Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 2: The Pope

Chapter 2: The Pope

Stop!" the goddess finally spoke, unable to bear it any longer, "You copied too many copies!"

"Ahem!" Truman coughed lightly and closed the Book of Revelations of the Night. "When it comes to preaching, who can compare to that person? This is the most suitable path."

"I am not a god yet, and this is not my path." The goddess had a clear intention and refused. This would be too shameful.

"Oh, it will be copied anyway, so why not come with me." Truman muttered, feeling a little excited.

"Soon you will be a god." Truman said.

"Huh?" The goddess already has a deep understanding of the weirdness of this collaborator.

"The Demon Wolf of Destruction is about to die!" His words were shocking, and the goddess' expression changed.

Truman once learned about the current situation in the world during a chat with the goddess. The goddess came here at an unknown year, but she was very cautious and did not reveal it.

But the eight ancient gods including the Giant King Ormir, the Destroying Demonic Wolf Fregra, and the Alien King Vachtun were not dead yet and were always fighting.

"Madmen will eventually be swept into the grave of history. Why don't we give them a push? This is the trend of history." Those ancient gods are indeed powerful, but they are too crazy and hopeless.

"Why do you know these things?" The goddess just stared at Truman closely, with little stars shining, very uneasy.

It has been less than two months since Truman came here, and he has not even left the City of Deep Darkness. How can he know what the historical trend is? !

"I heard the prayers of all living beings, as well as your will." Truman immediately took the position of pope.

"Is the source of the power of the Book of Dreams?" The goddess ignored the last half of the sentence, thoughtfully.

Truman's face turned dark. The goddess's identity before time travel was not simple. She had an extremely keen sense of smell, and it was even worse now.

"Okay." The goddess didn't ask any more questions, but nodded lightly and accepted the identity of Truman. The two of them already had a certain foundation of trust, and many things that followed would be easy to handle.

This dark city is protected by the secrets of the goddess, and everyone in it is a believer of the goddess.

But outside this city, it is an extremely bloody and primitive world.

Extraordinary creatures that eat all characteristics to the point of going crazy, extraordinary races that regard humans as food, this is a hellish world for ordinary humans.

The City of Deep Darkness is definitely a special case. In addition, those city-states protected by the ancient gods cannot escape all kinds of tragedies. After all, it is a crazy era, and the ancient gods themselves are not reliable.

From this point of view, this era should indeed end.

"Now, my Lord the Pope, what do you want to do?" The goddess's eyes fell on Truman, seriously and cautiously.

"Do what I should do..."

Not long after, Truman, holding the only book of Night Revelation in the world, climbed to the top of the Deep Dark Acropolis, holding the sacred book high.

"The goddess above will grant us peace and deep sleep."

"Praise the goddess!" All believers who are protected by the goddess know that they are lucky.

In this city of deep darkness, you don't have to be wary of crazy monsters all the time, and you don't have to be captured as food by extraordinary races. This is a gift from the goddess!


The deep power rippled like ripples on the water, passing through all the believers in the City of Deep Darkness. Night vanilla and deep sleep flowers exuded a little glow, and an unprecedented tranquility soothed everyone's hearts.

"Praise the goddess!" All believers couldn't help praising the goddess.

It was at this time that all the believers felt something and looked up at the person standing under the statue of the goddess.

He is glowing, his linen robe exudes a dark luster, and the divine badge pinned on his left chest exudes quiet power.

"Goddess Oracle, I am the Pope of the City of Deep Darkness, you can call me His Excellency the Pope."

There were dots of bright stars falling from the goddess statue, which seemed to condense into a starry sky crown, which was put on Truman's head.

The people of this era were frighteningly pure, and the miracle just now shocked everyone's hearts.

"Praise the goddess, meet the pope!" Similar praises became louder and more uniform. Suddenly, Truman felt that he had established a connection with these believers in a mysterious sense.

It was at this time that all believers understood the meaning of the so-called pope, who was the agent of God, who would manage believers in place of the goddess, and would be the "father" of believers in their faith!

"Faith and anchor?" Truman speculated on the mysterious connection. In the induction, pure light points with different colors condensed, gradually forming a slowly flowing small galaxy.

"It's true." Truman looked at the light spots in front of him with surprise. "The gods need anchors to maintain their humanity, but what I need is to use these anchors of faith to move my dream book!"

Originally, the power of the Book of Dreams that he could use was simply insignificant, but now with the existence of these anchors of faith, he can leverage more powerful power.

"Believers must have enough trust, respect and even awe in me." Truman was also clever this time.

By becoming the Pope, you can directly connect with the believers in the City of Darkness, and directly gain the followers that these goddesses have accumulated over the years.

Picked the goddess's peach?

