Lord of Enigma

Chapter 65: In The Night Market At The Blue Bear Park

Chapter 65: In The Night Market At The Blue Bear Park

It was already late at night in the city, and the scenery in different districts was very different

The Midtown Avenue was still brightly lit, which was completely worthy of the name of "Moses City's Business Card". The Blanck District was still so cold and chaotic, exuding an atmosphere of forbidding strangers to enter. The Newton District still exuded a sense of history, mixed with some artistic aura. They collectively outline a unique picture.

A police car was shuttling through the street between the Newton and Lopez districts. There was no whistling noise, but it maintained a constant speed under the light. Because it was a street paved with bricks and stones, it was a little bumpy.

The driver was Stana.

It wasn't Tang Qi who deliberately acted like he was the star of the show, and made the most beautiful sergeant of the Moses Police Station personally escort him.

It was Stana who insisted on sending him off. In fact, Tang Qi originally intended for it to be Gideon.

He's an old man after all and must have seen a lot. Tang Qi thought that he could've had a good talk with Gideon.

But since Stana took the lead, Gideon could only give in.

At this time, Tang Qi was sitting in the back seat, and was playing with a silver wine flask. He wondered whether he should buy a car too.

This idea was quickly rejected by Tang Qi himself.

Why should he buy a car when someone picks him up?

He was a consultant and a very rare mysterious side consultant. Isnt it nice that he can enjoy the escort of a beautiful female sergeant?

Although at this time, the female sergeant herself was not in very good condition. While driving, she glanced at Tang Qi from time to time. There was an undisguised curiosity in her eyes, and the source of curiosity was naturally the wine flask in Tang Qi's hands.

She could guess that it was the spoils that Tang Qi got after the death of the Resentful Spirit.

She was curious about the function of the wine flask, and why a prop from a movie became a supernatural object in the end.

It was just that she kept her thoughts to herself and didn't ask any questions.

Tang Qi naturally knew this, but he never gave Stana the answer.

Apart from his bad personality.

Another thing was that Tang Qi didn't know whether to let Stana set foot into the supernatural side too much. She was even more of a novice than Tang Qi.

One of the common problems of novices is curiosity. They were curious about everything on the supernatural side.

But even if Stana really wanted to enter this world, should Tang Qi lead her?

After several days of getting along, he liked her very much. She could be considered a warm woman under her cold appearance. But most importantly, she was extremely beautiful.

Especially her expression of gnashing her teeth with anger, but having to listen to him. It was Tang Qi's little joy in the process of nervously preparing for the "plan" in his heart. So, maybe it was because of his bad character.

The final decision was of course not for him to answer.

He was not Stana's mentor, and he didn't have the leisure to be a mentor now.

Completely ignoring Stana's curious gaze, Tang Qi flipped his palms and put away the "Eternal Wine". Then he slowly took out a bunch of tangled hair from his other pocket and began to unravel it patiently.

An intriguing hair knot!

This supernatural object was now one of Tang Qi's daily routines.

Every time a knot is untied,  the soul of the entangled girl would be freed, and at the same time, there was also a chance to gain a piece of knowledge.

Although there were not many opportunities to gain knowledge, and there was only one so far. A pair of twin sisters from the Mohawk race gave him the Ancient Mohawk Language before the liberation of their souls, allowing him to master this ancient language extremely quickly.

But Tang Qi still enjoyed it, and in the process, he could exercise his control over the mental energy in his body.

Unfortunately, before he could untie the next hair knot, the originally slow speed of the car suddenly began to speed up.

No, it should be said that it finally returned to normal.

Tang Qi has always believed that once Stana touched the steering wheel, unlike a police officer, she was more like a racecar driver.

The previous unhurried look was probably the result of Stana's efforts to suppress it.

Seeing that she couldn't get the answer from Tang Qi, Stana immediately returned to her original state. The police car with the headlights on quickly traversed the streets like a bolt of lightning. After a few minutes, it stopped at the entrance of a dark street.

The door opened and Tang Qi got out.

On the driver's seat, Stana took a glance at the dark street behind Tang Qi and showed a hint of worry on her face. She was about to ask why he came here so late, and whether he needed protection. But soon, the female sergeant remembered the scene where Tang Qi and the Dugong Sea Monster were fighting that night.

Because she signed a consultant contract with Tang Qi that he didn't need to do anything, plus her confusion today, which almost made Stana really think that Tang Qi was a weak and helpless high school student.

Who would've thought of that?

That night, this little guy was so valiant and fierce.

Thinking of this, Stana couldn't help but roll her eyes at him. Without saying anything, she pressed the accelerator and the police car immediately roared away.

"What a narrow-minded woman!"

Tang Qi murmured as he threw the blame on Stana's head.

Then, Tang Qi turned directly and walked into the dark street.

It was a short street, with no need for any street lights. He walked a few steps and saw some light in front of him.

What appeared in front of Tang Qi was a park.

There were two dim light poles at the entrance, and the words "Blue Bear Park" were reflected in the somewhat wobbling light.

Although the City of Moses was a city with a rich industrial atmosphere, those large factories such as steel and oil plants were located in the suburbs. The green environment in the urban areas was actually very good. For example, the city's residents liked to go to the midtown park, which was no different from a small forest.

In contrast, the Blue Bear Park was a very small place with no sense of existence. It was less famous than the other, but the more exquisite "Larch Park" was even more miserable.

Especially at night, no one came.

Because it is too close to the Bronck District, night joggers, homeless people, and dating couples would deliberately avoid this place. After all, no one wants to be robbed or encounter other misfortunes. If they were careless, they might even die.

Tang Qi glanced at his watch, calculated the time, and muttered, "The second day of every week, it starts late at night and ends at dawn. The place is in the central area of Blue Bear Park. It accepts both currency and goods."

"Most of the goods are herbal medicines or food collected and manufactured by the mountain dwellers, as well as some wild beast fur. Some independent artists or vagrants who can't afford to eat will also sell their achievements at the gathering, or gain rewards by performing. Many old citizens or collectors who can't make it will choose to take out antiques from various eras for sale and exchange"

"A night market with a unique style, or an early market."

"I wonder if I can find what I need?"

Tang Qi muttered about the information from Professor Kassel, who had turned into a plant. At the same time, his figure gradually sank into the depths of the park.


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