Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 561: Prophecy

Chapter 561: Prophecy

"Hurry up then." Bethel reached out and took the "error" uniqueness and the "worm of time" in his hands.

This was one of the agreements between Klein and Bethel before.

But even if he got these two things, Bethel still had no advantage in front of Klein.

But the method they chose was obviously not to fight.

"Yeah." Klein nodded slightly and walked towards the blue-black light gate. At the same time, Bethel also walked towards the real center of "Source Castle".

Almost at the same time, a large number of "mysterious" characteristics appeared on both of them, and their bodies began to transform into a gray mist state. The blue-black light gate mark at the center of their eyebrows kept flashing, and the same will awakened in their bodies.

What they need to compete is their resistance to the will of the "Lord of Mystery". Whoever is stronger will get the final qualification, and the other will give up voluntarily.

"The Creator has awakened and has shown half of the power of the old days. The power left by Him and the teacher is likely to suppress the 'Source Castle' and temporarily cut off your connection with it."

"And I will integrate all the characteristics during that time and control the 'Source Castle'."

Bethel looked at Klein's body, which was disintegrating much faster than Him, and said.

During the time when the two were close to the "Source Castle", the difference between the two soon became apparent.

Although their bodies were disintegrating, Bethel's condition was much better than Klein's. The body condensed by starlight was able to fight effectively in the process of transforming into gray mist.

This is a manifestation of having a strong control over one's own characteristics.

At this point, Klein was completely defeated, because the "Fool" path was originally the cornerstone of recovery prepared by the "Lord of Mysteries" for himself, and one of the "Mystery Attendant" characteristics had been soaked in the "Source Castle" for thousands of years.

And Klein became the "Mystery Attendant" too short a time.


In the star realm composed of authority and concepts, the sky-high light and shadow incarnated by Sasriel stepped on the chaotic and dark ocean, paying attention to the battle of the old days in the starry sky.

The originally strange but quiet starry sky has completely changed its appearance today. Various symbols of the old days and the power of authority have made the entire starry sky look like the graffiti of a three-year-old child. Even the true god cannot see the real situation outside the barrier.

"..." Sasriel can naturally see the battle between the old days, but He did not step out of this barrier.

Because He is not in the most powerful state now, and because the earth needs His care now.

At a certain moment, He suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of "Source Castle".

And in His eyes, there were countless brass-colored glimmers, and he came to a conclusion in an instant.

He stretched out his hand and gently grabbed it, and Amon appeared in His hand.

"I lost." Amon looked at the sky-high light and shadow in front of him expressionlessly, and his face looked a little better after confirming that this was his father god.

"Yeah." Sasriel nodded slightly, "It's not surprising that Bethel made such a choice."

Amon raised his hand and wanted to pinch his monocle, but at this moment, his arm stiffened, and the uniqueness of "error" had already remained in "Source Castle".

He was able to come out of "Source Castle", and he was truly dead once, and his body was completely turned into ashes.

He could only stretch out his hand to pinch his eye sockets, his face was a little complicated, "I didn't expect it to be this reason."

Even now Amon felt that Bethel's reason was absurd.

"I ignored this problem before." Sasriel didn't say much, but stared at "Source Castle".

Amon seemed to feel something, looking at "Source Castle", his expression was a little stunned and weird, "Are they all crazy?!"

He felt the will of the "Lord of Mystery" that was rapidly recovering in "Source Castle", which was ten times or a hundred times faster than he expected.

This shows that the two people inside did not suppress the recovery of the "Lord of Mystery" at all, but took the initiative to speed up the process.

"Even if Bethel didn't make that choice, you would still lose." Sasriel suddenly said this.

Amon was speechless.

At this time, the huge light and shadow that Sasriel transformed into stretched out his hand and wrote a sentence under the chaotic black ocean.

"The revival of the 'Lord of Mystery' in Klein Moretti failed."

This was the prophecy made by Sasriel.

Sasriel stared at the "Source Castle" with a brassy glow in his eyes. He got some information from the rhythm of the "Source Castle". Klein and Bethel inside were using this method to communicate with Him.

Sasriel closed his eyes slightly, then opened them and wrote another sentence in the sea water, "The connection between Klein Moretti and 'Source Castle' was temporarily interrupted for various reasons."

Two prophecies, this is the greatest help that Sasriel can give at present, and He also needs to maintain strength to respond to Truman in the starry sky.

"Bethel won?" Amon was not surprised. He jumped lightly from the hand of the light and shadow. After getting the final result, He was not going to stay here.

Just as Amon was about to leave the astral realm, He suddenly turned his head and looked at the Sefirah Castle.

In the Sefirah Castle, the terrifying will had reached a critical point, and the consciousness of that person had awakened again.

At this moment, in the Sefirah Castle, under the blue-black light gate, Klein and Bethel had already walked to the door, and they were only one step away from entering.

At this time, Klein was close to his limit, and his body could not even maintain itself. The slippery tentacles behind him kept dancing wildly, shattering the space around him.

On the other side, Bethel was still able to barely maintain his human form. Although the starlight was disintegrating, he was constantly resisting the erosion of the gray fog.

"Give up, the Creator has written down the prophecy, and you are the 'Dream Walker' who can mobilize the teacher's power." Bethel stretched out his hand and pressed the blue-black light gate mark on his forehead. His face was slightly ferocious, and he was obviously not feeling well.

"I hope so..." In theory, the power of the Creator and the "Supreme Dream" is enough to suppress Sefirah Castle. After all, this is not to modify the rules of Sefirah Castle, but only to suppress it slightly.

But Klein also understood that the "Lord of Mystery" would not quietly wait for things that were not in his favor to develop.

Klein stood in front of the blue-black light gate and raised a controlled tentacle behind him with difficulty. This tentacle quickly became dreamy and brilliant.

All the dreamy phosphorescence on Klein's body was poured into this tentacle, connecting with the dream power of the outside world.

Truman took the "Book of Dreams" to the starry sky, but "Fantasy Town" and the Fantasy World still exist, and there are two "True Dream Gods", which are all powers that Klein can borrow.


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