Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 361: Upgrades, People. Upgrades. Part 2

Chapter 361: Upgrades, People. Upgrades. Part 2

Ka'lor'ah's real identity is a Half-Step Lord-level entity who was the sole member of her generation of an ancient Grade 8 Race called the 'Myriad Species Rulers'. 

The history of the Myriad Species Rulers dates back to the chaotic, primordial period of the First Era. Thousands of races existed within a limited space of the Universe and each sought to dominate and rule over the others, and being one of the strongest races at that time, the Myriad Species Rulers were no exception to this desire.

As mentioned earlier, each race possesses a unique ability or skill that gave them an edge and made them stand out from the rest. A prime and well-known example of this would be the Void Eaters. (Devour and whatnot)

Such being the case, the thousands of races existing in the First Era also had their own unique abilities, powers, and skills that allowed them to survive and grow during that chaotic era. The abilities and skills were incredibly varied with some being utterly useless while others bordered on being hacks. The Universe wasn't fair in the slightest and natural selection claimed those who were unable to adapt.

The Myriad Species Rulers also possessed a unique ability that was rather strange. 

Unlike the other top races during that time that possessed abilities that directly increased their combat strength, the unique ability of the Myriad Species Rulers made each member of their race, an erudite scholar.

Each newborn of this race possessed an immensely superior intelligence and sage-like wisdom from birth. Their learning capabilities were unmatched and their imagination knew no bounds. Their bouts of inspiration weren't limited either. 

However, the most important aspect of their unique ability was the fact that members of this race could naturally and willingly resonate with the mysterious Rules of the Universe!

The very same 'resonation' that occurred when a living being underwent Ascension! 

And to sum this ability up in a word, it was heaven-defying.

Using this ability of theirs, the Myriad Species Rulers gave birth to the first 'real' powerhouse in the First Era. The being who invented the 'Absolute Territory' technique. 

This peerless technique also allowed them to suppress the remaining races and for the first time, the Universe at that time was unified under a single ruler. (AN: Refer to Chap: 281- Tale, for context.)

However, as dictated by history, no single rule could last forever. 

Merely a few hundred years later the Myriad Species Rulers lost their seat of power and the remaining members of their race were hunted one after the other by the rebelling coalition of forces. 

Just as the once-brilliant race seemed to be on the verge of disappearance, sinking into oblivion like innumerable other races, someone intervened.

This someone, who referred to himself as the Overlord, was a being of infinite power and stood at the ultimate peak of the Universe. Nothing about this entity is known; only that he was called the Overlord, and that he was the strongest being in existence.

Reaching out to the last surviving members of the Myriad Species Rulers, the Overlord offered them a deal;

He would guarantee that a 'single' member of their race would exist during every generation of their species. 

They were allowed to pass down all of their knowledge, tradition, and wisdom to each subsequent generation and that every generation would be protected until their natural end.

In return, every member of each subsequent generation would spend the majority of their natural lifespan as an indentured worker. Their duty would be to maintain the stability of the Universe. They were also forbidden from directly meddling with the functioning and natural growth of the Universe and could only remain on the sidelines.

To sum it up, it was a slave contract and one that wasn't very lenient either. However, the surviving members during that time did not have much choice. 

For any great scholar, sinking into oblivion and being forgotten after death was a fate that was worse than perpetual slavery. 

As such, the offer was agreed to and the Myriad Species Rulers became the sole managers of the Universe. Their sole duty was to ensure that the Universe doesn't descend into total chaos like the First Era while remaining far from its secular affairs.

Sometime later, their master, the man whom they were indentured to, left them to go somewhere and left in his place, a group of entities called the Lords, the purpose of whose existence was unknown.

Time unceasingly passed and the Current Era arrived. 


Inside an elaborately concealed pocket of air within the mountainous rubble of the Northern City Wall of the Royal Giant City, Olivia stood mesmerized her eyes transfixed on the scene of her teacher's transformation.

The previously small, lithe, Faerie-like body of Ka'lor'ah underwent significant changes. Changes that made her unrecognizable when compared to her previous form.

