Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 350: Void Body. Part 1

Chapter 350: Void Body. Part 1

Looking up and seeing the floating Olivia, who was radiating Stage 3 aura, Lucius' eyes blinked twice in surprise before returning to its usual staid state. 

Ignoring her and his surroundings, he looked down and stared at his pitch-black, featureless hand. Opening and clenching his fists, Lucius alternated between the two actions a few dozen times before looking down to stare at his Void body.

Standing at a height of approximately 1.9m, Lucius' body was entirely pitch-black and featureless. Similar to a black body or a black hole, Lucius noticed that his body seemed to be absorbing all wavelengths of light. This resulted in an absolute darkness that was only separated from its surroundings through its humanoid shape.

Were Lucius to stand in a dark area without any light, it would be near impossible to identify him.

After analyzing his exterior body for a few dozen seconds, Lucius then used his soul sense to look at the interiors of his body. The result of which made him unconsciously widen his eyes in shock.

There was nothing inside him. No bones, no blood, no organs, nothing.

Just the absolute darkness of the Void.

Void Eaters were the physical manifestation of the void. Their purpose was to intrude the material Universe to devour everything and return it to the void.

As such, it would only make sense for their bodies to be made of the void.

What does this mean? 

It meant that no matter how much force was used to crush his body Lucius' physical body could not be truly destroyed. 

He was the void, the opposite of material matter.

Blinking his eyes a few more times, Lucius then moved his gaze towards a small pile of uneaten corpses which had somehow managed to evade being consumed by the void. Extending his right hand in that direction, he then subconsciously willed his hand to grab them.

In the very next instant, something freaky happened!

Out of the surface of Lucius' palm, thousands of squirming, fleshy tentacles exploded out and instantly reached the location of those corpses. Instantaneously reaching the location of those corpses, the tentacles hurriedly latched onto the bodies and immediately began to consume them.

The corpse bodies quickly began to erode under the chomping and munching of the horrid teeth present on the surface of the tentacles and turned into a cloud of black smoke. This black smoke was then absorbed by the pitch-black tentacles and was immediately delivered to Lucius' body.

Feeling his satiety increase, Lucius realized that he had just managed to eat those corpses that were a few dozen meters away from them. And the process had taken him less than three seconds to complete.

"That's just freaky!" Olivia commented from the air, her eyes shining with profound interest and curiosity.

Ignoring her, Lucius then looked at the dark veil occupying the surrounding 500m area. Feeling a direct, intimate connection with that dark veil, he softly spoke.


Although the words were spoken and the sound was heard, there was no movement on Lucius' featureless face. There was no mouth, not to mention the movement of lips. Only the indifferent gaze of his discolored eyes.

Instantly, the dark veil started to retract and reduce in size, seemingly sinking into Lucius' body. The space which was now absent of the dark veil's influence shuddered for a moment before being occupied once more; this time by Olivia's Domain.

Instinctively sensing that he could control the rate of retraction, Lucius immediately forced it to retract at the highest speed. The instant he sent that command, the dark veil completely disappeared and fully retracted into Lucius' body.

This wasn't the end as a change immediately occurred to Lucius.

His upright, tall-standing figure immediately fell to the ground and his body started to lose its shape, slowly reverting to the blob-like state. An unbelievable amount of pain assaulted Lucius' mind, involuntarily forcing him to let out a high-pitch scream.

Olivia, who had immediately moved towards Lucius at the first instant of his change, was hit by the shrill scream and immediately collapsed to the ground. Her facial orifices started to bleed once again with her eyes alternating between lucidity and blankness.

Forcibly biting her tongue, Olivia immediately willed her soul power to protect her consciousness. Rising up to her legs with difficulty, she marched towards Lucius' writhing figure. The latter continued to shrilly scream as he found himself being assaulted by unimaginable torture.

Lucius literally felt his entire physical body being ripped apart by the Universe. It was as if space was rending and breaking him down into atomic-sized chunks and then further blending those chunks into insignificant-sized pieces. 

If he failed to immediately act, he would undoubtedly die!

'Mustholdon' Grasping onto his final remaining bits of consciousness, Lucius sought his instincts to find an answer to this fatal problem. 

Searching under the furious torrents of pain, his mind quickly sought the answer.


To exist as a Void body in the absence of the Void was similar to standing in a pool of fire without a fire-resistant suit. It was impossible and suicidal.

Unfortunately, Lucius wasn't informed of this little piece of information prior to it actually happening. Without a predecessor to rely on, he could only experiment like this to figure out the abilities and strengths of his new form.

Having found the answer, Lucius knew what to do. Unfortunately, however, the pain which he was experiencing had breached the final bastion of his consciousness. 

With the passage of every moment of time, Lucius found himself losing control and falling into darkness. A darkness that was cold and unfeeling.

Just as the final remnants of his consciousness were about to fall into that unfeeling darkness, Lucius saw a ray of warm, violet light. The violet light instantly suppressed a good portion of the unimaginable pain and gave him the chance he sought for.

Immediately grasping his opportunity, Lucius furiously willed his body to revert back to its physical state. 

Meanwhile, on the outside, Olivia, lying prone on the ground atop the writhing mass of blackness. Her palms shone with violet-colored light and her bloody mouth mumbled the chant for one of her spells.


Pouring in every single ounce of her soul power, Olivia tried her best to maintain her own consciousness while helping Lucius. The continuous shrill screams kept battering her mind and destroying her consciousness.

Were it not for her soul to be of the [Mental]-type, she would have definitely died under the sonic assaults. 

Fortunately, Olivia's stubbornness seemed to have held on as she felt the battering inside her mindspace lessen. The shrill screams eventually came to a stop and the mass of blackness writhing underneath her also came to a stop.

Soon, Olivia found herself resting on an elastically hard surface that possessed a comfortable warmth to it. Her face which was flat against this surface felt the periodic thumps of a familiar organ. 

Opening her eyes, Olivia found herself atop the pale, slender body that she often dreamt of. And to her penchant, the slender yet oddly muscular body was naked.

Lightly raising her head, Olivia stared at that overly handsome and equally cold face and shot him a weak smile.

"Could you perhaps stop trying to voluntarily kill yourself for five seconds?"

"This was unintentional," retorted the person underneath her in his usual tone.


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