Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 361: Dark Fairy Tale

Chapter 361: Dark Fairy Tale

As Truman walked in this town, he clearly felt the fusion of the thread of cause and effect and spiritual body.

This power forms the basis of utopia.

Klein cleverly used the combination of two powers here to control the town with a more powerful control.

This is very good and fully reflects Klein's in-depth exploration of the "Dream" path and the "Soothsayer" path.

"I divided Utopia into two areas, one of which is my creative area, consisting of my completely original stories."

"The other area is a dark version of the 'Fairy Tale Town'." The mayor, Klein, acted as a guide and introduced Truman to the town.

"I want to go over there and have a look." Truman suddenly looked in one direction, and there seemed to be something more interesting there.

"Huh?" Klein looked in that direction with a strange expression on his face, "So, does the bishop look down on my original story?"

"Oh, don't forget that I am also an Extraordinary of the 'dream' path. Not a single causal line you hide here can escape my eyes." Truman said unceremoniously.

"So in front of me, no matter how good your puppet show is, I can still see the causal connection."

It feels like watching a puppet show from behind the scenes, seeing all the strings, which is naturally not fun.

"Uh..." This was something Klein didn't expect.

"Causal line?" But his attention was quickly attracted by this word, "Is that kind of connection called a causal line?"

After becoming a "fairy tale mage" and constructing a utopia, he gained a vision similar to a spiritual thread through the "fairy tale arrival".

But he did not get this visual introduction in the relevant knowledge of "Fairy Mage".

"Do you know the name of sequence four of the 'Dream' pathway?" Truman asked.

"'The One Beloved by Karma'..." Klein knew that his contribution to preventing the sacrifice of the Evil God Backlund was his qualification for promotion to Sequence Five and Sequence Four, so he naturally had basic knowledge.

"Favored by 'Dream', the cause and effect of all things are also favored, and its specific manifestation is the cause and effect line." Truman briefly introduced it, making Klein nod repeatedly.

It's not surprising that Bishop Truman is at least a demigod, and even an angel...

Because there are always a few angels around him, Klein feels that he is extremely receptive to this.

"So am I adapting in advance? Like acting in advance?" Klein asked thoughtfully.

"It probably means the same thing." Truman and Klein headed towards the small town library. Truman visited here and stopped on a bookshelf.

When Truman saw this bookshelf, he understood the approach Klein took.

Klein took a trick. He did not recreate a black fairy tale town in Utopia, but recorded many black fairy tales in the form of stories.

"Bishop please!" Klein was also showing off his achievements.

Truman directly picked up a fairy tale book. The fairy tale book moved automatically without wind, and there was a force pulling him into the book.

The world in the book is a kind of illusion, but with the ability of "the boundary between virtuality and reality", everything is no different from reality.

"Not bad." Truman directly sank a ray of his spirituality into the world of the book.


Truman felt his eyes suddenly become brighter.

"Please, beautiful princess, only your kiss can break the curse of the evil witch." Truman opened his eyes and saw an ugly frog talking.

Classic... The corner of Truman's mouth twitched, and then Klein also appeared next to him, feeling Truman's desire to complain and feeling slightly embarrassed.

The beautiful princess was moved, squatted down, closed her eyes, and kissed her gently.

This picture is very curious...

But after a flash of silver light, the frog truly turned into a prince.

"So? The prince and the princess live happily together?" Truman joked.

"How can it be called a dark fairy tale like this?" Klein led Truman to a certain pillar in the palace and saw the evil witch hidden under the black robe.

"The curse of the frog, the dark magic mirror, the boiling desire..." This evil witch has complex ingredients.

But there is no doubt that the ability "Frog Curse" alone is very powerful. In reality, the similar "Transformation Curse" of the "Prisoner" path is an ability only available in Sequence Three.

Truman patiently watched the surrounding environment change rapidly. It was the happy life of the prince and princess.

It's just that this happy life lasted less than three days...

The prince walked out of the princess's room and hugged the evil witch.

"Hey! I know how to play!" Truman looked at the prince and the witch biting each other, feeling that the plot had reached an unpredictable level.

"My dear Snow White, please forgive me for my betrayal, everything is for our country..."

Truman was noticed and looked at Klein.

Klein kept a straight face and tried hard to look normal.

"Snow White and the prince's kingdom suffered a serious natural disaster and had to look for new territories, so they took a fancy to this princess's kingdom."

"Snow White taught herself evil magic, turned the prince into a frog, and prepared to dismantle the kingdom from within."

"The prince has gained the princess's trust, and everything will go smoothly after that."

Klein explained the entire fairy tale to Truman. As far as this story was concerned, he was still somewhat proud. Of course, he would be even more proud to come.

"It makes sense." Truman nodded slightly, and then he saw the prince returning to the princess's bedroom.

He hugged the inexperienced princess and said, "I have appeased the Snow Witch, and we can easily take over her kingdom!"


It tastes like that.

Real life is not as beautiful as fairy tales, it is all betrayal and calculation!

But is it really okay for you to create such a dark fairy tale in my fantasy world?

Truman put his hand on Klein's shoulder, making Klein shocked and speechless, "Do you know that you have committed blasphemy?!"

Klein shrank his neck slightly and forced a smile, "But that's what I do!"

Didn't "Supreme Dream" give him the authority over the abyss of the fantasy world just to let him handle the things here?

He just solidified many dark thoughts of mankind in the form of dark fairy tales.

Just this fairy tale solidifies dark thoughts such as greed, deception, desire, etc.

It seems so...Truman let Klein go and continued to be an audience, watching the story unfold.

"Why don't you learn black magic?" the prince said to the princess, "only black magic can defeat black magic!"

hiss! Truman looked at this prince. This prince seemed to be very talented. He was so skilled...

In this case, it seems like he is still a repeat offender?


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