Lord of Charm

Chapter 1 Prologue

He was the strongest, A god above all gods, However, he was no longer happy about it. After the initial excitement he was only met with contempt and scorn by everyone around him – the pile of betrayed friends, abandoned lovers, and lies he has left behind him on his way to the top left almost nobody unaffected, everyone who took part in his journey was used and disposed of.

The gods were no exception, they fell for his charms, too, and nearly all of them were used by him just to be discarded later when they could no longer be of any help to him. Whoever wasn't used, at least knew one god who was treated this way.

"they're all hypocrites. Who didn't leave behind him a huge pile of bodies on their ascendence to godhood? On the other hand, I have only abandoned my allies behind without any massacres! In fact, I must be the god with the lowest kill count ever! Hypocrites! I simply did what made the most sense with what I had!"

The man shouted at the empty air, and the casual venting of a god sent ripples that might have caused a supernova somewhere.

"Anyone would make the same choices as me. I'll prove it!"

He made his decision, he will show the world that everyone would take the same route as him, even the purest of them all. He thought of a plan and immediately started its execution.

"First, I need a genuinely good person, someone at the bottom of power with a long journey ahead of him if he wishes for power."

He started scanning mortal countries, searching for someone with good opportunities to take full advantage of the powers he plans to endow his chosen one, yet one who should not abuse those powers by his moral code, limiting himself to slow development and weakness.

"Aha! This one fits the bill perfectly."

The god watched a young man, 18 years old, patiently providing food to an old beggar on the street.

"Third son of an Earl. He won't inherit his father's title, and because he has no other redeeming qualities other than going around and helping strangers, he won't get any good job under his big brother's future rule and he is aware of it, therefore, he shouldn't have any political inhibitions against my gifts and does not need to worry about appearance and rumors.

Another side of this background is he isn't clueless about the big world, he is capable of meeting powerful people, and he tasted richness and power yet is about to lose it soon. Most importantly, he doesn't have an ounce of talent in magic, which is going to allow him to utilize my gift to the maximum."

The god set up their meeting in advance, planned it all, and included all possible scenes in his planning. One's thinking process gets extremely fast the more one evolves, and at his stage, he didn't need much time to see through a meeting with a mortal he has already observed for a few days.

After all, he even watched the young man when it seemed nobody was watching him, and the young man thought he could act freely without the restraint expected of a noble who makes an appearance outside. In other words, the god has seen most sides this man had to show.

"Planning your next abuse and manipulation yet?"

A feminine voice was heard, as a beautiful woman showed up out of thin air.

"Shiraze, have you come to say your usual insults?"

Goddess of hatred, Shiraze, had long smooth black hair, fluttering behind her all the way down to her ankles while her bangs fell on her forehead. Skinny, yet endowed with an hourglass figure boasting mouth watering thighs which were revealed by her tight black dress. Above all, her red eyes were shining and took all the attention away from her body.

"She has no ill intentions, Shiraze simply can't control her hatred. I hope you will not hold it against her, Promiscuous Lord."

Goddess of purity and Shiraze's sister, Shirane. The god ignored their blatant disrespect towards him and obvious hostility, after all, he couldn't do anything to them as they weren't truly there but only using their magic to appear in front of him.

Shirane's body was like her sister's but had a bigger chest and bottom. However, her shining red eyes gave away their relationship, they were an exact copy of Shiraze's. Similarly to Shiraze's revealing dressing code, Shirane's left leg was brought outside her white sleeveless dress with every step she took. Her long white hair was very distinctive, especially the contrast with Shiraze's black hair.

"Hmph, stop blaming me for the fall of the goddess of love. she only has herself to blame for her corruption."

The god snorted and waved his hands, making the two disappear from his sight.

"It's time to meet the young man. Gale, was it?"


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