Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 118: A Planet of Ice.

Chapter 118: A Planet of Ice.

"Lucius....is not human, is he?" Olivia cautiously asked.

Hearing her question, Ka'lor'ah chuckled in response.

"Well, isn't that quite obvious?"

"What is he then?" Olivia continued.

"He belongs to a primordial race called the Void Eaters. The scourge of all living things. A race which before Lucius, existed only in words!" Ka'lor'ah spoke impassioned.

"Just think about it. It's like the dinosaurs! Reading and watching movies about them cannot equal the experience of actually seeing one alive. If only I was here with my 'main body'. I would have wrapped him up and added him to my collection! Such a rare collectible." she shook her imaginary head in pity.

"Then... how does one become a Void Eater?" Olivia questioned.

"I don't know." Ka'lorah casually shrugged her body.

"Actually nobody knows. In fact, there are no records of their existence either. The only reason I know about them is thanks to the records that I inherited from my ancestors." Ka'lor'ah patiently explained.

She then paused for a moment before continuing.

"My guess is, someone must have intentionally destroyed all records of the race. After all, you don't want a couple of Void Eaters, casually walking down the street, do you? They are called the 'Enemy of All Life' for a reason."

Hearing her answer, Olivia bit her lips in distress.

"Then.. is Lucius also fated to become.....the 'Enemy of All Life'?" she inquired.

"Honestly, I have no idea. Then again, you cannot get him to do, what he doesn't want to do. Therefore, whether he chooses to go down that path entirely depends on himself." she concluded.

Her gaze sharpened as she looked at Olivia and asked.

"Why? Are you scared?" she interrogated.

Olivia immediately shook her head. Such thoughts had never crossed her mind.

The moment Olivia had decided to beg Lucius to take her with him and staked her life on his answer, she had pledged her life to him. Whatever Lucius wanted to do, she would help him with all her abilities.

Sensing Olivia's conviction, Ka'lor'ah's gaze softened

"Any other questions?" she asked softly.

Hesitating for a bit, Olivia then asked.

"Since Lucius isn't human, does that mean his parents...." just as Olivia was in the process of completing her question, a powerful [Silence] spell fell upon her.

"Shush! Stop talking!" Ka'lor'ah hurriedly spoke. She immediately turned her crystal body and stared in the direction of Lucius' room.

Her panicked gaze remained on the door for a few minutes. Seeing that there was no movement, she let out a sigh of relief.

She turned to face Olivia and removed the [Silence] spell cast upon her.

"That was close. Remember! Never mention the matter of his parents, ever in his presence." she warned in a grave tone.

With a voice that resembled a mouse squeak. Olivia asked.


"*Sigh*. I don't exactly know, but for some reason whenever this matter is mentioned, Lucius becomes.....irrational. His mind is overwhelmed with rage and he lashes out."

She paused for a second and continued.

"It's one of the things that can invoke emotion in him. He never talks about it and doesn't like people talking about it either. Anyway, don't forget my warning. If you were to carelessly mention this matter again, and he hears it, I won't be able to save you."

Olivia nodded her head.

"Let's move on. Seeing that you have recovered your energy, let's duel another time." Ka'lor'sh spoke as she distanced herself from Olivia.


Training concluded for the day and a few hours passed. After taking a bath to wash off her sweat, Olivia headed towards the kitchen aboard the spaceship and made herself a meal.

With the advancement in their physiques and strength, the requirement for energy also increased. A Stage 1 lifeform would consume almost five times the amount of their normal nutrition. This amount would only continue to grow, as their Stage increased, until one cultivated up to Stage 4. From this Stage, physical nutrition would no longer be required.

Such being the case, Olivia also consumed a lot of food. The spaceship's pantry held enough food for 30 people for a period of 30 days, this included breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Lucius did not leave his room and Ka'lor'ah had no requirement for physical supplements. Olivia was the only person, who had consumed the food, and today, the pantry was finally emptied.

After having her meal, Oliva stood up to head towards her room. Her physical training was done for the day and it was time for her soul cultivation. Just as she headed towards the exit, the door of the kitchen suddenly opened.

