Lord of Enigma

Chapter 116: Linguistic Expert

Chapter 116: Linguistic Expert

At Tang Qi's brick building in the Thorns Campus.


Suddenly, a cloud of smoke exploded in front of him in the small living room of his workspace. Initially, it was only as big as a fist and came pouring out of the pot, but it quickly expanded and soon filled the whole small living room.

In the white smoke, a strange, contoured face was slowly forming.

It opened its mouth and seemed to say something.

However, before it could finish its words, it shattered with a "puff", the smoke then shrank suddenly, and finally condensed into a drop of pitch-black liquid in the air, which just fell into the test tube reached over by Tang Qi.

"Another failure!"

Tang Qi frowned slightly. He was very clear that the scene just now was not the scene of the successful creation of the secret medicine.

Judging from his expression, it was evident that he had failed more than once.

Through the gap of the window, it was already bright outside. Obviously, Tang Qi, a high school student, was going to skip classes for another day. Presumably, the teachers were already used to it, so it was not surprising.

Tang Qi didn't care about the time, if necessary, he could spend a whole day on it.

His gaze focused directly on the test tube in his hand.

Under the surging light, the special screen jumped out.

[Mystical Object: The Secret Medicine of the Words of Kumon. ]

[Quality: failed product. ]

[Information Fragment 1: A failed Words of Kumon Secret Medicine. The creator did not successfully add the required command, but this doesn't mean that this secret medicine will have no effect. In fact, it still has some hypnotic effects, But the effects will be unknown. ]

[Information Fragment 2: The reason for the creation failure may be the concentration of the second main material. ]


Tang Qi's eyes fell on the second piece of information without hesitation.

Then he put the failed product into the freezer beside him.

He turned around and entered the "secret pharmacy" skill state again.

This time, he really started to adjust the concentration of the second main material, a dark viscous liquid.

This scene was the reason why he was confident that he could surpass Abu in a short period of time.

Abu's talent in secret pharmacy was not low, and his thinking was bold. He can also conduct any cruel experiments without scruple.

However, Tang Qi could cheat with his special ability.

But even so, Tang Qi still failed time and time again. The reason might be that his knowledge of secret pharmacy was almost all from the "primal pharmacy school", and the "Words of Kumon" secret medicine was obviously from another school.

Although there was no conflict between the two, it had seriously reduced Tang Qi's success rate.

Roughly half a minute later, the new try entered the final stage.


When Tang Qi poured the last liquid into the pot, the familiar strange noise came.

A cloud of smoke burst suddenly.

In an instant, Tang Qi's small living room became illusory, and a hazy face was slowly forming.

It opened and closed its contoured mouth and uttered four words silently.

When the last word fell, all the smoke condensed into at least ten drops of red liquid. They dripped down one by one and fell into the glass tube that Tang Qi stretched out.

Tang Qi did not wait and focused his eyes on it directly.

The red liquid didn't smell like blood at all. Instead, like a flame, it was jumping and burning, with a blazing sensation.

The light that was more intense than last time converged together.

[Mystical Object: The Secret Medicine of the Words of Kumon. ]

[Quality: Excellent. ]

[Information Fragment 1: A secret medicine of excellent quality, the person who takes it will not be able to resist the command attached to the secret medicine, and will obey it unconditionally. ]

[Information Fragment 2: It is only for low-level extraordinary people or ordinary people, and there is a certain chance of failure. Once it fails, you will not be able to take the same kind of secret medicines again. ]


A hint of joy appeared on Tang Qi's face.

Although it was by cheating, this secret medicine remaking experiment had troubled Abu for a long time. But it was broken through in one day by Tang Qi's hands. Wasn't it worth celebrating?

After putting the secret medicine with his own unique command into a separate freezer, he glanced at the sky outside the window.

Then he turned his head back and cleaned up the workbench, but he didn't stop working. Instead, he turned around and brought in some other materials.

After a short rest, he quickly launched the secret pharmacy skill again.

Unlike the previous configuration of the Words of Kumon, this time Tang Qi moved fast. Obviously, he was making a very low-level secret medicine, and he succeeded on the first try.

In just ten seconds, a bottle of gray secret medicine appeared in his hand.

"An insurance!"

Tang Qi looked at the secret medicine in his hand and said silently.

It was indeed a very low-level secret medicine. In fact, some non-mystical methods can also achieve the same effect as this secret medicine.

Secret Medicine of Amnesia!

Before discovering the "Words of Gumon", this secret medicine was prepared by Tang Qi for Macauley

Today, it was double insurance.

"His fate all depends on himself."

Tang Qi put the amnesia secret medicine together with the "Words of Kumon", and then packed everything up.

After a moment of thought, he found that he seemed to be a little free.

At dusk, it was the right time to go to Macauley and let him decide his future destiny

Before that, Tang Qi didn't want to go to class. The police station was in a "holiday" state, and it seemed that Tang Qi had nothing else to do except to practice.

"Fortunately, there is this little thing."

"If I undo it as soon as possible, maybe I can unlock the achievement of [Linguistic Expert] sooner."

Tang Qi prepared coffee and small snacks for himself. Half lying on the sofa, he took out the magic hair knot, but he couldn't help complaining.

This mystical object was obtained from the destroyed Gregory Self-portrait. Apart from some additional growth to his mental power, and the three rare and endangered languages that while useful in some ways, it didnt seem to have much effect on his combat power.

But last time, it finally gave him a knowledge that was not about language: taming of beasts!

It sounded like an auxiliary extraordinary knowledge.

However, this basic knowledge was a prerequisite for impacting occupations such as "beast tamer" and "shepherd" and was a very rare knowledge.

Regardless of whether it was beast tamer or shepherd, they were absolutely powerful professions.

This made Tang Qi look forward to what he would get after unraveling all these wonderful knots.

These thoughts emerged and quickly disappeared.

After he began to concentrate his mind and unravel the hair knots, the brick building soon returned to silence, and there was no other sound except Tang Qi's faint breathing.

But if anyone was here, they would be terribly frightened.

After all, who could keep calm after seeing a high school student, playing calmly with a bunch of hair?

If one had a more acute perception, he might have heard the laughter of young maidens.


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