Lord of Enigma

Chapter 60: A Strange Person

Chapter 60: A Strange Person

"Thank you. I really like this language."

Tang Qi got up and bowed back to the two Mohawk girls.

He didn't lie. He was indeed very fond of this newly learned language. Especially gaining the relevant memory in a cheating manner within a few seconds.

The Mohawk language!

It referred to the language of the Mohawk people. They were one of the oldest races in the Condor Federation. Before the establishment of the Federation, or before the arrival of the "new immigrants", the Mohawks dominated the southeast area of the continent.

This was a race that was brave and skilled at warfare, known as the "Guardians of the Eastern Border".

They believed that all creatures had spirits, and respected nature, heaven, and earth.

Because of the rapid development of the Condor Federation, the Mohawks were actually considered to be a very small ethnic group now, and most of them were integrated into the Federation by intermarrying with other races. Pure Mohawks were extremely rare, and their language was gradually dying, replaced by the official language of the Federation that was commonly used.

If Tang Qi wanted to learn it, it might take a lot of resources and energy, and even then, he might not be able to learn in the most original and comprehensive way.

And now, Tang Qi had already learned it.

A gift from the two girls!

Although the use of the Mohawk language was unclear for the time being, it was always good to know an ancient language.

What wizards were the most fond of was the accumulation of knowledge.

Tang Qi said so in his heart and then rubbed his somewhat swollen eyebrows. Just when he was pondering whether or not to continue solving the strange knot, there was a knock on the lounge door.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, Tang Qi silently put away the knot.

He got up and opened the door.

Standing in front of him was naturally Stana. There seemed to be a trace of tiredness on her face. She waved the documents in her hand in greeting and turned to walk towards the meeting room.

Tang Qi kept up and soon saw several documents spread out on the meeting room table.

Stana's mature, magnetic voice sounded at this time.

"These are some of the most urgent cases screened out in the several areas closest to the police station.

"You're the consultant, you can decide the order among them."

After finishing, she saw that Tang Qi nodded, and she began to introduce them one by one.

"The first case, the Bronx District has seen a sharp increase in mortality in recent days. The police station had to send an extra corpse collection cart. In addition to the usual deaths from gangsters and robberies, there were some strange, partly eaten corpses, it seemed to be done by some beasts."

The first document was about the Bronx district. Tang Qi was not surprised at all. No wonder it was called the most chaotic area by the citizens of Moses City.

The description of the case also sounded very similar, seeming to be done by the Visage Canine. But Tang Qi couldn't be sure. After all, there were plenty of other monsters similar to the Visage Canine.

Tang Qi was still thinking, and Stana's voice continued speaking.

"Still Bronx district. A newly emerged small gang was killed overnight. The scene was terrible, and there were traces of a suspected cult ritual left.

"In the Bronx district, there were successive reports from landlords about a large number of tenants who disappeared inexplicably. The reason is yet unknown."

Three continuous serious cases in the Bronx made even Stana and the others shake their heads.

If Moses City, the historic cosmopolitan city, didn't deal with this biggest tumor, it might never return to its peak.

Fortunately, the next case was finally not in the Bronx district.

"Ratch district. A serial killer has appeared. At least three families have been killed. The scene was handled very cleanly, and no biological samples were left."

Ratch district was suddenly mentioned, immediately triggering a bit of Tang Qi's memory. He still owned a villa there.

Stana gave Tang Qi a look. She had, of course, investigated this guy with a somewhat bad temperament and naturally knew where he came from. But seeing that he didn't react, she put down the document and continued to the next.

"In Newton large district, at least a dozen corpses have been found in recent days. Most of them were homeless people or travelers. Most of the flesh was gone, and it was clearly done by canine animals.

"In Midtown district, in Central Park, some dead people were found one after another. All were rich people who traveled at night. The blood in their bodies was sucked dry.

"The last case is at the border between Newton large district and Lopez large district. At least seven corpses have been found so far. The victims were all put on old drama costumes. Their bodies were ice-cold and stiff, and there were creepy smiles on their faces."

Stana finished her introductions and looked at Tang Qi along with the others.

There were a total of seven big cases. They were selected from a large number of documents.

Each looked very serious.

And they fulfilled the two conditions by Tang Qi. Nevertheless, the group was only recently formed, and only Tang Qi the "non-combat" consultant and Stana who was in charge of combat were capable of dealing with supernatural powers.

So they could only deal with one case at a time.

The choice was Tang Qi's.

Tang Qi was indeed thinking. He first eliminated the one in Newton large district because that case had already been solved, so to speak.

After all, the description of that case sounded like it was done by Mr. Scana.

An ordinary person with wild dreams actually accidentally produced a supernatural species like the hellhound and had to feed them with human flesh. Those homeless people and travelers of Newton large district were too unfortunate.

Luckily, Mr. Scana had already died, and so did those hellhounds.

And his "work" became one of Tang Qi's collections. There should be no more tragic consequences.

And then, those three cases in the Bronx district were also pushed back by Tang Qi. The reason was simple. Since they were in the same district, he had better find a day with more free time to investigate all of them at once.

He would deal with it if he could. If he couldn't, he'd retreat rapidly and let the sergeant go and apply for supplementary forces.

The one in Ratch district looked like it was done by a certain capable serial killer. There was insufficient evidence to call it a supernatural case. It was eliminated temporarily.

That left the last two cases.

Tang Qi thought about them quietly, and eventually, his look fell on the last document.

Moses Police Station managed all the subordinate stations in the large districts, naturally including that of Lopez and Newton large districts.

When Stana and Tang Qi's group arrived at the "scene", they were met with the reception police officers sent by the two districts' subordinate stations. One was a white police officer with too much fat on his body, and another was a young police officer with abundant body hair. The two showed bright smiles at the same time and then gave each other a stare before eventually approaching them together.

Tang Qi and Stana didn't actually show surprise at seeing this.

Before they arrived, they already knew that because the case happened on the border between the two large districts, coupled with its horrifying characteristics, each wanted to push responsibility onto the other.

The two subordinate stations ended up in a stalemate, and in the end, they didn't even bring the corpses back but left them all in a church.

Calling it "a temporary working office".

Aside from Tang Qi and Stana, those coming this time also included Nathan, Javier, Gideon the old man, and the forensic girl.

The reasons given by the last two made it impossible to reject them.

Gideon said he had lived for decades and solved many murder cases done by humans. Now, he wanted to see how such things as evil spirits and evil gods looked like, after all.

And the reason of the forensic girl was even simpler: she was bored of dissecting humans and wanted to try and see what the difference was between the corpse of a supernatural monster and that of a human.

Hearing their reasons, Tang Qi actually understood why they ended up in this group.

Among ordinary people, they all could be counted as "weird people".

When Tang Qi entered that temporary working office (the small church) and saw the seven corpses clothed in strange drama costumes, he said to himself internally, "Your wishes may be coming true."


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