Longevity: Starting from the Qi Tags

Chapter 15 - 15 Return to the City_1

15 Chapter 15 Return to the City_1

Translator: 549690339

Gu Mo breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the two approaching figures.

No casualties, that’s good!

Suddenly, he was taken aback, staring in amazement at Jiang Yuan as he steadily closed the gap between them.

The closer Jiang Yuan came, the stronger an oppressive sense he could feel.

With disbelief in his heart, he wondered, “Has the Young Master broken through yet again?”

A breakthrough in marrow refinement is a stride to the Seventh Layer of Body Forging, the stage of blood exchange.

Among the young generation in Lin’an County, fewer than three have reached this level, and he was one of them.

The Young Master’s talent was incredible!

Or had the Young Master encountered an extraordinary occasion in the last half hour, causing his strength to soar rapidly?

His mind was filled with confusion.

A few breaths later.

The two figures appeared before the carriage.

” Was there any mishap when I left?”

Gu Mo shook his head, then nodded.

“Nothing major, but two men had tried to tail you two. I initially tried killing them with a stone, but they avoided it. However, they eventually retreated.”

Old Ma said, “They didn’t retreat, they took a detour and found us again.”

“So, both of you are alright!”

Old Ma waved his hand while chuckling, “What can happen to us? They were seeking their own deaths.”

The young escorts listening were astounded.

“Uncle Ma is so powerful, able to defeat two opponents effortlessly.”

“Yeah! Uncle Ma sill carries the same grace as before! He’s getting better with age!”

“Uncle Ma truly is a veteran! He effortlessly killed those two men without a scratch!”


Old Ma was extremely embarrassed when he saw the young crowd praising him.

Just as he was about to deny it, Jiang Yuan spoke up: “Lucky Uncle Ma was around, otherwise I would’ve been in danger!”

“Er… Young Master…”

Jiang Yuan shook his head with a smile.

Old Ma instantly understood and said: “Certainly, even though my qi and blood is decreasing, in terms of capabilities, I am as strong as before. These two weaklings thought they could pose a threat to me?”

Immediately, Old Ma bathed in a shower of praise.

When the others’ enthusiasm has faded, Jiang Yuan said, “Let’s move, back to the city!”

“Yes! Young Master!”

Old Ma then called out, “Let’s go, kiddos, it’s time to head back.”

Lin’an City.

“What’s happening? Why is everyone heading towards the city gate?”

“Big news! Aren’t you aware?”

“What big news?”

“Jiang Zhenyuan is dead! His son is currently transporting his body back to Lin’an City, the entire journey filled with signs of mourning.”

“Jiang Zhenyuan you’re talking about… is Wind Thunder Sword, Jiang Zhenyuan?”

“Who else could it be?”

“How…how is that possible! Wasn’t he one of the top masters in Lin’an County? How could he suddenly die outside?”

“There are always others who are better, but haven’t you heard, those who make a living as escorts always have their lives hanging by a thread, how many of them can retire peacefully?”

At the same time, Jiang Yuan has crossed the entrance to Lin’an City.

Everyone at Zhenyuan Escort Agency is in mourner’s attire, their apparel grim and colourless.

The buildings on either side were packed with people.

Jiang Zhenyuan’s sudden death was big news in Lin’an county.

Almost half of the city’s population had come to watch.

“My God, look at Zhenyuan Escort Agency, they’re all in mourner’s attire. With symbols of mourning, this isn’t just about Jiang Zhenyuan’s death!”

“Exactly, it seems the entire Zhenyuan Escort Agency were wiped out!”

“How horrifying, Jiang Zhenyuan was the top master of Lin’an County, yet he could lead the entire Zhenyuan Escort Agency to perish.”

Then someone sighed, “Alas, now that Jiang Zhenyuan is gone, Zhenyuan Escort Agency is in trouble.”

“Old man, why do you say so?”

“Look!” The old man gestured to the buildings around them.

There, rarely-seen influential figures had appeared on both sides of the road.

Flashes of greed flickered in their eyes.

“With Jiang Zhenyuan gone, this vast Zhenyuan Escort Agency is like a piece of sweet pie, who wouldn’t want a slice?”

“But he has a son, Jiang Yuan! I’ve heard he’s also a talented youth.”

“Ha! A talented youth? Even if Jiang Yuan is counted as a prodigy, who will give him time to grow?”

Continuing his words, the old man said, “Just watch, it won’t be long before you find Jiang Yuan murdered in the streets, either his drowned body in the river or his dead body abandoned in a deserted place.”

The group of people nearby heard the conversation of the two old ones and was in strong agreement.

“The old man is right! His future can pretty much be anticipated. It’s just a pity for his handsome appearance, many women will surely be heartbroken.”

“Speaking of which, his father was also quite good-looking back in the day. He was the object of adoration for all the women in Lin’an County.”

In County Honour’s Mansion.

At that moment, Li Hong was standing at the top of the high tower, with the entire Lin’an County in his view.

“Fifth, what do you think is boosting Jiang Yuan’s confidence? How dare he announce Jiang Zhenyuan’s death in such a public manner.”

The man beside him, dressed in all black, shook his head: “I have no idea!”

“Do you think he could take such a step because he is confident in his own strength?”

The black-clothed man shook his head: “It is highly unlikely! Even after refining the Organ Refining Pill that Old Master granted him, he would only just be in marrow refinement. In Lin’an County, this kind of strength would only make him a second-rate character.”

Li Hong nodded: “True!”

Then turned to walk downstairs.

“I can’t be bothered to guess anymore. I will know in a couple of days. If he is solely depending on my protection for all this fuss, then he deserves it if he dies. At most, I will avenge him later, and help collect his body to allow for a dignified departure.”

Zhenyuan Escort Agency.

As Jiang Yuan entered the main gate, he saw a group of women and children with red and swollen eyes.

Feeling a twinge of a headache, he rubbed his temples.

“Uncle Ma, go and handle the aftermath for those of our fallen brothers. Take out all the remaining money in the agency first and share them amongst their respective families for their living expenses. I will figure out how to get the rest of the money.”

“Yes! Young Master!” Old Ma responded.

Jiang Yuan then turned to Gu Mo.

“The Dragon Spring Sword we had ordered for you earlier can’t be retrieved now as we can no longer afford the remaining payment. We will have to wait for some time.”

“No problem!”

Gu Mo held his ordinary iron sword and said, “I find this ordinary iron sword quite nice. What’s important is the person, not the weapon.”

“I have heard that the higher realm of the Sword Dao is ‘No sword in hand, but sword in heart’ and even further ‘All things in heaven and earth can be a sword’. Although I cannot reach this level, I can still slash a divine weapon with this iron sword.”

Jiang Yuan chuckled, “There’s another matter I need your assistance with.”

“Please tell, Young Master!”

“Take my invitation card and send it to all the major forces in the city. I want them to attend my father’s memorial service three days later.”

Hearing this, Old Ma on the side moved closer quickly.

“Young Master, you mean to hold your father’s memorial service three days from now?”

“Yes!” Jiang Yuan nodded.

“Good!” Old Ma exclaimed excitedly, “Old Master deserves an honorable and dignified departure. How can his entire life’s achievements end in such obscurity?”


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