Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 93: Duel on the Plains. Part 1

Chapter 93: Duel on the Plains. Part 1

Tightening the grip on his scythe, Lucius immediately grew serious. He swung his scythe horizontally to clear the Sickle Bugs in his vicinity, gaining a few seconds of respite.

Inhaling a deep breath of cold air, he retracted his [Killing Intent].

Battling against thousands of weaker bugs was not an issue for Lucius. As long as he remained careful and cautious he could continue to kill them, albeit taking a longer time. His only limitations in such a case was his stamina and his soul power. Of course, this could be easily solved by retreating and taking a short break to recover his energy.

However, the black armored bug which was approaching him was completely different.

"Indeed, my senses weren't wrong. It's at Stage 1 Peak Level." Lucius spoke once he analyzed his rapidly approaching opponent.

"Of course, that's the base standard at which I created them. Under normal situations, the Leaders would not participate in battle. You however are an anomaly, prompting it to participate in battle. " Ka'lor'ah remarked from inside his pocket.

Her voice then turned serious as she continued.

"It's Soul Type is [Battle Bug Commander], a common rarity unique to it's species. That is to say, its combat power would multiply by a coefficient of 1, for every 1000 Bugs that are still alive under it's command."

Releasing a large amount of the energy which she had just absorbed Ka'lor'ah's senses swept across the battlefield. Her [Area Detection} ability was released at its full force.

"4318 other life forms are currently present atop the battlefield." she informed Lucius of the exact number of enemies present.

Cutting down another batch of the Sickle Bugs around him, Lucius released a sharp exhale.

"That is to say, it's combat prowess would be boosted by a multiplier of 4." he spoke emotionlessly.

"Exactly. It will be similar to facing four, Stage 1 Peak Level beings." Ka'lor'ah sounded worried.

No matter who or how strong Lucius had been in his previous life, right now he was only at Stage 1 Mid Level. His combat techniques, battle experience, control over soul power, none of it mattered in the face of true, absolute power.

Facing such a being Lucius stood no chance of winning in a direct confrontation. Naturally this was something he knew and he obviously wasn't foolish enough to challenge the stronger Leader Bug with his weaker strength.

"That's why we will be kiting it and wait for the humans atop the walls to fire the energy weapons." he directly spoke.

Ka'lor'ah was also in agreement to this tactic, "That's the best way. Have it chase after us, buy time for the humans at the base to cut down the numbers of its army."

"Question is, how? Once it realizes what we are doing, its going to directly ignore you and head towards the base. Do not underestimate it's intelligence." she warned him.

"I never underestimate my opponents. As for drawing its attention, I have a solution." he blandly replied.

He then reached into the pocket, where Ka'lor'ah resided. Grabbing onto the dark-gold crystal, lazily residing in his pocket, Lucius bought her out.

"What are you d..?" just as she was about to complete her sentence, Lucius immediately threw the crystal into the air

"With such an excellent bait in my hands, why would I be worried about how to draw its attention?" Lucius' mouth curled into a cruel smile.

"LET ME DOWN!" a voice screamed from within the crystal.

Naturally Lucius did not pay any attention to her and continued to bounce the crystal into the air. During the throw he infused small amounts of his soul power and converted the energy into Ka'lor'ah's aura. Wave after wave of an ancient, monarchical aura swept across the battlefield.

"You beast! Is this how you treat your teacher!" Ka'lor'ah continued to scream.

At the moment the dark-gold crystal had been brought out and the ancient aura leaked out, all the bugs in the battlefield paused for a moment. Their compound eyes carried a vacant look, with even the Leader Bug being included. Slowly the vacant look in their eyes, turned into on that of great desire and greed.

That dark-gold crystal which was being bounced in Lucius hand, possessed an irresistible attraction towards them.

Great Mother's Blessing....!!the Leader Bug absentmindedly mumbled.

Seeing their reactions, Lucius gave out a small smile before speaking.

"Want her blessing? Come and get it." he then immediately turned around and ran.

STOP THAT HUMAN!!the Leader Bug commanded before dashing off towards Lucius in greater speeds. Naturally, the other bugs did not need his instruction. The intense desire was clearly reflected in their eyes.

