Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 23: Backhand

Chapter 23: Backhand

Let there be light!" A gentle and mellow voice resounded throughout the real world, and the star world and the spiritual world all lit up.

The endless warm sunlight came from the distant star realm, and a god cast a compassionate gaze on the star realm, looking at the land that had been devastated by the war between gods.

Under the strong sunlight, the center of the ancient god's war began to heal, and he was repairing the entire world.

The storms and tsunamis caused by the earthquake have subsided, the chaos in the spiritual and astral worlds has also been sorted out, and the entire world is returning to its previous state.

Likewise, His sunshine also fell on countless human beings who were frightened by the war between gods, soothing their hearts and even changing their beliefs, allowing them to pray sincerely and bow down to the power of God.

"Praise the sun!"

Many pagans praise the sun.

Today is the day when the ancient sun god truly steps onto the stage of history, and there is no longer anything to hide.

All subsequent accounts of the Second Age cannot ignore this day.

The ancient gods fought for their wills and caused disasters that destroyed the world, but they did not want to see the creator of all living beings in disaster wake up from his slumber.

He opened his eyes to see the whole world, pitied everything he had created, and was angry at the ancient gods who brought destruction and harm.

He loves His people and once again spreads sunshine and warmth throughout the world.

The above will be recorded in the Creator's Holy Book.

At this time, all the ancient gods could only watch the sun illuminate the world, unable to stop it.

Even the conditions of the ancient gods who escaped before the explosion were not much better and needed time to stabilize themselves.

And when Lilith cried out for betrayal, the so-called alliance between the ancient gods had already broken down.

Today, nearly half of the eight ancient gods are dead. This is something that has never happened in the past thousand years of fighting.

From now on, the Ancient God will no longer believe in other lunatic Ancient Gods.

Who can guarantee that he will not be the next Lilith?

The Sun God chose to step on the stage of history at this time, so he naturally saw everything in some future possibility.

The terrifying storm has completely dissipated, and the cracks in the world are also closing.

Groups of remnants of divine power and extraordinary characteristics penetrated the constraints of space. Some fell to the ground and turned into forbidden areas of life. Some fell into the arms of certain demigods and angels of the same sequence.

It's just that two mysterious beings seemed to have anticipated this scene. They flashed countless times and intercepted many extraordinary characteristics in the storm.

It was Truman and Saslier.

After Truman's mysterious will was suppressed and destroyed, he returned to the battlefield of the ancient gods, and even rushed out at the same time as Sasril, heading towards the characteristics that filled the sky!

In his hands are many characteristics of the mother and the path of the moon, and these must be returned to that one.

Of course, he also gained many characteristics of the prisoner path and the hunter path, and of course there were even more messy divine items that could not form characteristics.

Sasril also gained a lot, and the goddess of misfortune, who had obtained all the characteristics of the night and nearly half of the characteristics of the Fool, also took action and obtained a red moon.

Many angels who saw this scene were awakened from their gods and began to take the initiative to seize the remnants of divine power and extraordinary characteristics.

The followers of the dead ancient gods were so frightened that they did not even dare to take the characteristics that flew in front of them, and fled directly.

This was a feast, and the biggest cake was grabbed by those three, but there were still many characteristics that fell into the hands of the major angels and slave gods. After all, you can never predict how many extraordinary characteristics a crazy ancient god has eaten.

As soon as the ancient god died, all these extraordinary characteristics were revealed.

After collecting the characteristics of demigods and above, Truman gently nodded to the goddess and Sasril, and wandered away.

He returned directly to the City of Deep Darkness, this hidden city.

Speaking of which, he is still the first Pope of the Night.

Truman returned to his residence, carefully activated the secret power on the divine badge, and then sealed the entire house with dreamy phosphorescence.

Finally, he opened the Book of Dreams and pulled out a coffin composed of flowers and trees containing endless vitality.

The coffin is not big and can only accommodate a teenage child at most.

"Hiss!" Truman opened the coffin and took a breath of cold air, "Did you retain a part of the "god of beauty" characteristic?"

The girl in front of her looks like the ancient god Lilith. She is too beautiful to be true. She is Lilith who faked her death, and this body is his back-up for resurrection.

This body was created by two gods, Lilith and the ancient Sun God, and has already developed most of its extraordinary characteristics.

"I'm probably only Sequence Seven of the Moon Path now." The girl suddenly opened her eyes, her pupils blood red, with the indifference unique to the ancient gods.

This is not caused by the inherent madness of her extraordinary characteristics, but by her lack of humanity.

Literally, after losing everything about the ancient god, her state was nothing but indifference.

"I've never been in better shape..." This is even better than in the Book of Dreams.

At that time, Lilith was an ancient god, but at this time, Lilith was just a Sequence Seven vampire. The Book of Dreams' neutralizing effect on madness was particularly prominent at this time.

She waved her hand gently, and the coffin turned into a beautiful garland and fell on her head.

This coffin is even a copy of the Sequence Two characteristics of the Mother Path, the "Mother of Desolation".

"Why did you choose to fall to sequence seven?" Truman looked at it.

This sequence is too low, so low that if Truman, Goddess, Saslier and other three people have some bad intentions, Lilith will really become history.

"I believe you." Lilith looked at Truman without any fluctuation in her tone.

Truman twitched the corner of his mouth, shook his head and laughed, "Very good, you have learned a skill that humans must master, lying."

Naturally, he would not believe Lilith's words easily. The inhuman Lilith could not even understand the word "believe".

What she relies on is probably the wreath on her head. If necessary, she may be able to become the "Mother of Desolation", right?

"Give these back to you." Truman returned many characteristics of the mother path and the moon path to Lilith.

After acquiring these characteristics, the coldness on Lilith's face seemed to have faded a bit.

"By going up the sequence path, I can maintain the most stable humanity after ascending to the throne of God, so that I can truly compete..." Lilith explained to her collaborator, "This is also that person's suggestion."

Lilith was a little apprehensive as she said this. Of course she was talking about the ancient sun god. Only after she had truly seen the ancient sun god did she truly know what a true god was.

Ancient God? Just a stronger lunatic.

"Where's Hong Yue?" Lilith asked after tapping the characteristics.

"Took it by the goddess." Truman replied, staring at Lilith, who just nodded slightly, as if she had expected it.

These two goddesses had already planned it during their last dream session.

The red moon is probably one of the contents of the transaction.


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