Lord of Enigma

Chapter 62: Love Of Dionysus

Chapter 62: Love Of Dionysus

"She's indeed obsessed with the aesthetics of the era of upheaval, but more precisely, she's obsessed with the best leading role, a movie with a far-reaching influence that eventually caused this type of man to be popular throughout the country"

"A movie?"

Tang Qi didn't keep them in suspense, he pointed at the faces of the seven poor people on the ground that were somewhat similar and then revealed the answer.

The era of upheaval was a very strange and short-lived era, but its influence had always remained in various industries or other details of the Federation.

However, after all, it was a long time ago. Except for Gideon, the others could only say that they had heard about it, but they were definitely not familiar with it, let alone proficient in it.

In fact, although Tang Qi was working hard to study the history of the Federation and even the whole of the Blue Star, it was definitely a long-term project. Tang Qi's progress had not yet reached the point where he can easily bring out all kinds of historical records.

The reason why he knew a little about the era of upheaval was that it appeared a little frequently in various "strange books".

Tang Qi borrowed a large number of books from the Moses Library, and he could often see all kinds of anecdotes of the era.

For example, in "The Centenary of the Federation Absurdity and Reality", it was mentioned that in the era of upheaval, the federal government once issued a decree that lasted for only about half a year and aimed at the entire Federation, that is, the prohibition of alcohol and its manufacturing.

Among the relevant tales of this degree, one movie was eye-catching.

Tang Qi didn't need to explain the story to everyone, because at this time, Gideon, who was born at the end of the upheaval era, had already guessed the name of the movie.

"Love of Dionysus!"

Gideon's old face changed, and he spat out the name with excitement.

Tang Qi nodded, affirming Gideon's conjecture.

Then continued, "According to what I saw. The movie tells a very strange love story. The husband, a young, handsome and rich doctor, because of frequent acts of cheating, was eventually killed by his crazy and beautiful wife on impulse."

"In order to resurrect her lover, his wife brewed a kind of wine and dripped it on her husband. The dead husband really resurrected and became a perfect lover. Not only does he have a handsome appearance, a healthy body, and an elegant conversational manner, but he also completely obeyed her orders."

"It's a pity that her husband died again soon after. His state was just like these corpses, cold and stiff, and couldn't be destroyed. In order to get together with her perfect lover, the wife had to brew this kind of taboo wine again and again, which was named after her by borrowing the name of the ancient god of wine. She eventually died of exhaustion."

"At the ending of the movie, the husband's body will never change, but the wife will soon rot into a pile of bones."

Following Tang Qi's narration, everyone came back to their senses.

Their eyes fell on the corpses on the ground one after another.

The clues that were originally inconspicuous were now completely uncovered.

"This type of facial features? It's because of the movie's actor Robert Gable, the love of Dionysus is indeed his famous work, and it's also the beginning of his popular career in the Federation."

"This kind of clothes was because Robert Gable played as a doctor in the movie. At that time, many doctors would place a white handkerchief in the pocket in front of their chests."

"Is this way of death also a tribute to the love of Dionysus?"

Each clue corresponded to Tang Qi's statement.

Of course, this was even weirder.

Because it meant that at the junction of the Newton district and Lopez district, there was a mysterious monster, searching for people with faces similar to those of Robert Gable, the first leading male star of the era of upheaval, and then killing them, and turning their corpses into zombies.

If this was not of the supernatural field, but a serial killer who deliberately pursued such an effect, then this case seemed to have a very attractive charm.

Gideon was getting excited. He was currently writing a book, and being able to participate in such a series of homicides would definitely add a lot of content to his book.

No, it would be more interesting if it was of the supernatural field.

Gideon was very happy. If he had the idea of leaving the group before, it would be completely gone now.

He was now an old man who pursued excitement and thus completed his lifelong efforts.

The excitement in his heart made him take in Tang Qi's thoughts and say in the tone of a senior detective, "So you need to find someone with a face similar to Gable, and lure the monster to show up and kill him. But here are some problems, such as how to ensure the safety of the bait. Do you know what kind of existence that monster is? How did she kill people? And can Stana kill her? "

Hearing these questions, Tang Qi pondered for a while, and then fulfilled his status as an adviser.

"If there is a suitable bait, I can lend him a piece of my collection, I can't guarantee absolute safety, but it's enough to give ample time."

"That monster should be a resentful spirit, a female resentful spirit, who substituted herself into the role of his wife. Her killing method is temporarily unknown."

"As for whether Stana can kill her, you should ask Stana."


As soon as Tang Qi finished talking, he and Gideon heard a strange noise at the same time. When they turned their heads to see, Stana pulled out her big baby and shook it slightly. The exaggerated shape of the Wine Red Rhino shocked the other people present

As the owner of Blood Python One, Tang Qi expressed his calmness.

But as for the others, they all looked envious and jealous.

As long as he's a man, he'd love this monstrous combination of steel and sulfur.

Unfortunately, there was only one Wine Red Rhino throughout the Moses Police Station. That was brought by Stana when she was sent to Moses City from Exquisite Phoenix Prefecture. It was one of her few privileges. If you didn't add the supernatural, to a certain extent, the Wine Red Rhino is even rarer than the Blood Python One.

Although holding a monster such as the wine-red rhino, Stana was not a reckless person.

She thought about the "plan" that Tang Qi and Gideon had agreed upon, then confronted Tang Qi, and asked, "If the resentful spirit appears and their threat level exceeds the capacity of the two types of bullets you gave me. Can you give me an early warning? "

The female Sergeant once again showed good her high level of EQ. Instead of asking whether Tang Qi, who had set the plan, would eventually participate in the battle, she asked Tang Qi if he could give an early warning.

Compared with expecting Tang Qi to join, it was more reliable for him to give a warning in advance.

Tang Qi easily understood, and then directly replied, "Yes!"

After saying that, he took a look at Nathan and Javier who were a little confused, and silently added, "If the threat level of that resentful spirit reaches the point where it can ignore your bullets, and you still can't escape under my early warning, there is a high probability that Imay also die. "


Stana, who was expecting to hear the phrase "I will also participate in the battle", was almost tongue-tied by Tang Qi's words.

She glared at Tang Qi with her beautiful eyes and thought to herself, such a bad high-school student, I shouldn't have expected much from him.


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