Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 81: Reyna's Feelings.

Chapter 81: Reyna's Feelings.

The escape pod continued to shake uncontrollably as it fell down towards large, rocky, brown planet. It's descent continued to become faster and faster under the influence of the planet's gravity. The sounds of the air tearing and the mechanical beeping of the machines were heard inside the pod.

Reyna who was sitting atop Lucius had her eyes closed in fear. The feeling of falling from a height of 400KM from space while sitting inside a metal box, was exhilarating to say the least.

Grabbing onto Lucius, her lips were trembling and her forehead was covered in cold sweat. The shaking continue to intensify with the passage of time.

'I wonder if he's scared too.' to distract herself, Reyna opened her eyes by a tiny slit and glanced at Lucius' face which was behind her.

Looking at him, she noticed his entire face to be still and impassive. His eyes were closed and his breaths were long and still. His body almost seemed peaceful for the moment. Of course, this 'almost' was added in Reyna's mind because Lucius was still releasing a scary aura.

'Is he sleeping?' Reyna wondered to herself.

Considering the events that occurred during their escape, Lucius being dead-tired was completely understandable. Taking care not to wake him, Reyna adjusted her herself atop his lap.

'He pushed himself so hard.' she thought to herself bitterly. Recalling the life-threatening injury Lucius had sustained and his subsequent loss of sanity, Reyna's heart twisted in worry.

Clenching her small fists, she thought to herself. 'I need to become stronger! So that I will not be a burden to Lucius!'.

'Thinking about it...' Reyna's mind suddenly wandered. 'I don't know much about him.'

All of Reyna's knowledge about Lucius came from what Olivia had told her. She had spoken to Reyna about how Lucius used to be in his childhood, their adventures together, getting into trouble, etc.

However, words were just words in the end. Interacting with him personally and what Olivia had told her in the past, Reyna noticed that he was entirely different.

'Livia told me, he used to be cheery and used to smile a lot. But for the entire time that I've known him, he had never smiled.' Reyna wondered to herself.

'He always seems so serious. And his face too! Why is it always so cold and expressionless?!' she grumbled to herself.

She never seemed to understand what was going through his mind. She had noticed that Lucius' never spoke much to other people and even when he did, it was never about himself.

'It's almost like he doesn't want people to get close to him and understand him.'

The only time that she had ever seen Lucius show his emotions was when she gave him the weapon. Looking at the metal rod, which was placed in his waist, she recalled the happenings of that day.

When Lucius was testing the weapon, Reyna had been intently watching him the entire time. When he had thanked her towards the end, she could faintly feel a lonely and bitter feeling radiating off him. That feeling grief he was radiating at that moment filled her heart with sadness and bitterness. Reyna's tears had threatened to fall, when that feeling of grief radiating of his body suddenly disappeared.

'What's he even hiding?' for the first time in her life, Reyna had an intense feeling of curiosity towards another person.

All along, the only thing she had ever been interested in was machines and technology. Due to her personality and position, she had been isolated for most of her childhood. Perhaps meeting him that day could be said to be the best moment in Reyna's life. He had broken her isolation, shared her interests, introduced her to interesting friends, and much more.

Even aboard the space station. He had not hesitated to receive injury with his own body, all just to protect her. He had never abandoned her for a single second, even though she was slowing him down.

Reyna strongly believed that if Lucius had not come for her and had tried to escape by himself. He would have not been injured to such an extent.

'Because you are important to me.'

She once again recalled the words he had told her in a serious manner. Reyna could feel the determination and resolve in his voice, when he spoke to her.

Blood started rushing towards her face, as Reyna's beautiful, tender face reddened in embarrassment once again. Her heart started to rapidly race and a sense of intense happiness filled her.

Taking peaks at his indifferent, handsome face, Reyna's face turned into a deeper shade of red.

'Is this love?' she wondered in her heart. A beaming expression surfaced in her face, as her cheeks began glowing.

With silly grin was present in her face, as she thought to herself, 'I like this feeling a lot!'

Half twisting her body, Reyna turned around to quietly gaze at Lucius' sleeping face. Her shining emerald eyes, continued to trace each and every line on his handsome face, burning that visage into her memories. A sort of irresistible charm seemed to be radiating off of his face.

