Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 313: Bathhouse. Part 1

Chapter 313: Bathhouse. Part 1


The soft sound of water falling to fill a large pool resounded within the pure-white anteroom, outside of the bathhouse. Accompanied by the vague whispers of the birds and the quiet chittering of the insects, the entire scene had an added mystical feel to it.

The anteroom was simply furnished with two wooden benches, a towel rack, few potted plants to add some color to the otherwise spotlessly white room, and two large windows on either side.

Views of the still, transparent lake and the verdant green fields were the first sights seen through the windows. Silhouettes of distant mountains could be seen in the distance, and the recently familiar branch of the World Tree could be seen branching in the sky.

Two doors, one leading into the anteroom and the other leading into the bathhouse existed, both of which were closed at this instance. Obviously, the sound of the falling water echoed from the latter.

Moving on

Seated on either wooden bench were respectively Lucius and Olivia. 

In preparation for the special bath that they were to undergo, they had shed their regular attire and settled to only have a towel, wrapped around their private areas.

With only a towel concealing his lower body, the rest of Lucius' muscular body was in full view. 

His skin, which was as pale as a corpse, was both rigidly taut and strangely elastic. From a broad and hard chest to a perfectly ratioed abdomen, muscle lines traced his entire body with a harmonic symphony. His long and silky black hair crowned his handsome face and covered his back.

All in all, he looked less of an actual person and more of an exquisitely sculpted statue, crafted by the best sculptor in the Universe as his final masterpiece.

As usual, Lucius sat with his eyes closed and his legs atop each other. He was blank and bored-looking as usual and was completely dismissive of the woman sitting opposite to him.

Being that woman sitting opposite to him, Olivia was nowhere as bored-looking or dismissive as her partner. Rather, she was his complete opposite.

Her mesmerizing violet eyes scanned Lucius with such an intense gaze that it almost turned tangible. Her beautiful face carried equal parts of nervousness and excitement as she eagerly waited for the moment when they entered the bath.

Similar to Lucius, Olivia also sat on the bench naked with only the large, white towel covering her private parts.

Her angelic figure was perfectly outlined by the towel, showcasing all of her womanly charms while concealing the actual features underneath. The towel hung on for dear life at Olivia's voluptuous chest and had to occasionally be adjusted by her. 

Her slender arms and bare shapely legs revealed a fair bit of muscles, adding extra points in charm while showing that they could pack quite a punch (or a kick). 

(AN: I'm never doing a physical description thing again. That was exhausting!)

Gazing towards Lucius with a predatory gaze, a sliver of drool accidently leaked from Olivia's mouth and fell upon her chest.

'Whoa, Mama! That's one fine piece of meat' Olivia hungrily thought to herself while smacking her lips. 

Letting her mind wander, Olivia mentally bathed in the vulgar scenes that it conjured. If one were to use a single word to describe her facial expressions right now, that word would be 'perverted'. 

Her gaze increasingly grew hotter and more intense, quickly crossing the margins of passion and entering a realm way beyond. 

If the laws of Earth were to exist and this current scene was studied, Olivia's current behavior and demeanor would earn her a 'sexual assault' charge, even though she never moved to do anything physically.

Did she want to get physical?  Obviously, the answer was a unanimous yes! 

Thankfully, Olivia still managed to maintain a shred of rationality, allowing her to keep her primal instincts in check.

Dazedly moving her hand to wipe her drooling mouth, Olivia thought, 'Patience. Must have patience. Sooner or later, I shall lay my hands on that fine creation of God over there, and then I shall'[Content has been redacted for being overly explicit]

Meanwhile, Lucius who was being subjected to such a gaze was feeling increasingly uncomfortable with each passing second.  Furrowing his brows, he thought to himself, 'What is she even thinking?'

He found it harder to maintain his indifference, as he felt the gaze grow increasingly vulgar and perverted.

Opening his eyes, Lucius looked at the woman before him. 

