.

"Just what kind of image do you have in your family's heart? Just a few empty words and I can get this effect?"

While cursing the original owner of the body, Jenkins took the brooch presented by Bishop Parrold out of his pocket.

"The Bishop helped me with a job, hoping I would settle down from there. I accepted it as a gift from him."

The family was stunned for a while and with a wail, Mary stood up and embraced Jenkins with tears in her eyes.

"Child, I knew you would understand one day, really, I always knew ......"

Mr Robert patted her shoulder behind her and waited until Mary had released the embarassed Jenkins, then gave him a hug too

He said nothing, ending the hug with a solemn pat on Jenkins' shoulder, "Good boy, you are a true Williams!"

Jenkins responded to each with a nod, "I'll change."

He declared, at that point Mrs Mary literally burst into tears.

Although John subsequently proposed that in celebration of his brother getting a job, they should all go out to dinner at a restaurant, Jenkins declined it on the grounds that it would be a waste of the dinner that had been already prepared.

The family ended the dinner on a lively note, with the elder Williams even dragging Jenkins up for a couple of drinks, despite his wife's objections. The middle-aged man grabbed his blonde hair and smiled happily like a child.

After finishing dinner, Jenkins announced what work he was going to do to Mary and Robert didn't ask many questions and seemed to be under the impression that Bishop Parrld could do nothing wrong with his arrangements.

Robert even wanted to take tomorrow off and drive Jenkins to Pops Antiques himself, but Jenkins declined quite firmly.

"What a boy."

Jenkins commented on the original owner in his mind before closing the door to his room on the first floor.

In the light of the moon, directly opposite to the door of the room was a small mirror which showed a young, delicate and showy blond man, who had a facial resemblance to Robert Williams in at least five ways. Jenkins controlled the muscles of his face and smiled, and the young man in the mirror showed a stiff smile.

"I look like 16 when I am obviously 20, not bad at all ."

He sat down on his bed, then suddenly remembered something. He got up and unlocked the door, but still didn't turn on the gas light that was connected to the steam pipes.

The family was really nice and he would like to continue living in this world as Jenkins, so some things had to be kept from his relatives downstairs.

Carefully, he pulled the curtains to stop the late night air, and then made his way to the chair in front of the desk.


He tapped his temple with his right hand, while increasing the intensity of his mental cues with statements, and the dots of light soon reappeared in front of him. Jenkins had heard Mr. Bincy mention that the energy used by the Enchanter was called "spirit". Although he did not go into details, he did instruct Jenkins not to overuse his powers.

TN: (Btw sorry for last time guys, i didn't realised that nest button link is redirecting to ch 12)


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