Their natural instincts told them that no matter the cost, they had to consume that crystal.

This army of alien bugs were not a naturally birthed species. Rather, they had been specifically created for the purpose of conducting ordeals. Every day, billions of such bugs fight in an unknown battlefield across the infinite Universe, killing or getting killed.

Their strengths were limited to what they were born with and could never improve. They could neither transcend their mortal coils nor could they cultivate their soul powers. In short, they were created to be disposable pieces, whose only purpose was to fight for their creator.

Still, none of the bugs ever thought their lives to be unfair. They felt ultimate joy in being able to serve her wishes. She was their Mother, their Queen and their God.

Transcending their limits and becoming stronger, meant being able to serve her better. To shoulder more responsibilities and dedicate their lives to a greater degree.

The Great Mother, who was also called The Myriad Species Queen.

She was the one who had created these bugs and the one whom they dedicated their lives and existences too. A Stage 7 Peak Level existence, who stood at the very apex of the Universe. Being directly under the command of the 'Lords', she was the one who managed the miscellaneous work in the Universe.

The Myriad Species Queen, who's known and feared for her knowledge, strength and her control over the 'Rules of Creation and 'Rules of Causality'.

The very same being who was currently cursing Lucius at the top of her lungs.

"How dare you treat me as a bait! Do you have no respect for your elders! I-I will not forget this humiliation!" she hissed in anger. The thing that Ka'lor'ah hated the most was being used by others.

Well to be precise, ??????? her. The one from the future who followed Lucius to execute their 'plans'.

Lucius completely ignored her complaints and focused on kiting the army of bugs and the Leader Bug. The Leader Bug was rapidly closing in on him with it's superior soul cultivation and physique.

However, he wasn't worried.

While he may not be able to compete with the Leader Bug in terms of strength and soul power, competing in speed was entirely different. After all Lucius' true strength lay, not in his skill or his experience, but in his overwhelming speed.

Speed was his true forte.

Detonating the soul power gathered at his legs, he increased his speed by almost two-hold. The running silhouette of Lucius transformed into a black line, cutting across the grey lands of Deatov.

And thus began a long chase. A long 'train' formed with Lucius being at the head, the black armored bug being 50m behind him, but not able to cross the remaining distance, the Sickle bugs behind them followed by the Tanker Bugs and the 'Spitter Bugs'(the ones who shot that stream of energy at the walls).


From atop of the compound walls of the base, all the soldiers were looking at this comical scene with a stupefied expression.

Mere moments ago, the bugs and that youth in black were fighting to death with each other, not resting until the other party was dead. Now however, the bugs collectively stopped their attacks and were chasing after the youth with naked desire in their eyes.

One of the cannoneers looked awkward as he turned to ask the red-haired youth standing atop a watch tower.

"Commander, do we fire?"

Alex who was looking at the distant chase with a pair of binoculars heard the question. Taking a deep breath he replied in a serious voice.

"The enemy has been gathered up together and neatly lined. What more do you want them to do?" he spoke with obvious sarcasm.

Without giving time for the soldier to reply, he bellowed. "Of course we fire! Let them know the price for underestimating us!"

Receiving the command the officers below Alex relayed his commands. "Fire! Send those bugs back to the gutter!" "Fire!"


The plasma shots, containing an enormous amount of energy were finally released onto the enemy. Spheres of bluish-white light, tore through the surrounding air with their blistering speeds and frightening temperatures.

Before the bugs could even react, two spheres of plasma landed right in the center of the long train.


With a thunderous explosion of light and sound, the world fell quiet. Wave after wave of heat spread across the desolate plains, with a mushroom cloud as it's center. The surroundings were painted white before the visions of bugs turned black. The initial explosion of light had blinded the bugs.

Instantly, hundreds of surrounding bugs caught amidst the explosion directly vaporized, not even leaving behind the ashes of their existence. The wave of energy and heat, continued to pass spread through the battlefield, injuring the other bugs to various extents.

These two explosions marked the beginning of mankind's endless struggle in the cosmos. A struggle which was destined to be vastly different from the one Lucius remembered.


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