Olivia's eyes were unfocused making it quite obvious that she had completely sunken into her fantasies. Lucius then looked at her hands, which continued to move, and watched her fingers dance in a strange motion.

'What is she doing with her hands?' Lucius thought to himself, confused. 

To say that a hundred years of solitude had left him ignorant of modern innuendos would be an understatement.

Where a regular person would be able to immediately identify Olivia's unconscious hand gestures, Lucius, being as insensitive as he was, failed to understand it.

As seconds continued to tick by, Olivia grew more and more drastic while Lucius grew equally uncomfortable.

Just as he was about to release his aura and force Olivia to stop her motions, the door leading to the bathhouse opened and Riker stepped out.

Olivia snapped out of her daze and stiffly sat straight while turning to face Riker with a nonchalant expression. Lucius did the same, albeit casually. 

"The bath is ready. The two of you may enter," said Riker, politely with a smile. "Remember, you have to stay in the bath for at least six hours in order to receive its benefits. Good luck."

Saying so, he left the duo alone in the anteroom and left using the other door. 

Lucius then turned to look at Olivia, who spoke first with a serious voice, "You should go in first." She then stood behind Lucius.

Not paying much mind to her sentence, Lucius shrugged his shoulder and walked into the bathhouse.

Much like the rest of the manor, the bathhouse was also predominantly white in the color scheme. The four walls encapsulating the bathhouse housed richly crafted murals, depicting scenes of beautiful elves engaged in elegant activities.

The roof of the bathhouse was covered with one-way transparent glass, allowing the people bathing on the inside to view the sky. It was currently late afternoon, making it likely that the duo will be able to experience the night sky.

Various enchanting flowers dotted the bathhouse, further accentuating the beauty of the entire construct.

Walking to the edge of the white marble bath, which was shaped like an inverted dome and was the size of half an Olympic swimming pool, Lucius paused for a moment and stared into the water. 

His olfactory senses had already picked up the extremely pleasing aroma radiated by the shimmering golden water, greatly improving his mood. 

It was evident; whatever was within that water considerably excited his body's senses. 

As he continuously inhaled that smell while standing on the edge of the bath, a faint blush appeared on his face followed by a look of intoxication.

Unable to contain his instincts, he quickly reached down, removed his towel, and stepped into the bath.

"Ah~" a pleasurable moan escaped Lucius' mouth. 

Comforting warmth surrounded his naked body while his skin tingled with electricity. Lucius' felt his pores open up and his muscles relax. 

Submerging himself further until his entire body was underwater, Lucius quietly enjoyed the sensory assault of comfort. Concealed under its golden sheen, Lucius quickly disappeared from sight.

Meanwhile, Olivia, who still stood outside the bath fully enjoying the sights before her, suddenly screamed upon seeing Lucius disappear underwater, "NO! Not my fanservice!"

Throwing aside her towel, she hurriedly jumped into the water. 



As soon as she entered the water, the first thought that appeared on Olivia's mind was. 'Huh? It's strangely dense. Almost like mercury.'

She had no trouble entering the water but immediately felt the difference after entry. She felt the surrounding water stick to the surface of her skin and coat every inch of her nude body.

'Well, whatever, I must find Lucius! I must make use of every second of this rare, god-given opportunity!!'

Of course, the strangeness was almost immediately ignored as Olivia focused on her individual priorities. Just as she was about to swim forward, Olivia suddenly paused.

And in the next instant, she let out an earth-shattering scream of pain, "ARRRGGGHHHH!!!"

Exploding with all her might, Olivia instantly leaped out of the water and hurriedly landed on the wooden floor outside. Rolling on the cool floor with her unclothed body, she continued to yell.


Her screams caused the mystical plants to sway and the surface of the water to ripple.

Even Ka'lor'ah and Riker, who were having a tea party quite some distance away in another part of the manor, vaguely heard her screams. 


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