"Praise the goddess!" Truman said this sincerely.

And at this moment, the dream book disguised as the Apocalypse of Night trembled slightly, with dreamy phosphorescence falling from it, flying to the believers and blending in.

Tonight's city of deep darkness can also be called the city of dreams. In their dreams, these believers will get what they desire most and heal the deepest wounds in their hearts.

But the biggest benefit is that the pollution that inevitably accumulates on them in daily life has subsided, and their mental state has reached its fullest state.

"May your and my dreams come true!" said the Pure One, Saint Truman.

The next day, Truman, who had not slept all night, was already awake and led thousands of believers to pray together.

"Thank you goddess for giving me food!"

The goal Truman set for himself was to make this city-state and even one of the righteous churches in the future forever remember his name. This all started from all aspects of life, the most important of which was naturally "eating".

The goddess is really good at this city of deep darkness. A fertility stone equivalent to the four saints in later generations is placed at the foot of the goddess statue. Its radiation range covers the entire city. There are countless fruits, milk and other foods in this city. .

Such a city-state can already be called the Kingdom of Heaven in this era.

After that, Truman went through various operations to truly make believers feel the omnipresence of God in their daily lives. He formulated a set of somewhat cumbersome prayer procedures and compiled them into the Apocalypse of the Night in the name of the Pope.

At the same time, he also moved things that originally appeared in the real "Apocalypse of the Night" in later generations and rewrote them according to the times.

"The Creator woke up from chaos, broke the darkness, and created the first ray of light..."

"In the second era, the goddess wakes up from the darkness and will eventually take back the usurped power..."

"Praise the goddess!"

Basically, the framework of "Apocalypse of the Night" has been set by Truman, and all future popes can only patch it up.

He even made a sacrifice to the goddess, but he didn't know if she would be embarrassed after reading it...

On this day, Truman dutifully led all the believers in prayer and had formulated a simple mass process. This was enough for his title of Saint Truman to be passed down to future generations with the development and changes of the City of Darkness.

"The goddess is calling me." But not long after, Saint Truman, who basically laid the foundation for the Church of the Night, disappeared, leaving only this sentence.

Truman did not lie to these innocent lambs, the goddess was really looking for him!

The goddess was finally tempted. Of course, it was more likely that the goddess had already planned it, but Truman's appearance provided him with a better choice.

After all, he is the god of the Destruction Wolf. His hidden abilities are completely restrained by the Destruction Wolf, and many things are inconvenient.

"...Please!" The soft voice of the goddess sounded under the statue.

Two things appeared in front of Truman through reverse secret methods, and gradually became real.

A glove and a robe of darkness.

"The Gloves of the Ancient One can summon me from the fog of history, and can also allow you to go anywhere in the world."

"The Robe of the Sage, the controller of knowledge, can also be transformed into an information creature."

"The pope deserves this."

"Hiss!" Truman's eyes lit up and he held two things in his hands, "The fusion of planeswalkers and ancient scholars, and the knowledge of sages!"

hiss! How come ancient scholars got mixed up with planeswalkers?

Hmm...well, it seems that it is not incomprehensible in this age where everyone eats everything.

And the Sage's Robe is also a good thing!

Now that Truman has come to this world, he possesses the Book of Dreams, which is enough for self-protection, but in terms of combat power, it is too unstable. With these two things, as long as he does not provoke those ancient gods and ancient gods, The whole world is accessible!

As a person who is called a pure person, he is not afraid of pollution and naturally does not need to worry about any side effects.

"You must live up to your trust!" Truman solemnly said. In the following time, Truman has been adapting to two magical items. The spirituality is provided by the Book of Dreams, which is endless, and there is no need to worry about negative effects, and he can even do whatever he wants. Use the abilities within it.

"I can't drink magic potion. Is it possible that I should become the strongest collector?"

Imagining the scene of taking out countless magical items and crushing the enemy when encountering them, Truman raised his eyebrows slightly, "It seems not bad."

"But it's not a long-term solution..."

Truman played with two things, looking at the Book of Dreams and lost in thought.

A few days later, Truman came to the statue of the goddess when everything was ready.

As bright stars fell, the goddess sent Truman out of this dark city.

Truman appeared in a vast and endless primeval forest that stretched to the end of the horizon.

Now he puts on the robe of a sage. The dark robe is dotted with bright stars. In one hand he holds a dream book disguised as the Apocalypse of Night, and in the other hand he wears an ancient glove with secret and strange patterns.

The short black hair is elegant enough, and the pure inner temperament is even more outstanding. The face is white and the eyes are shining. On the level of spiritual vision, he has the wings of an angel, and he is a real angel.

All in all, it looks very good and makes people feel good about it, making them want to get close to it.


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