Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 116: World Council. Part 5

Chapter 116: World Council. Part 5

"Any other questions?" Alex asked the audience once more.

"I do. But this question is mostly directed towards the Alliance Head." a female representative rose from her seat and faced Edward.

"Which family does that black-haired youngster shown in the video belong to? I've looked around the hall but cannot seem to find him. Has he not come to this meeting?"

Hearing this question, an awkward expression surfaced on the faces of both the Alliance Head and Alex. Letting out a fake cough to relieve his awkwardness, the Alliance Head spoke.

"Regarding that youth, he does not belong to any Family. Here is his information." saying so, the holographic panel above the stage once again lit up.

A picture of Lucius was projected and his basic information was displayed. Reading his information, the various people in the hall were astonished further.

"Heavens! That boy is only 17 years old?!"

"A commoner?"

"Wait, he majors in Interstellar Mechanics, yet possess such exquisite fighting skills?"

The old commander himself was astonished. Having seen Lucius' fight on the holographic screen he was definitely sure that the youngster belonged to a large family with significant backing. In fact, he even wondered whether the boy was a secret soldier cultivated by the Hellwig family.

Seeing his actual information, he found himself at a loss for words. The various heads began their hushed discussions once again.

Seeing the reactions of the people around him, he shook his head.

'With such talent and strength, I'm afraid that every family in this room would fight to bring that boy into their forces.'

The female representative, who had asked the question stood there with a blank expression. Recovering her senses after a few seconds she asked.

"Where is the boy then?"

"About that...." this time it was Alex who answered her question.

Seeing the expectant looks on the faces of all the people present in the room, he unconsciously blurted out.

"He took another ship and left the planet of Deatov before us. His current whereabouts and destination are unknown."

"What?!" a cumulative response was heard.

"Are you sure of your information, young Alex?" Edward who was also learning about this information for the first time asked.

Alex wore a bitter smile on his face and nodded. Inwardly he was thinking to himself.

'That bastard ran away without giving any explanation. Worst yet, he stole the spaceship which was assigned to Eyler! If I get my hands on him....' Alex fantasized about the various methods he would employ to beat up Lucius.

Unfortunately for him, his fantasies would remain fantasies. Trying to beat up Lucius with his current strength was simply giving him a reason to kill Alex.

"Where did he go then? Did he not receive an order from the Alliance to report to the HQ?" Edward continued with his question.

Perhaps because he was too astonished, he had unconsciously raised his voice. This resulted in his mic picking up his words and broadcasting them throughout the entire hall.

"I am unsure of his whereabouts and his destination. Uh... he did receive the orders but.... decided to ignore them." Alex could only speak the truth.

Rather than say that Lucius had chosen to ignore the orders, he straight up did not care about them.

Having heard Alex's reply the people in the room were immediately infuriated.

"Preposterous!" "Such audacity!" "Simply too arrogant!"

Various curses echoed through the hall. Hearing their words, Alex was suddenly curious about how Lucius would react, had he been here.

'Would he simply not care? Or will he beat them up? He will not go as far as to kill them right...?'

"That is enough!" Edward suddenly intervened.

The various noises and chatters immediately died down, returning the hall to its previous state of silence.

"Since the youngster is currently not here, we shall leave the matter regarding him as it is. As for his punishment for ignoring capital orders, we shall discuss it after the arrival of the concerned party."

The gaze in his eyes suddenly sharpened and his voice turned serious.

"And let me warn you. If any Family here decides to secretly harbor or protect him, they will be effectively dealt with capital punishment, regardless of status."

"As of now, that boy belongs to the Earth Alliance. If you are to find him or establish contact with him, you are to immediately hand him over to the Alliance."

"With that, this meeting is adjourned. All information discussed here today, have been sent to your respective families. I suggest the various representative and dignitaries stay at the HQ until we manage to re-establish communications. The matter regarding the aliens and 'Awakened' humans will be discussed in length at a later date."

"You may lea..." just as Edward was about to complete his sentence, a loud bellow suddenly interrupted him.

"Just a second, Alliance Head!" a middle-aged man, wearing golden spectacles and golden hair spoke.

