Lord of Charm

Chapter 13 12 – Atress' Arrival

This morning Gale and Lena were having breakfast together with Nina as always when they made plans to visit the jail to meet Rachel later in the afternoon. Lena has already instructed Neal to let Rachel move into the apartment where Gale was having his sessions with Mira, so everything was prepared for Gale to arrive.

"Do you really have to marry Atress now? You've become a magician; you can be a free person now."

Nina asked curiously, ultimately, she thought there was no reason for him to marry Atress anymore.

"I thought the same thing, but Lena insists I should marry her. She wouldn't even tell me why."

"Haha, you have a lot to benefit from marrying Atress, pretty boy."

It was a hint; his benefits will be earned thanks to his good looks. He tried thinking what meaning lay under Lena's words but couldn't come up with anything. Atress was a stage 2 magician he didn't plan to cripple even if they get married, and her affinity was earth which he was already going to obtain from Rachel.

He tried going at it logically; The only benefits he needed were strong women, and the only strong woman in Atress' house was Atress' mother, the viscount herself. WAIT! It couldn't be what Lena meant… right?

"Ahm, my dear big sister, you aren't telling me to go after Atress' mother, right?"

He asked carefully, causing Nina's face to brighten with understanding. She was already aware of Gale's ability to improve by getting laid by stronger women, although she wasn't aware of the details.

"Haha Gale, you really are going to become a milf hunter for the rest of your life!"

Gale blushed, he couldn't find words to retort; the stronger he becomes the stronger he would need his women to be, and the stronger women were mostly the older ones who have practiced for longer.

"Hahaha wait, wait, no! Sooner or later, you'd turn into GMILF hunter!"

Nina burst out laughing, making Gale get annoyed by her teasing.

"There is no such term! Besides, if they're strong enough to make me go after them, their magic can easily keep their youthful look. I've heard that above rank 7 some people like to be in their child form!"

Lena raised an eyebrow at him.

"Do you want to go after children, Gale?"

"What-what? No, that's not what I meant! I just said there are young-looking women at high stages."

"Right. You'll probably like Rachel, she has a petite build."

"As I said, I'm into big-"

"Lady Atress has arrived!"

The guard saved him from falling into Nina's and Lena's trap. It can be quite scary to be bullied by 2 girls…

Lena glared at the guard who interrupted Gale, sending shivers down his spine.

"What is she doing here?"

"Lady Lena, I didn't ask. She only said she wish to meet with Lord Gale."

The guard replied with a slight fear. He kept trying to understand what he has done wrong to anger Lady Lena and make up for it.

"Good timing, bring her in."

The guard didn't know what Gale meant by calling it 'good timing', but he simply left to bring her in. The trio left the dining room and moved to the living room as it would be impolite to host her with the table uncleared. Lena took a seat, Nina left to stand by their side as a maid should, and Gale remained standing.

"Come, sit with us. I hope you don't mind my sister Lena will accompany us."

Gale got up and offered Atress a seat when she came in. He wouldn't send away his sister, thus, he simply said a few polite words that would force Atress to agree to her presence. At the end of the day, only Lena broke the rules and spoke her thoughts directly.

"Of course, I don't mind. I thought we would discuss a few things about our wedding, but there shouldn't be a problem if Lady Lena chooses to listen."

Atress spoke politely, yet her words meant that Lena shouldn't stick her nose in their personal concerns as an engaged couple. Additionally, by emphasizing the word 'listen' she clearly hinted Lena can listen, but not talk.

"As long as you don't use any underhanded tricks on my brother, I will stay out of your discussions."

Lena smiled at her. She wasn't easy to bully, and she never cared about Atress' hints to leave or stay out of it.

"So, what is it you want to discuss regarding our wedding?

"When I went home the other day, I couldn't stop myself from thinking we might've been… rush, in the heat of the moment. Don't you think 2 months are rather too short to plan a marriage and allow the couple to get to know each other better?"

Gale quickly understood what happened. He could deduce that his charm's effects weren't eternal. When Atress had time to think about it more carefully at home without his constant influence, she realized that she made a choice she didn't want. Now, one month has passed since their agreement, which meant their wedding should take place next month.

"I believe setting it to next month was a good choice. I feel excited to get to know you better during this month."

His green eyes showed a faint shine and Atress felt herself getting pulled into them.

"But I have a lot of work to do, and we won't be able to spend much time together this month. Maybe we should delay it by a few months, we could make the wedding even grander."

"Are you saying you don't want to marry me?"

The shine in his eyes grew slightly stronger. Unlike last time, he was now an Advanced Magician, and he could feel the flow of mana, allowing him to use his ability considerably better. If before he was like a blind man shooting a machine gun everywhere to hit his target, how he was a seeing man shooting a machine gun around his target. There was room for improvement, but at least he got the direction right.

"No, I want to marry you. You're right, maybe I was just nervous about it."

Nina and Lena watched it happen with interest. It's not every day you get to see someone get charmed and make bad life-changing decisions.

"I think it's a good choice to comply with Atress, delay it by a month."

Lena stopped them. Gale looked at her, confused about her sudden support in delaying the wedding when he was only doing it because of her. Even Atress was surprised by the sudden turn of events, she never expected Lena to take her side.

"Hmm, since both of you advise the same, let's delay our wedding by a month. Is it enough, Atress?"

"Yes, of course. Thank you, Lady Lena."

They exchanged a few pleasantries and parted. Back in the living room, Gale questioned Lena.

"Why did we need to delay the wedding? Why do we even need to hold the wedding in the first place?"

He suddenly remembered he never got a response to his question about his sister's goals.

"Haha, you will find out soon enough. Don't worry, you don't need to hit on her mom."

"I still think it's annoying you wouldn't tell me, but I'm relieved to know that at least I don't have to cheat on her with her mother."

"That's not what I said. Don't worry, you're not Atress' type anymore, so she will not pest you about maintaining a married lifestyle as long as you don't charm her."

Lena teased him with a mysterious smile. Sadly for Gale, he had no idea what she was talking about.


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