Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 307: Entry.

Chapter 307: Entry.

"Ahhh! How long is this going to take?! We've been in this line for four hours!!" Ka'lor'ah yelled, exasperatedly.

Slamming her tiny hands on the table before her, Ka'lor'ah leaned forwards the looked at the scene outside the glass window. 

Their space was currently inside a tunnel of sorts, except that it was constructed out of the branch of the World Tree and its leaf foliage. The tunnel was quite large and wide, with eight lanes of traffic existing side-by-side.

However, just because the tunnel was large did not mean it was empty. In fact, it was the exact opposite as the entire tunnel was filled to capacity by various vehicles and other space vessels. These vehicles belonged to other Travelers.

As stated previously, Travelers were residents of the Universe who've left the home region/territory belonging to their species to 'travel' the Universe. The reason for doing so varied widely and from individual to individual, but was mostly to seek better prospects and opportunities. 

As for the reason why this place was so crowded with Travelers, it was because Elvenheim was a universally popular commerce hub and a destination for trade.

Distances in space were incredibly large and to travel from one place to another took an inordinately long amount of time. That being said, it would only make proper sense for trade and commerce to be grossly underdeveloped in the Universe.

Alas, seeing as to how there exists a 'Universal Currency' called Spirit Coins, it becomes evident that such is not the case. It was in fact the opposite with trade, commerce, and economy being developed to ridiculous extents.

Thousands of races existed within the vast territories of the Universe meaning the existence of an innumerable number of unique resources and region-specific materials. 

For example, one species might be abundant in technology and mechanical devices but lacking in the resources to build them. Another species might exist which lack the former two but were abundantly rich in resources.

As such, it becomes imperative for the 'Mechanical' species to trade their devices and gadgets with the lesser-developed 'Mining' species, in exchange for resources.

Similarly, some races were incredibly efficient and better at growing food resources than others but might lack in other departments. Trade and commerce hence become vital in such cases.

Now, returning to the first question. 

How is it possible for such a strong economy to exist when the majority of the populace cannot efficiently travel? 

Only Stage 4 and above creatures were capable of long-distance space travel. However, only 15% of the total Universal population is made up of such beings, making it impossible for the economy to be solely reliant on them.

It was here that Commerce Hubs, such as Elvenheim, came into the picture.

The World Tree, which makes up each Elvenheim, was a unique organism that had the innate ability to connect itself with its brethren, i.e. the other World Trees. This connection allowed for goods and personnel to be sent over, irrespective of distance, nearly instantaneously.

To word it simply, the World Trees were mass teleportation hubs that could transport anything and anyone below the Stage 6 realm. With Elvenheim(s) being spread out in various areas within the Universe, it became a convenient and affordable method of transporting items and people.

This very trade allowed the Elves to comfortably pursue their expensive artistic passions while not actively competing with the other races for resources and wealth.

Back to the story.

"Why is it so crowded?!" Ka'lor'ah complained.

Lucius, who was leaning back on his seat with his legs propped up on the table, casually replied, "It's a Commerce Hub. Obviously, it would be crowded with other Travelers."

"I know that! But what's taking them so long to clear the lines. We haven't even entered the Elvenheim yet and it's already starting to wear me down." Ka'lor'ah fumed.

"That's because the Elves have to manually search each vessel to ensure that no dangerous items or contraband are being transported. They are very particular and thorough about this." Lucius answered.

Ka'lor'ah had her curiosity piqued with his answer leading her to ask, "Why? Has something happened before?" 

"There have been many cases of jealous people trying to blow up, curse, or poison the World Trees to disrupt the trade chain. Quite a few have succeeded in their attempts."

"I see," Ka'lor'ah nodded her head in understanding. 

"I've never heard of such cases prior to today. So many important events happen throughout the Universe that is missed or deemed insignificant at my level," she quietly mumbled.

The cries of the peasants do not reach the nobles, this saying stands true even for Ka'lor'ah, the grand Administrator of the Universe.

"How do you know all of this?" Olivia curiously asked, turning to face Lucius.

"It's common knowledge within the Universe," Lucius casually shrugged his shoulders and refused to elaborate further.

Understanding the hint, Olivia did not question him further on this topic and changed her direction.

"Is there a minimum limit for trade?" she asked.

Lucius searched his memories for a moment before replying, "No. As long as you can afford the transportation fee, there is no minimum limit. Still, the fee would change depending on the distance of the trade and the number of stuff being sent. 

"You might even have to pay additional taxes depending on the region you're sending stuff to." (AN: Import/Export Taxes in other words)

"I see," replied and sunk into serious contemplation.

Hearing that such commerce hubs existed within the Universe, Olivia automatically thought about Mankind's situation and her plans, which were already set in motion, to establish a company. 

Access to such trade hubs would greatly increase the efficiency of her plan, decrease the time taken for her plan to come to fruition, and improve the company's reach.

Raising her head, Olivia faced Lucius and asked, "Do you know if a business or company can negotiate a deal with the commerce hub for better rates, priority shipping, etc?"

Lucius was confused by the question, and honestly replied, "I don't know."

Ka'lor'ah, however, instantly grasped Olivia's thoughts and smiled, "Sharp thinking there. Seems like you've become a decent manager after all." She praised.

"Hehe," Olivia lightly chuckled at the praise. "What do you think, Teacher? Would it be possible?"

"Why don't you tell me your plan and I'll see whether it's possible or not? As for negotiating a deal, I believe such options must exist," Ka'lor'ah advised.

Olivia and Ka'lor'ah then sunk into a complex discussion while Lucius returned to his silent mediation state. The queue continued to move at a snail's pace, as the party inched closer towards the check post.


Hours later, the party's spaceship finally reached the front of the line.

"Please disable your shields and weapons, and grant entry for the officers to board your vessel. Any attempts of violence or failure to comply with the previous request will result in annihilation." A robotic, emotionless voice monotonously stated.

Lucius had already informed his companions, prior to the announcement. The party now stood in front of the main hanger doors in the ship's garage.

"Open the door," Lucius calmly instructed.

Ka'lor'ah flew towards the console, adjacent to the hanger doors, and operated it to open the doors.


The pressurized seal was released and the large hangar doors opened. Outside a party of elves, two males and three females stood with proud expressions on their faces.

The moment the hanger doors opened the part stepped in. 

Olivia looked at this party of alien humanoids in quiet admiration and mentally remarked, 'Wow, all of them are seriously pretty. The men are just as beautiful as the women.'

'A dark-green militaristic uniform, neatly tied-up blond hairs, exquisite long ears, and even that arrogant expression. They look every bit like the elves that I studied about,' Olivia thought in excitement. 

However, that excitement quickly faded as Olivia's brows faintly wrinkled. The elves seemed to look at their party with disdain and contempt. The aura radiated by the party of elves was also plainly hostile.

Being looked at as a lesser, stirred the Arbiter remnants within her.

The moment the Elven party entered the vessel, one of the male elves stepped forward with an orb within his hand. 

Judging from the slight difference in his uniform, it could be assumed that he was the leader of his party. His looks were also the best amongst the group, and furthermore, Olivia could not sense the aura radiated by him.

"Welcome to the Elvenheim- Rivendell. What is your purpose of visiting?" he asked.


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