"I just received some interesting information. Hehe, it seems that the Supreme General's inability to attend this meeting is because of him missing! With a high probability on him being dead." the man rose from his seat and spoke with a sly smile.

An interesting fact to be noticed here was that this particular man's seating within the hall was on the same level as that of the Hellwig family and the White family. However, the symbol on his seats wasn't that of the Roseberg Family.

The symbol that was etched on his seat was that of- two hands joining together, circled by a wreath made with olive branches.

It was the symbol of the Alliance People's Front. A political faction within the Alliance.

Although it was called a political faction, it was, in fact, the coalition between a great number of smaller families which by themselves did not have the power to possess seats in the World Council.

By forming this union and pooling their resources together, they were able to possess an influence and strength which was equal to that of the Three Great Families.

The middle-aged man who had just spoken was one of the three leaders of the APF. (Alliance People's Front)

Hearing his words, the High Commanders were immediately angered.

"Lies!" "You dare speak such lies, bastard!" "You think, we wouldn't dare to wat against you!"

While the external appearance of the High Commanders was fierce, internally their minds were in complete chaos.

'How did they find out!! Was there a leak in our information?!'

Alex on the other hand was extremely furious. The moment that middle-aged man has said the words, 'Supreme General' and 'dead' in the same line, his death was all but confirmed.

His soul power started to rampage within his body. The red-hot fire started to coat his body, as Alex once again resembled a flaming man. This time, however, Alex was no longer controlling the output of his soul power, resulting in the temperature around him rising by almost a thousand degrees celsius.

"Hehe. don't trust my words? But I have the information right here!" saying so, the middle-aged man projected a holographic screen from his watch.

The last known location and records of the final message sent and received by the Supreme General were clearly shown.

The representative and dignitaries were shocked by this sudden revelation. The consequences of his information were simply too great! Especially now, since they were facing an unknown enemy.

'There has been a leak in our information!' the old general cursed within his mind. Although he was unwilling, he could no longer do anything to change this outcome.

Turning his head towards the stage, the eyes of the old commander immediately shrunk.

'Not good!' he could see that the young Head of the Hellwig family had completely lost himself to rage.

'I must stop him before he does something stupid!' without caring about himself, the old commander immediately dashed towards Alex.

Just as Alex was about to make his move, the calm voice of the Alliance Head suddenly sounded out.

"I know. And for your information, the Supreme General isn't dead. I have my sources to confirm this information."

Hearing these words, Alex was slightly calmed. A hint of rationality returned as he withdrew his soul power.

'If I move to kill that guy in front of all these people, it would result in terrible consequences for the family.' looking at that hateful man, Alex made an oath to himself. 'I will surely remember these words of yours!'

"Hehe. As expected of the Alliance Head. Seeing the dire situation that we find ourselves to be in, I was simply concerned about the matter of the current 'Head of Military'. With the absence of the Supreme General, who will fill his position?"

"Your concerns are but unfounded, don't we have a perfect candidate right here." the Alliance Head showed a brilliant smile as he smoothly replied.

"Who?" finding himself at a loss, the middle-aged man questioned.

"Its precisely young Alex, standing right next to me!" Edward replied.

"Huh?!" Hearing that answer everyone in the hall was shocked. The most shocked one was of course, Alex himself.

The brows of the middle-aged man furrowed as he spoke.

"Alliance Head, this is no joking matter. With the serious position that we find ourselves to be in, we must have a more experienced person fill this role."

"Oh, but I'm completely serious! Who else has more experience fighting against the armies of alien invaders, other than young Alex here?"

A sound reason, which the middle-aged man found himself unable to refute.

Using this opportunity, Edward continued.

"Alex Hellwig, in my capacity as the Leader of the Earth Alliance, I hereby bestow upon you the position of 'Head of Military'. Mankind will be depending upon your efforts to face this upcoming ordeal!"

Alex stood dumbfounded for a few seconds before he managed to hurriedly kneel and accept this proclamation.

'How did I end up becoming the 'Head of Military'?' this was a situation that was completely out of his expectations.


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