Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 31: The Truth Behind the Incident.

Chapter 31: The Truth Behind the Incident.

"Who's there?!" Lucius bellowed.

He was sure hat he had already killed everyone in the facility. Before coming to this room, he had scoured the entire facility to kill of the remaining people. Now just as he was about to investigate the bodies of the 4 men who had kidnapped him, he heard a dull sound from afar.

Lucius immediately went on the defensive and started looking around carefully. His soul power was almost empty due to suing it to open multiple doors on his way here. Currently he was in his weakest state.

'Did they hide somebody?' Lucius thought to himself.

Then he shook his head and erased that thought, 'No, that can't be right. They would not have been watching me kill all the remaining people here.'

He kept moving his location and carefully searched the vast hall. He found nothing.

'Was that my imagination?', Lucius wondered.

Lucius really regretted not having Ka'lor'ah right now. Using her divine sense, he could have easily found the source of the noise. Waiting for another 10 minutes and seeing that there was no movement, Lucius finally relaxed.

'I guess that was just my imagination.', He let out a small sigh and moved towards the body he was previously searching.

Searching the body he did not find Ka'lor'ah , but found a paper receipt of selling a precious crystal. Paper had long since become a thing of the past. Due to convenience of modern technology, people no longer used paper and the likes. But some people who don't want to leave any digital footprints prefer to use paper. It was easy to destroy and hard to track.

Looking at the paper in his hand, Lucius thought to himself, 'Looks like, he was telling the truth after all.' This statement was unnecessary since Lucius was using his soul power to gather information. His 'Charm' ability had also undergone an upgrade after his soul advanced to Stage-1.

Checking the other bodies, he noticed one of them wearing his watch. The watch that Reyna had given him, just before he was kidnapped. He removed the watch from the man and wore it on his hands.

Checking the other bodies and finding nothing worthwhile, Lucius decided to leave this place. He had to immediately go to that exchange place in order to recover K'lor'ah. Any delay might lead to someone else buying the crystal.

'And that would be even more bothersome.' concluding such he walked towards the door and suddenly stopped. Lucius then looked down on himself and saw his body caked in dirt and bloodstains. His clothes were torn in many places. They could barely be called 'clothes' anymore.

'I need to take a bath. I recall seeing a bathroom on the way to this room.' Thinking such Lucius first went back and stripped another body of similar body structure as him. Lucius always killed in the most minimal, cost-effective way possible. This saved him the effort of finding another set of non-stained clothes.

Carrying the clothes in his hands, he walked towards the region he had seen the showers in.


Hearing the footsteps finally recede, Olivia let out a sigh of relief. She had been holding her breath and not moving her body, ever since she had heard his voice.

After he finally left, Olivia's body finally relaxed. Her mind was still in chaos and her heart was confused, but she had mostly recovered her rational thinking at this point.

Olivia closed her eyes and took a deep breath, Slowing exhaling she opened her eyes, 'That was Lucius. There is no mistake in that.' she thought conclusively. Denying or refusing to accept this fact will not allow her to comprehend the entire situation The sooner she faces reality, the sooner she can overcome this fact.

'The question is why? Did someone force? It must be! Lucius would never commit such a deed if he wasn't forced', she continued her analysis.

Olivia's thoughts here wasn't completely wrong. While it was true that Lucius was forced to kill, the fact that he decided to kill everyone in the facility, just to be safe, could have been avoided. After all not everyone was involved in his kidnapping. Alas, Olivia did not know this, she believed he must have killed only 3-4 people in total.

'I need to go back to the academy. Nobody must find the truth here. I need to make excuses to cover up his disappearance from the academy.' Olivia confirmed her thoughts.

She then turned around and started heading back. A determined expression flashed through her eyes.

'No matter what happens, I will protect you Lucius!'


In a certain medical facility, a young man who had been sleeping peacefully all this while, suddenly started shivering. His peaceful expression twisted into that of absolute fear.

His hands and legs started wildly trashing about and low groans started escaping his throat.

Another boy who was standing next to this young man's bed, immediately noticed this reaction and called for help.

"Boss! Boss! What's happening to you?! Medics! HELP HERE!"

The face that was twisted in fear with eyelids trembling, slowly opened his eyes and mouth.

Struggling to speak, his hoarse voice sounded out, "DEVIL! HE IS A DEVIL !"

Finally with great effort and with the help of the medical bot, they finally managed to calm him down.

Luther who lay there in the bed, struggled to breathe calmly. He took short breaths and then slowly spoke out. His voice was still shaky and tinged in obvious trauma, "Call Keith over here." He instructed the boy near him.

"Will do, Boss!", saying so he immediately rushed to inform Keith.


After a few minutes Keith walked over. He was alone and did not bring anyone with him. Ever since he knew Lucius' fate was sealed in 'The Pit', his tension had mostly eased and his demeanor had mostly returned to his usual calm.

He slowly sat down next to Luther and asked him in a gentle voice, "How do you feel?"

"Yo-you mu-must deal with hi-him."

"Who?", Keith asked.

"LUCIUS!!", Luther bellowed out. His face was twisted when he spoke that name.

"Calm down and explain what happened properly." Keith instructed. He simply could not understand what Luther was speaking.

Luther proceeded to take a few minutes to stabilize his breath. He then look at Keith, who was the only one in the room and started to explain the events that occurred on that day.

Keith's expression which was calm slowly started falling apart. Listening to Luther explain the events in great detail, Keith understood just how much Luther had suffered that day.

Waiting for Luther to complete, Keith then spoke out, "He won't be a problem anymore. I have dealt with him."

Hearing Keith's answer, Luther's expression turned into one of shock. He then screamed loudly in exclamation. Hearing that Lucius had been dealt with. seemed to have a positive effect on Luther's mind.

He continued to scream and laugh for a while. Slowly he started to regain his young master demeanor. He took a few more deep breaths and then spoke to Keith.

"There is something more."

Keith was confused and asked again, "Something more?"

Luther nodded his head and spoke, "Before he was about to kill me, someone else was shouting his name. another person was approaching in the distance. That's why he did not proceed to kill me."

"So you are saying, someone else might know of this incident." Keith asked cautiously.

"Yes, and if this person speaks of that event, Lucius' disappearance could to connect to you and I.", Luther spoke.

"We need to kind this person immediately! If his disappearance is traced back to us, we are finished!" Keith exclaimed loudly.

Luther did not quite understand Keith exaggerated reaction and asked," Finished? It can't be that serious right. After all he isn't from one of the great families."

Keith was wildly huffing and puffing right now, just when he thought all problems pertaining to Lucius was finally solved. another major one popped up. In a sense Keith was quite pitiful. A seemingly normal person had suddenly turned into such a giant dragon, who was breathing down on his neck, even in death!

"That guy has the backing of Reyna Snowden!", Keith hurriedly screamed.

Both Luther and Keith's face had turned pale at this point. One thought resonated in both of their minds, 'If he don't handle this well, we really are finished. Even our families cannot help us.'


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