First of all, Ka'lor'ah was no longer small! Her body proportionately grew on all sides with her total height finally reaching 1.85m, a little taller than Olivia but shorter than Lucius.

Ka'lor'ah's body closely resembled a standard humanoid of the female variant; one head, one torso, two arms, and two legs.

Her skin was flawlessly smooth, unblemished, and pale. A hint of golden color was infused in her skin giving her a tastefully exotic look. Her lustrous golden hair reached all the way to her ankles and possessed a metallic sheen to it.

Long and nimble fingers, cute and dainty toes, a pair of supple and enchanting breasts, and finally, a physique that stood at the very peak of elegance and perfection. Ka'lor'ah's physical body was the very manifestation of the word; Beauty.

And now, moving on to the crown jewel of the package; her face.

It was simply a work of art; a masterpiece in that.

A pair of sharp, almond-shaped eyes was arched by long yet thin eyebrows. A slender nose occupied the center of her face which led to two luscious, pink-colored lips. A rosy blush filled with vitality and poise colored her cheeks.

It sufficed to say, the charm exerted by the currently unconscious Ka'lor'ah was so strong that even Olivia felt herself being attracted towards her!

As the student continued to absentmindedly stare at her transformed teacher, who was radiating boundless charm and holy presence of sorts, she started to unconsciously lean forward.

Olivia's glazed eyes locked onto Ka'lor'ah's slightly parted, pink-colored lips and she found herself approaching them closer using her own. Affected by Ka'lor'ah's unnaturally strong charm, Olivia was on the precipice of kissing her teacher!

Just as their respective lips were about to meet, a teasing voice suddenly resounded causing Olivia to snap awake.

Catching Olivia's chin with her hand, Ka'lor'ah asked, "Oh, you naughty girl. Trying to take advantage of your teacher, are you?" Her eyebrows playfully jumped twice.

"Not that I mind," Ka'lor'ah continued with an elegant laugh.

Taking a few seconds to process the series of events, blood rushed to Olivia's head, turning her face, ears, and much of her pale neck crimson in color.

"Te-te-te-I-I"Olivia wordlessly stuttered, unable to form proper words, much less, sentences to explain her actions.

Finding the nervous expression on her disciple's face to be extremely cute, Ka'lor'ah couldn't help but squish the latter cheeks with her fingers. 

"Speechless, eh? Understandable. Many find themselves speechless upon catching a glimpse of my face. That's why I wear cloaks most of the time." Ka'lor'ah's explanation dripped with blatant narcissism. 

Causally shrugging her slim shoulders, she continued, "While I would love to continue teasing you and exact my revenge for all the times you bullied me in my previous form, we don't have the leisure right now. So let's call a time out, okay?"

"O-ok-ay," Olivia struggled to reply as her cheeks continued to be squished by Ka'lor'ah.

"Attagirl!" Ka'lor'ah cheerfully declared and retracted her fingers. 

Standing up, she lazily scanned her naked body and nodded her head appreciatively, "Looks like everything's here. Man, it's been so long since I saw my own body." 

She then snapped her finger causing energy to erupt from within her body and surround her. The energy then congealed to form a set of luxurious, dark-golden robes which loosely covered her. 

Using her hands to feel up the robes, Ka'lor'ah nodded her head with satisfaction. "Very nice. Although, this length of hair is rather annoying." 

The instant those words left her mouth, Ka'lor'ah flowing, golden hair instantly shrunk reaching just above her shoulders. It was much shorter than Lucius or Olivia's hair length, but she found this more to her liking.

Twirling her body to finish a complete circle, a bright and beautiful smile occupied Ka'lor'ah's face. 

It had been long, far too long since she last had this form.

And Ka'lor'ah had missed every second of it.

Now, finally having reverted to her original form due to her evolution into Stage 4, Ka'lor'ah's heart was naturally overflowing with joy.

Turning to face her disciple who was knocking her head against the rock wall while mumbling something under her breath, Ka'lor'ah stifled her laughter and spoke.

"Stop being silly and get ready. Our ride is arriving soon."


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