Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 155 155 Explanations And misunderstandings

Chapter 155 Chapter 155 Explanations And misunderstandings

Nexus eyes sharply glanced around- hoping no one else had heard her.

"You see!" she cried softly; "Even now, all you're concerned about is protecting your secret! Is she really that important to you?!"

"Come on Crystal, that's not fair, you know the woman's been sick. You know I promised to help out. . ."

"Oh yeah? Does helping me mean fuckin' her every single night?"

Nexus' eyes stung.

"Oh yes," she continued; "I know all about it. . .whenever you creep into her room and cum in her, I smell it EVERY SINGLE TIME! It's all over her! It's like she chugged down your cum from a bottle!"

Nexus' eyelashes curled as he watched her furtively. Her chest was practically heaving now, as she gasped for breath.

"Nora has chosen to be purposefully blind to it. Monica doesn't care enough to see it, and the servants are too loyal to look into it."

Her tone took a dive and she looked at him- directly at him;

"Lord Nexus, I'm not saying you shouldn't be with whoever you want. It's not my place to do that. But I just want you to acknowledge the fact that you've been dismissive of me- you've made me feel all but useless to you- all because of HER."

There and then, right under the orange tree, Nexus fully understood.

Before all this had begun, he had assumed her bitchiness was as a result of her being hungry. But apparently, it was a lot deeper than that.

Squaring his shoulders, he took another step closer to her, and deepened his voice till his words came slurring out;


He began;

"I'm so sorry you've been feeling left out. I guess I could've been more sensitive to you and your situation."

She nodded affirmatively;

"Yes you should have."

"I'm sorry you had to feel that way. I really am. Hey, not that it matters, but just last night, right before I fell asleep, the thought of you flooded my mind."

She held his gaze- searching for any signs that he was bullshitting her;

"Please don't do that. . ." her voice broke off into a pain filled whisper; "Don't give me hope. . ."

"I'm not playing around Crystal. . .I mean it. . .I was thinking how you and I could spend some time together you know, just like we used to."

She took a step back and rolled her eyes;

"What about your new bestfriend?" she asked sarcastically; "What would she have to say about that?"

"Come on. . .you know it's not like that. . ."

Placing her hands on her waist, her eye brows shot up on her face, giving him a look that said;


Overhead, the morning sun filtered down through the spread out leaves of the orange orchard- streaking down in golden films, and illuminating the shadows on Nexus' face;

"Okay, there's something I need to tell you CeeCee, but you gotta promise to keep it to yourself. . ."

Her eye squinted in suspicion. But she didn't say a word. Nexus continued;

"What do you remember about the last time we had sex?"

Her eyes immediately flared open;

"Lord Nexus! Are you trying to seduc-"

"Oh come on, it's not like that. Stay with me, I'm trying to tell you something here! Do you remember how you felt when I released inside you?"

Her cheeks blushed and her eyes twinkled;

"Of course, how could I forget."

"Good. That was no coincidence. . .it was my seed. . ."

Again, her eyes sank back into the hollow of her sockets in confusion. Nexus explained further;

"You see, my semen isn't like the typical male ejaculate. It has certain features, and these features happen to have lasting effects on the women I sleep with. One of these features is healing. . ."

A lightning streak flashed momentarily in Crystal's eyes;


"Yes," he replied; "You were there when Nora invited us here to her home. The only reason why we're still here is because I promised to heal Mrs. Russell. I actually thought I could do that using my other technique, however, it turns out that. . ."

She completed the sentence for him;

"She needs your semen."

Nexus nodded;

"That's just how my Dual Cultivation technique works. I need to copulate with different women in order to be at my best. So no, you were never useless to me Crystal. . .never ever think that. . ."

Meanwhile, Mrs. Russell, stood from afar, watching the whole thing.

She had seen the way Nexus left the table, and had immediately known something was up. Breakfast instantly lost its taste in her mouth. While at the table, she kept tapping her fingers impatiently- and kept her eyes at the door, waiting for both of them to return.

When they didn't, she excused herself from the table and decided to go investigate.