Wearing an expressionless face, Lucius entered the kitchen. His indifferent eyes stared at Olivia.

Having been caught off-guard, Olivia had instinctively jumped back like a frightened rabbit. She raised her hands and mobilized her soul power, ready to face any attack that might come towards her.

Her movements were smooth and her reaction was instantaneous. Seeing that it was Lucius, her nervous heart quickly calmed.

Lucius continued to stand at the door and stare at Olivia. His eyes felt like that of a predator sizing up its prey. A few seconds passed in silence, after which he opened his mouth.

"We have arrived at our destination. Get ready to descend."

Completing his statement, he turned around and walked towards the control room.

Olivia who had originally been nervous and uncomfortable under Lucius' gaze quickly sobered up. Not daring to waste any time, she headed towards her room, to change her clothes into something more suitable and packed her essentials.

Having done so, she headed towards the control room and silently waited for Lucius' next command.


Meanwhile, inside the control room, Lucius silently sat as he looked outside the window. Occupying the entire window was a large, white planet.

If one looked at the blue-colored Earth and thought- 'this planet is mostly made up of water. Then looking at his planet, one would think-' this planet is completely made up of ice.'

And so it was. It was a planet of Ice.

A planet which resembled a frigid haven, Its entire surface was covered in ice and chill. The upper layer of the troposphere which held the clouds have completely solidified to form a landmass.

Due to the frighteningly low temperature of the planet, water could not exist in its vapor or liquid form. Such being the case, the clouds formed an independent landmass, far-far above the actual ground that laid underneath its cover.

Lucius then turned his gaze away from the window and stared at the holographic map, projected in front of him.

A green dot symbolized his current location and a large blue sphere represented the planet. When he clicked on the planet to view its information, a row of question marks was presented to him.

{????????- No records found. Adding to the ship's database..... Added.}

The screen refreshed and new information was presented to him.

{Unnamed Planet.}

{Living Conditions: Inhospitable to living organisms.}

{Surface Temperature: -40C}

{Core Temperature: Cannot be measured.}

{Atmosphereic Gases: Cannot be measured.}

{Note: Multiple parameters are unknown, Advised to not land on this planet}

'This is the place, right?' Lucius asked the crystal lying in his pocket.

Ka'lor'ah remained silent for a few seconds before speaking.

'It should be. I can feel 'its' presence inside the planet.' she replied.

Nodding his head, Lucius then turned off the autopilot. Regaining manual control, he then proceeded to steer the vessel towards the white planet.


Entering the atmosphere was harder than Lucius had initially thought.

Due to the low temperature of the planet's surface, the water vapor and other gases present in the atmosphere were very dense. Entering the atmosphere under such conditions, proved to be quite a challenge.

Lucius also had to be careful in his control of the spaceship and not excessively damage it. After all, it was their only ticket, in and out of this planet.

The abrasion of the air and the outer hull of the vessel produced a few sparks. Alas, a few sparks were all that were generated. The usual scene of fire covering the entire outer shell, as one entered the atmosphere was nowhere to be seen.

Whatever heat was generated from the friction was immediately cooled. As Lucius continued to descend lower into the atmosphere, he could feel the temperature around him rapidly dropping.

'Is it getting colder?' Lucius thought to himself.

{Miscalculation. Surface Temperature..... cannot be calculated. Insufficient parameters.}

At the next instant, the ships' AI sounded out, proving his thoughts.

'It's colder than I expected.' his breaths started to turn misty as icy air invaded the interiors of the ship. Seated behind him, Olivia's body started to shiver from the cold.

As the cold increased and started to become more and more unbearable, Olivia could faintly feel hypothermia setting in.

'What do I do?' she started to panic. Turning her gaze towards Lucius, she saw that he was completely fine.

'How did he...' just as she wondered, she suddenly caught sight of a faint stream of black energy circulating underneath his skin.

Immediately coming to a realization, she mobilized her soul power, having it circulate through her body. The effects were immediately evident.

'It unexpectedly has such a use!' she exclaimed within her mind.

It was at this moment that she suddenly heard Lucius talk.

"Brace yourself."

At the next moment, the sound of impact followed. The spaceship crashed into a tall, white glacier.


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