Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 375: A difference of thought

Chapter 375: A difference of thought

In the dream church office, the paper man clone was signing signatures, while Klein's real body was hiding in the lounge and writing down the arrangements for promotion to demigod.

"The ritual of the 'Causal Beloved' is to change the fate of at least 10,000 people by manipulating cause and effect. The more people there are, the better the effect. The gift ceremony will be held with their blessings."

This kind of demigod ritual is also outrageous to a certain extent. After all, there are ten thousand people, not ten thousand pieces of wood. They all have different ideas. The cause and effect are intricate and easy to get out of control.

And the "blessing" at the end is already the keynote of the death ceremony. After all, there are many ways to control cause and effect and change fate. Starting a small war is enough to change the fate of tens of thousands of people.

After setting the tone that a blessing was needed, the ceremony became even more difficult.

But Klein is not troubled by this ritual, because in a sense, he has already completed the first half of the ritual.

——As the dream bishop, in the past week, he has changed the fate of the poor people in East District Backlund.

Cause and effect are connected with destiny. Every choice he makes and every signature he makes are actions that stir the line of cause and effect again and again, starting from him and affecting the entire Backlund.

He entered the scene by himself and acted in this domineering style, becoming the center of the biggest storm. This was very dangerous. After all, he was touching the cakes of those nobles, but he was the dream bishop, and no one dared to do anything to him.

Of course, the rewards are also excellent. The formula of "Cunning Mage" is obtained, and the ritual of "The Blessed One" is also promising.

What he is even more afraid of is the so-called divine transformation.

Unlike the potion system, the divinity of the gift system comes directly from the "Supreme Dream"!

The theory that everything has divinity is obviously inappropriate on the "dream" path. The knowledge that Klein obtained clearly told him that divinity comes from the "supreme dream".

"This system that accepts the divinity from the supreme being is simply too evil. If it is accidentally eroded, is it still me?"

"...Of course the potion system is not much better."

"So the ritual must be refined to better stabilize the self and prevent the self from being transformed by the 'Supreme Dream'..."

As Klein was thinking about it, he suddenly frowned, hesitated a little, and then thought about his murmurs of counterattack when he was promoted to "Secret Puppet Master", so he gritted his teeth and did it.

He must become a "karma-bound person" as soon as possible, and then be promoted to a "cunning mage" after adapting for a period of time, otherwise he is afraid that he will not be able to bear the terrifying raving.

"Send a telegram to the archbishops of the Church of Storms and the Church of Night and tell them that I am going to hold a mass to promote miracles in the name of the two major churches and the Dream Sect." Klein found the Church of the Dream Sect and ordered.

"Dream" is the intersection point of the two major churches, and Klein's attempt to capitalize on it should be successful.

"Yes!" The priest quickly went to send a telegram, and within a short time he got the replies from the two archbishops to Klein.

"... Each summons believers in the name of their gods..." Klein twitched the corner of his mouth. This was the archbishop.

But this is human nature. The implementation of the "Survival Act" this time is enough to increase the number of devout believers in the two major churches.

"I agree. You go and reply, and then take the others to wait outside." Ke turned and walked into the deepest underground of the Dream Church.

There is also a place similar to the Chanis Gate of the Church of the Night.

It's just that, thanks to the dream, the sealed objects here can't make waves at all, and they don't need to be guarded.

And Klein came to pick up an important magical item.

It's not a sealed item, but a magical item.

The "dream" path actually creates some magical items under some very special circumstances.

It's just that these things are still dreamy phosphorescence in nature and will not have any weird and terrifying effects, so they don't need to be sealed.

As the Bishop of Backlund, Klein has the power to activate this magical item.

"If you want to do it, do it big. John Constantine's identity is Yue Pou's."

Klein was not prepared to stay in this position for a long time, and he was prepared to make trouble again before withdrawing.

Is this probably a common problem among dream sects? Even this position of real power is despised.

"Go and ask for the Holy Scripture!" Klein walked to the end of the underground passage, gently touched a stone, and input a ray of dreamy phosphorescence into it.


A bronze door slowly opened, revealing a magical item inside.

There is no excessive decoration, just an ordinary crystal lamp. Under the crystal lamp is a holy book that seems to contain history.

"The holy book written by the 'Supreme Dream' himself!"

When Klein came here, he was inexplicably awed.

"Dream Holy Scripture", this is the most powerful magical item in Backlund's Dream Church.

This is one of the origins of the "Dream Sect". In fact, it is also one of the reasons why the Dream Sect has such great power in Backlund.

Klein wants to use this "Dream Holy Book" to build momentum and attract many believers to worship.


Qonas Kilger and Hvin Rambis came to the palace of the Kingdom of Loen as the deputy director of MI9 and as a royal advisor to meet King George III of Loen.

"See for yourselves." Before the two demigods saluted, two documents were delivered to them.

"John Constantine is preparing to unite the Churches of Storm and Night to hold a Mass that promotes the majesty and love of God?"


Both demigods were stunned by the news.

How can this John Constantine be so capable of causing trouble? !

"It's over the line." George III's cold voice sounded. The previously rumored friendliness towards Bishop John could no longer be seen.

"Yes!" Major General Qionas stood at attention and saluted, and responded.

"What does he want to do?!" Hvin Rambis was not a minister of George III, so he dared to ask.

It's enough to offend the nobles, but now you want to offend the Augustus family? !

The king's power is already very embarrassing under the power of the gods, but you still do such a thing? !

"Go give him some warning." George III's voice reached the ears of the two men again.

"..." The two demigods looked at each other, bowed their heads, and then left.

After they left, this magnificent palace fell into silence again.

"Lowering the majesty of the law in the name of gods." George III's voice appeared again, but this time it lacked the indifference and condescension it had shown before when facing the two demigods.

"What did he know? Or the 'Supreme Dream' didn't allow it..." George III's voice was filled with surprise and uncertainty.

If it were the latter reason, everything would be meaningless.

"It won't be the 'Supreme Dream'." A deep and rich voice sounded from deeper inside the palace.

Because the "Supreme Dream" made a promise not to prevent the birth of the true god.


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