As her eyes finally moved to land at his lips. Her mind recalled how his firm tongue had licked her in the cheek. Though it was not a kiss, in fact being very far from a romantic kiss. Reyna's maiden heart which had never experienced such stuff, considered it to be one.

'Was I taken advantage of?' somehow, this thought popped into her mind. Immediately, Reyna felt the embarrassment on her face rising. Puffing out her cheeks in a cute, but displeased manner, she thought to herself.

' How dare he take advantage of me like that. Nobody other than my Father has kissed me before. This action.... I need to take revenge!'

Reyna slowly neared her face towards Lucius. Her eyes stared unblinkingly, and her lips unconsciously parted. Her breath started to rapidly increase both in interval and in heat. That handsome face in her eyes slowly grew larger and larger.

As her small, pink lips neared Lucius', her eyes shut themselves tightly. Reyna's mind was completely blank at this instant. Only the desire to take this 'revenge' on Lucius, filling her mind.

'Yes, this is only payback for his earlier actions. Nothing more!' Reyna justified her actions in her mind. She could feel the hot breath exhaled by Lucius touch her skin

Just when her lips were a hair's width away from Lucius, a cold voice interrupted her.

"What are you doing?" Lucius' signature emotionless voice sounded out.

"UWAHH!!!" Reyna let out a cute but terrified scream. Her face instantly retreated in panic and her body was similarly pulled back.

Due to the suddenness of her actions, the belt which held Lucius and Reyna together suddenly snapped. The sudden jerking of the escape pod as it met some turbulence, further caused Reyna to lose her balance.

With nothing to stop her movement and the added weight on her body due to the descent, she continued to wall backwards

Just as her head was about to hit the control panel directly behind her, a strong but slender arm caught her by her waist. Lucius' indifferent face, neared her as he blandly said.

"Careful." a single word was heard.

Before Reyna's head could process the actions that had just occurred, she felt her body being moved once again. Using his hand, Lucius straightened her body once again before reaching to grab the belt.

Taking hold of the belt in his hands, he adjusted Reyna's position atop his lap and once again tied the both of them together with the seat. Only this time, Reyna's front was directly facing Lucius.

Her large chest rapidly rose and fell, her neck, ears and her entire face was completely crimson. Reyna hurriedly raised her arms and buried her face into them.

Staring at this girl who was covering her face with her hands, Lucius once again asked.

"What were you doing?" his tone showed no emotion and was completely bland.

Reyna's response was immediate and her voice was filled with panic, "NOTHING!"

She refused to remove her hands off of her face, further burying her face into her hands. She could clearly feel her front directly facing Lucius' gaze. Recalling her embarrassing actions from just moments ago, Reyna felt like burying herself into a hole of the ground.

'AHH!!! He's going to think that I am a pervert!! God save me!!' she screamed within her mind. Tears started to well up in her eyes as Reyna was faced with a strong urge to cry.

Looking at the reaction of the girl before him, Lucius was utterly confused. Furrowing his brows, he was just about to question her once more when a voice suddenly interrupted him.

"Jeez! Leave the poor girl alone!!" Ka'lor'ah's exasperated voice sounded out within his mind.

"What happened?"

Truth was, Lucius wasn't sleeping but cultivating deep within his mindspace in order to recover the soul power he had previously spent. His conscious mind had completely sunk within, causing him to not notice Reyna's actions on the outside.

Just as he recovered about 70% of his soul power, his instinct suddenly warned him about a presence in extreme proximity of his body. Immediately rousing from his cultivation and circulating his soul power to guard against possible ambushes, Lucius prepared.

However when he opened his eyes, he noticed Reyna's face approaching him. She had her eyes closed and seemed to be in a daze.

Worried about the well being of the focal-point of humanity/his target of protection, Lucius had spoken up to her, only to be met with her flustered actions.

Factoring his apathy and sheer disinterest in the thoughts and opinion of other people, he could not understand the rather obvious meaning behind her actions.

Ka'lor'ah's voice sounded out within his head once more, 'Just so you know."

"This is all your fault." she said so and refused to explain further.

Just as Lucius was about to demand an explanation, a warning alarm sounded out within the escape pod.




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