Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 88: Facing the Monsters.

Chapter 88: Facing the Monsters.


With a collective roar that shook the very earth, the army of alien bugs started to rush towards the compound walls. The charge of thousands of bugs preceded by their killing intent which intensified once more, served to further demoralize the human soldiers atop the wall.

If not for the fear for the lives of their family members, most of whom were living inside the base. There was no doubt that every soldier would have abandoned their posts to flee for their lives. After all, who would want to face an army of unknown beings which looked like machines of slaughter.

"Hold your positions, men. Raise the energy barriers! Pulse Cannons, charge and fire at the enemy!!" the Base Commander had finally made it to the top of the compound walls.

Using his loud, authoritative voice he commanded the soldiers. Though he tried to be confident, the slight tremble in his tone, showed how afraid he really was.

Finally regaining a semblance of their rationality, the soldiers got to their positions. No matter who their enemy was, be it man or monster, it was their duty to guard their base. Even if it cost their lives.

The energy barriers stirred into action. With the infuse of energy, a bluish-white transparent dome surrounding the entire base. Seeing this energy barrier, the hearts of the soldiers slightly relaxed.

The pulse cannons mounted atop the walls, finally stirred into action. Pointing their barrels at the areas were the enemy had the greatest concentration, the weapon slowly charged into action. An enormous amount of energy gathered at the barrel, before slowly being converted into plasma which was then compressed.

The alien army felt the dense energy gathering at the walls. Their fearless charge slowed down greatly before coming to a stop. The 8m tall 'Tanker Bugs', formed a wall at the very front wanting to stop this shot with their body.

At this moment, the fully armored, 6m tall 'Leader Bug' gave out a shrill command. It then curiously watched the dense energy gathering at the top of the walls. Feeling the nature of the energy, it shook it's head in mockery.

It suddenly raised one of its arms and pointed towards the sky. The exoskeleton on it's arms retracted to reveal a sickly, slender limb holding a transparent crystal. It gave another shrill scream, before throwing it into the sky.

Bless us! O' Great Mother!

Seeing this scene, a ominous feeling grew within the heart of the Base Commander. He hurriedly shouted another command.


"But Sir, the cannons are still charging." one of the men in charge of the pulse cannon shouted in response.

"I DON'T CARE! SHOOT IMMEDIATELY!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The transparent crystal which was thrown into the sky, floated for a single second before abruptly shattering. A large pulse of transparent energy was emitted with the crystal as the center. The pulse cannons which were in the process of charging suddenly had their energy sources being cut off.

The bluish-white barrier which surrounded the walls also abruptly flickered a few times, before suddenly disappearing.

The heart of the Base Commander dropped in fear.

"What?! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!!" the Base Commander screamed in fear.

With a face filled with incredulity, the cannoneer spoke in a trembling tone, "Th-that!..... The energy suddenly disappeared! None of our machines work!!" his voice containing the disbelief he felt.

The First Law of Thermodynamics states that, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. However, at this very moment, the Universe failed to follow this fundamental law. The energy which had been gathered inside the pulse cannon, abruptly disappeared.

"Finished! We are all finished!" no longer able to maintain his calm, the Base Commander's mentality collapsed. He immediately fled, not caring about the life and death of his soldiers.

The army of alien bugs which had hunkered down in response to that frightening energy, once again rose up and started to move towards the base. This time however, a small portion of the alien bugs stopped a their positions and started to scream.

A few hundred of these 2m tall, bony and slender bugs started to coordinate with it's brethren. Their throats started to expand and contract and a whitish-black energy started to gather.

Some of the relatively calm soldiers attentively watched the actions of these bugs. They had already resolved to fight to their deaths. Watching the enemy act queerly they observed intently for a possible weakness. Seeing a mysterious energy gather, they were confused.

Alex, Olivia and Reyna who were also atop the compound walls were also among the people observing. Seeing the whitish-black energy gathering in the throats of the bugs, they immediately identified it.

"That's....! It's soul power!!" Olivia shouted in realization.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!!" Alex had also recognized that fearsome power and immediately warned the other soldiers.

Watching the Base Commander flee his post and abandon his men had filled Alex with righteous anger. For a lack of a better leader, this 19 year old young man decided to take the role of the commander.

'Only if these men survive, will we have a chance at fighting back!'

"DO NOT EXPOSE YOUR BODIES TOWARDS THE ENEMY! FIND COVER IMMEDIATELY!" he continued to command the soldiers. After doing so, he pulled Reyna and Olivia into cover.

All the soldiers atop the wall heard his command. Although they were unsure of who this voice belonged to or what his position in the army was, they complied without fail. Hearing that righteous voice filled with confidence, their hearts instinctively hoped. Their minds thought, 'Maybe the situation isn't that bad after all.' That tiny light of possibility, that they might be able to survive this ordeal, shone through the darkness they felt.

Immediately complying, all the soldiers dived towards the nearest cover. Most of them found it, but some weren't so lucky.

The stationary group of bugs, suddenly spit a long stream of whitish-black light, which immediately reached the compound. Some of the soldiers who were accidently hit by it or weren't able to find shelter in time, felt their bodies burning.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" the screams of the injured soldiers rose sky high. Their bodies, were dissolving into a blood puddle.

Their muscles, organs, bones, every single part of their body dissolved into a puddle of blood. Their screams slowly died down and silence was restored atop the walls.

The others who had seen these men die paled in fear. Despair started to overcome their hearts.

"DO NOT BE AFRAID!! AS LONG AS WE AVOID THOSE SHOTS WE WILL BE FINE!" Alex's voice sounded out once more.

Having gained a moment of respite, the soldiers finally laid their eyes on the person who had warned them in advance. Seeing the red-haired youth, all of them without question were stunned.

Standing in the center of this group of soldiers, Alex waited till all eyes were placed upon him. Not bothering about the incredulous gazes directed at him, Alex spoke with a bold voice.

"I know most of you are scared! Scared of facing an army of unknown aliens. Aliens which mysteriously appeared and are intent on killing all of us!"

"I also understand that you are feeling confused! Confused about the situation you are currently in. Some of you perhaps think it's a dream."

"But let me tell you, this isn't a dream!

"Those alien bugs are very real. That fear you are feeling is very real. Those questions on your mind are very real."

"But this feeling, I must ask you to push it down. Set aside the questions you feel. Bury it deep within your heart!"

"Because right now, our very survival is at stake! The survival of our families and friends behind us are in question!"

"So I ask you, to push aside that fear and face the enemy! Fight like your lives depended on it, because it does!"

"The enemy is at our doorstep, expecting an easy slaughter. Tell me are we going to give it to them!" he questioned

"No!" the people around him replied.

Seeing the light of battle returning to the eyes of the soldiers, Alex shouted loudly once again.


"NO!" the soldiers collectively resounded.






Saying so Alex retrieved the spear which was on his back and ran towards the front of the wall. The front runners of the army charging towards them had almost reached the base of the walls. Taking a deep breath and circulating his soul power, Alex felt an incredible amount of energy fill his body.

Roaring at the top of his lungs once more, he instructed.

"Grab your knives and blades and come help me hold the enemy!"

"YES SIR!!" the soldiers replied with great gusto and immediately acted upon his orders. Since their plasma cannons and pulse rifles did not seem to work, they were going the old fashioned way. Blades and bodies, facing the enemy at close range.

For the first time in human history, they had come across the existence of another intelligent race. Unfortunately, it began with a war.


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