Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 19: Prelude to the War of Gods

Chapter 19: Prelude to the War of Gods

The secret contest between the ancient gods has begun.

But for a certain ancient god, this is still too slow. Doesn't such delay give them a chance to obtain the Sea of ??Chaos? So how do you bring about destruction? !

Amanisis, the goddess of misfortune, transformed into a mist and came to the top of a mountain.

This mountain is covered with the mists of history, and the moment Amanisis set foot here, the beings in the mists opened their eyes.

"Salinger and Kotal have arrived at the predetermined location without alerting anyone." Amanisis reported expressionlessly.

"Very good." A terrifying, indescribable demonic wolf walked out of the fog of history.

He has all the characteristics of an ordinary demonic wolf, as well as those greasy tentacles. The wolf's face is a bone mask, revealing a pair of blood-red wolf eyes, which exude destruction that scares even angels. desire.

"Destroy everything! End everything! Contaminate everything!"

The demon wolf's voice carried a strange rhythm, cruel and cold.

"Destruction from above!" The goddess of misfortune lowered her head.

At the same time, Salinger, the god of the undead, and Kotar, the god of wishes, both received instructions of destruction from the fog of history.

And with it comes hidden authority.

"Ouch!" The secret power carried by Kotal exploded in an instant. He lowered his head and made a wish, "I hope the citizens of the Kingdom of Gold will fall into deep sleep!"

The next moment, the entire Golden Kingdom fell into a deep sleep, but under the protection of the secret authority, no outsider could detect anything unusual here.

Salinger silently stretched out his palms and pushed forward, tearing open the barrier between the spiritual world and the real world. One after another black mist penetrated from the spiritual world into the real world and crawled towards the sleeping golden citizens.

This is the power from the Demonic Wolf of Destruction.

Their bodies twitch and then return to normal.

The secret dissipated at this time, and the Kingdom of Gold was reintegrated into the original world.

But it has actually become a strange city.

The citizens of the Kingdom of Gold opened their eyes at the same time, without the white of their eyes, their eyes turned pure black, and then they began to pray to the Giant King Ormir.

"The great king of giants..."

The entire Golden Kingdom is reciting the honorable name of the King of Giants. These people are the most important "anchors" for the King of Giants to maintain its status besides the giant family. They even sent their eldest son, the God of Morning, to protect them.

But at this moment, the God of Dawn was defeated and locked himself in the palace. The Giant King went out, and the Giant Queen was always on guard against the arrival of the divine war.

There is a rare undefended area here.

Seeing an opportunity in destiny, the Demonic Wolf of Destruction decided to destroy the entire Kingdom of Gold, and even used all the citizens of the Kingdom of Gold to contaminate Ormir!

The Demon Wolf of Destruction is the real destroyer, so crazy that he wants to destroy the entire world!

At this moment, the prayers of the citizens of the Kingdom of Gold rang in the ears of Ormir, who was confronting the other ancient gods.

He listened carefully, but he suddenly roared, and the dusk light in his one eye trembled violently!

The prayer light spot appeared, but it was dyed black, and there was a kind of pollution coming from the prayer light spot. To the ancient god, this pollution was not actually strong, it was just a "miracle master" extraordinary characteristic.

He miraculously integrated into the bodies of the people of the Kingdom of Gold, and miraculously followed the prayer light to come to Almir. This was the wish made by the Demonic Wolf of Destruction.

This is a crazy ancient god, but this makes him even crazier.

Among those embodied prayer light spots, there is a smooth tentacle like a spear, piercing it!

"Get out!" Olmir roared angrily, and swept out the dusk sword in his hand. The light of dusk corrupted everything and destroyed all the prayer light spots.

The plan to destroy the demon wolf was not completely successful, but the shaking of the anchor at that moment also made Olmir's mental state worse.

"Ouch!" An excited wolf howl resounded throughout the land, and the Destruction Wolf looked at everything ferociously.

But at the same time, the crazy thunder struck the Demonic Wolf of Destruction!

This is the beginning of the divine war!

But in an instant, thunder filled the sky, the red moon hung high, and the dusk of dusk enveloped the Demonic Wolf of Destruction.

"Fool!" The demon wolf didn't even block those attacks, letting the thunder tear his body apart. He turned into a ball of rolling mist, which was composed of historical authority and secret authority.

A strange fluctuation spread out like water waves, causing the three ancient gods of Ormir to stagnate, as if they had forgotten to attack.

Then there were attacks from every corner of the world. Countless light doors opened, and the space became a sieve. Behind the doors was death in the underworld, spiritual breath, alien curses, and even corruption and filth.

The three ancient gods of the Humanoid Alliance have revealed such flaws, how can the Alien Alliance let them go? !

They took action at the same time. The ancestor of the phoenix, Gray Carrie, "opened the door" and led the attacks of the other three ancient gods here.

The fantasy dragon, the alien king and even the demon king.

All this is what the Demon Wolf of Destruction wants. He doesn't care about the complexity of the battle. He just wants to create the most terrifying destruction!

Is there any scene of destruction that is more terrifying than a fight between all the ancient gods?

The Alliance of Ancient Gods can influence the entire world with one move. The Demon Wolf of Destruction went crazy and attacked the Twilight Giant, actively provoking a war between gods, and even dragged it and the Ancient Gods into the war!

"Damn the demon wolf!" Giant King Ormir roared wildly, dusk eroded the night, and the orange-red dusk sword slashed at the crazy demon wolf.

The other ancient gods also found their opponents. Eight ancient gods fought fiercely, and the world seemed to be on the verge of destruction.

"It's a bit scary!" Truman looked at the battlefield of the ancient gods and took a breath. The gods were more terrifying than he imagined, especially a lunatic like the ancient gods.

"But those humans can't die." Truman wandered to the Kingdom of Gold. Everyone here was contaminated by the Miracle Master's characteristics and was defiled by the twilight light of Ormir, and they had begun to die on a large scale.

After the God War, the best outcome here is to become a dead city. Those who are unlucky will turn into monsters that devour each other until one of them devours them all.

"Stop!" Truman pressed the dream book, and endless dreamy phosphorescence fell on everyone's head.

The dreamy phosphorescence prevented the human beings from fighting driven by the aggregation of the Miracle Master's characteristics, separated them, and extracted the Miracle Master's characteristics from them. The process went smoothly and no one disturbed them.

He put away this Miracle Master trait, which was dispensable for the Demon Wolf of Destruction, but it was an excellent gain for him.

"There are still these people, you can become my believers." He opened a light door, leading to his territory in the ancient Sun God Kingdom.

That's probably where he'll be based for a long time.

"I picked up so many followers for nothing!" Truman was very satisfied.


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