Silently, she went outside, and almost immediately, her eyes had found both of them- under the orange tree. Crystal's hands on her hips, Nexus' squared shoulders, and the intense atmosphere told the story of a heated argument.

Mrs. Russell's mouth suddenly became dry, and her heart sank instantly. As concern crept into her eyes, she backed up against the corner of the wall, and quietly watched the heated argument between them.

Hiding in the shadows of the stony walls, she thought to herself;

'I guess they're arguing about whether to stand with my family or not. . .'

She sighed mournfully;

'Who can blame them though? No one would willingly get involved in a fight between two noble families. . .especially not that Crystal girl. . .what's her deal anyway?'

Mrs. Russell wasn't stupid. She felt every bit of Crystal's projected animosity towards her. She seemed like the smart type, and was definitely counseling Nexus not to take sides.

Not knowing just how far from the truth she was, Madeline sighed again;

'Well, who can blame her? She's human after all. . .'

While she watched from afar, Nexus continued to assuage Crystal;

"That's just how it is. . .I know how much you've come to care about Nora. . .but her mother is very sick. . .this is just about the only way she can be healed. . ."

Less than five minutes later, Crystal left the orange tree feeling a lot happier.

Still standing there, he watched as the slim-thick curvy girl scampered off, disappearing around the corner of the castle's barn.

"That was quite the argument you had there."

Mrs. Russell's voice caught him unaware. He swerved backwards to find her just a few feet away from him- walking towards him under the glare of the sun, with her golden locks shining with her every movement.

The lady was beautiful- not just in bed. Out in the open, she practically shined.

Pinned to the spot. out there in the open courtyard, a flood of memories flashed through his mind. Vivid images of her leaking butt, her heaving breasts, and her milky skin, streaked across his mind, like a single streak of lightning.

His insides curled, and the veins on his head slightly pulsed.

"My, my, I must have really taken you unawares didn't it?" she asked sweetly; "My bad, I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that. . ."

Nexus blinked;

"It's all good, it's not like I was hiding or anything."

She stepped into the cool shade of the leafy tree, and Nexus could almost immediately feel the cool, fruity freshness that was actively radiating from her skin. She lifted her left hand to the side of her face, and flicked a loose strand of her blond hair;

"So, what was that about?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm talking about the heated argument you were having with Crystal. . ."

The sides of Nexus' face tautened in a tight grimace. Madeline instinctively held up both her hands in mock surrender;

". . .I don't mean to pry, but I pretty much saw it all. It was fairly obvious that did not look too happy. . . not by a long shot."

Nexus slightly adjusted his face towards the direction Crystal had left and answered guardedly;

"You don't have to worry about that Mrs. Russell, she'll definitely come around- she just needs a little time that's all."

"Time huh?" she looked down at her feet, pondered for a few moments, and then said;

"Let's not pretend here doctor. We both know what that was about. . ."

Nexus' heart skipped a beat;

"We do?"

"Yes, I may be sick, but I'm definitely not blind. It's obvious she has no intention of flipping over to our side. . .and I get it, she's looking out for the both of you. It makes no sense for her to get involved with something that doesn't concern her."

Nexus' heels tensed as he swiftly moved to try and correct the woman;

"Uhmm that's not-"

"It's alright doctor. Really it is." she looked him in the eye;

"Look, there's no need for you to try and convince her. I would absolutely hate to be the one to come between your friendship, so, I'm offering to remove you from the equation entirely. . ."

Nexus was not expecting that all. On his thinly bearded face, his eyebrows rose up in genuine surprise;

"W-w-what?" he suttered; "But why?"

She smiled;

"Do you see that bird flying?"

Sure enough, Nexus lifted his head upwards, and saw a black hawk screeching overhead, encircling the castle's walls, looming above, and spreading its dark wings majestically as it looked down on everything. They both stared at it.

Mrs. Russell chimed softly;

"Do you know what my mind's telling me right now?"

He shook his head;

"Don't laugh, but my mind's telling me the Howard family has employed some kind of magician, and he's using that bird overhead to spy out this family to know what's what, and who's who. . ."


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