Lord of Enigma

Chapter 54: Casters and the Wine Red Rhino

Chapter 54: Casters and the Wine Red Rhino

Tang Qi placed Stana's portion of breakfast in front of her and said, "You're welcome. Please help yourself."

His mature and considerate manners almost let Stana think that it was a gentleman of similar age as her. After being stunned for a moment, she finally realized that there was no man of her age here, only a high-school student with a somewhat bad temper, although right now he did look like a young gentleman.

After secretly giving Tang Qi a glance, Stana began to eat cheerfully.

This was breakfast hand-made by a "person from the mystical realm"; the taste must be special.

Stana thought so to herself.

And the taste that soon entered her mouth did live up to her imagination.

Although Tang Qi's cooking wasn't at the level of extraordinariness, his culinary skills from Earth in his previous life still made his cooking surpass many on the Origin Blue Star. If not for the existence of the mystical realm, Tang Qi could have even considered opening a specialized restaurant.

Chief Chef and boss, a good career indeed.

Tang Qi quickly settled his breakfast and then looked with a little surprise at Stana, who was slowly eating. Her elegant posture and not expensive but very tastefully matched clothing showed that the valiant and heroic female sergeant had a well-to-do family background.

While thinking so to himself, Tang Qi wiped his mouth, said "give me a moment", then got up, and went to the second floor.

When he came down again, he placed a wooden box in front of Stana.

Opening it, there were a total of twelve bullets inside.

Among them, most were furnace bullets shining with faint red light. There were a total of eight.

And four were sea monster bullets shining faintly with crystal blue light.

Tang Qi explained their effects and gave the reasons for the different number of bullets.

In terms of power, furnace bullets were stronger.

While the sea monster bullets focused on the breaking of curses.

A combination of the two was enough to raise the battle power of Stana, an ordinary person, to the supernatural level.

And a pretty good level on top of that.

Ordinary police personnel had almost no power of resistance against supernatural creatures, but Stana would be a terrible threat.

For lower-level monsters such as the Bronx Visage Canine, Scavenger Nightingales, and Spider Monsters, so long as they didn't directly ambush her, they could never survive a few shots from Stana.

"Save them. I can't provide them in unlimited quantities." Fearing that Stana would get too excited from receiving supernatural bullets, Tang Qi specially added the sentence.

In fact, between these two bullet types, although the sea monster bullets had limited quantities, Tang Qi could actually constantly supply the furnace bullets.

After all, it was his blood he was using. So long as he was not providing for a whole team of fighters, there should be little pressure on him.

As a reward, Tang Qi could rely on the power of officials, and at the same time, he could harvest as he wished. Even the Moses police station could only pick up what he left. No transaction was more worth it.

Stana who got the bullets was indeed very excited. At the same time, she couldn't help but ask a question. With a serious face, she asked, "Should supernatural bullets be fired with a supernatural firearm in order to achieve the maximum effect?"

"That's true indeed. But"

Tang Qi was still continuing on, yet he saw that Stana's face was suddenly full of shyness, as though a little embarrassed. But she reached into her breast pocket and took out a big item, putting it on the table with a snap.

A charming, magnetic voice sounded at this moment.

"Mr. Advisor, this is my treasure. Can you transform it?

"I can pay a price that satisfies you."

Even without using his keen perception, Tang Qi could feel the expectation in Stana's mind at this time, and there was a hint of mischief.

At the same time, he was very speechless.

Right now, the so-called treasure of Stana on the table was a pistol with an exaggerated design no worse-looking than Blood Python No.1.

Tang Qi knew from just the brutal, wild style, that this pistol, with the name "Wine Red Rhino", was definitely also produced by that monstrous firearm company.

This was the reason why the two of them could use the same bullets. Same company, same caliber.

"No wonder it closed down Keep producing all these pistols that can't be used by ordinary people, how does one make a profit? It'd be a miracle if it didn't fold up."

Tang Qi made a few comments in his mind and then gave the Wine Red Rhino a glance.

Very straightforwardly, he refused. "It's a pity, but I can't.

"My ability to transform bullets is a very simple ability. In fact, not only me, but anyone who has a basic grasp of mystical realm abilities can do this. The difference is in the powers of the bullets after transformation.

"But guns are far too complicated. I can't do it. That's probably the ability of a caster."

Hearing Tang Qi's explanation, though she felt regret, Stana still put away the Wine Red Rhino.

She continued to finish up her breakfast in an elegant yet rapid manner before the two left Holy Thorns High School, got in the police car, and drove right towards an area in between the Bronx district and the Midtown district.

Moses Police Station was there.

A very classical-looking building was located between the two large districts. On the right was the bustling Midtown district, yet on the left was the dirty, backward Bronx district. A very strange contrast was entirely condensed on this one building.

Under Stana's guidance, Tang Qi very smoothly started his job, filled in his information, and obtained a badge, documentations, and a police pistol with very little power, all of which now belonged to himself.

Yes, it was the pistol used by an ordinary policeman.

Not everyone qualified to carry a "Wine Red Rhino" on duty.

Fortunately, Tang Qi didn't dislike it. A pistol with however poor powers was still a pistol, no?

The atmosphere inside the police station was just as busy and tense as Tang Qi expected whether it was the lobby, office area, interrogation room, the aisle, or the elevator; from the police passing by to the escorted criminals Everything together formed a solemn picture that couldn't help but make one put on a serious face.

Fortunately, when they arrived at the area where Stana's murder team was working, the atmosphere was less boiling and nervous.

Once they walked into the area, the two immediately felt several glances flying towards them.

Stana's subordinates included a white detective who looked fond of wearing a sweater, a black man who showed a mouthful of white teeth when he smiled and who had slightly curly hair, and an older white man who seemed to be a senior and who was always smiling.

There were also two women. One was a brown-haired beauty in charge of logistics who had a super-hot body shape. She wore office wear and walked in a trembly manner that made one fear she might fall on her face in the next second. The other was a young black woman with average looks and mild temperament; she was a forensic expert.

Everyone welcomed the joining of Tang Qi as a "special advisor". Especially after they found out that Stana, the beautiful sergeant who was feared by everyone in the Moses police station, seemed to have little air of authority with Tang Qi, and even looked like she wanted to please him, the atmosphere instantly became even more lively.

Everyone expressed a greater degree of welcome to Tang Qi and began various indirect forms of questioning as they tried to figure out the relationship between the two.

Obviously, unlike Stana, they had yet to come in contact with that other world.

This group seemed to have just been formed recently.

The reason was simple: the predecessors of these people, Stana's former subordinates, all died in that incident from Sea Monster's Howl.

"It would be interesting to see ordinary people's expressions after coming into contact with the mystical realm."

Tang Qi smiled and chatted with the others, while he said this with a sly sense of humor.

Right when he was sensing that he was being a bit bad, his jinx attribute seemed to have worked once more.


The elevator suddenly opened, and a black police officer quickly walked out. He seemed to be very anxious, breathing rapidly, and after sensing his directions for a moment, he came straight toward the area where the group was.

Tang Qi's gaze drifted over, and he immediately sensed the emotions of this officer.


A very strong fear!

"Something has happened!" Tang Qi said quietly.


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