Longevity Clan Starts with the Patriarch's Marriage

Chapter 187 - 147: Successful Operation, The Enchanting Devil Princess_2

Chapter 187: Chapter 147: Successful Operation, The Enchanting Devil Princess_2

Translator: 549690339

Besides personal feelings, Yun Miaoyi also wanted Jiang Baiye to explore the soon-to-emerge ruins with her, compete for treasures, and help her break through to the Hollow Void Stage.

It would be even better if Jiang Baiye converted to practicing Devil Cultivation Techniques, then they would both be Devil Princesses, able to do some more thrilling things together.

As Yun Miaoyi was flying, she was completely unaware of a figure that had appeared behind her. Right behind her, almost pressing against Yun Miaoyi, warm breath brushed against her neck, yet Yun Miaoyi still did not notice.

“Where is Jiang Baiye now? Inside the Canghai Sect’s mountain gate?” Yun Miaoyi muttered to herself.

Ancestor Han’s heart stirred, and suddenly he spoke, “He’s at Chengsheng Mountain with me, little Devil Princess, do you want to come along?”

After spotting Yun Miaoyi, Han Li had instantly arrived. His Spiritual Sense covered the area, concealing himself and blocking Yun Miaoyi’s four senses except for her sight.

In this manner, even though he was nearly pressed against Yun Miaoyi and continuously teased her, the little Devil Princess Yun Miaoyi remained completely unaware.

As he spoke, Han Li lifted the block on Yun Miaoyi’s sense of hearing. The voice that rang out by her ear was that familiar devilish voice; Yun Miaoyi exploded.

Without looking back, she fully channeled her cultivation technique and escaped instantly, fleeing tens of thousands of miles before Yun Miaoyi dared to stop for a breath.

She looked back, her Spiritual Sense surged out, continuously scanning the area, but she did not find Han Li’s figure, nor any traces of other cultivators.

“Is it because I’ve been too tense lately that I’m having hallucinations?” Yun Miaoyi murmured.

Just for a moment, she had almost thought that the big Devil, Han Li, had come. She had completely put Jiang Baiye out of her mind and ran as fast as she could.

Thinking back now, it really seemed like she was hallucinating.

Han Li may be strong, but he was just a Great Grandmaster of the Myriad Phenomena Realm, and he hadn’t broken through for long. The key point was that Han Li was in Yuanzhou, with Jizhou still between them; it was impossible for him to have found out about her coming to Qingzhou.

Unless Han Li was just staying in Qingzhou, knew that she was coming to find Jiang Baiye, and deliberately searched for and tracked her down.

But how could that be?

She and Han Li had only crossed paths once, and she had kept her oath afterwards, never disclosing any information about Han Li. It was improbable that Han Li would still be keeping her in mind, right?

Yet Yun Miaoyi felt uneasy, Han Li might indeed be continuously thinking of her.

That bastard had wanted to harm her in the first place, but had some reservations. Given that devil’s lecherous nature, now that his strength far surpassed hers, he might just want to capture her and make her his wife or concubine.

In a flash, various thoughts sped through Yun Miaoyi’s mind, then she turned around, prepared to continue her escape.

Whether it was a hallucination or not, it was better to return to Leizhou. She’d find another chance to elope with Jiang Baiye later.

“Little Devil Princess, why aren’t you running anymore?”

Suddenly, Han Li’s teasing voice was heard in her ear.

Yun Miaoyi verified without a doubt, it was Han Li speaking. Her beautiful red lips were tightly pursed; she said nothing and once again began to flee.

While Han Li wanted to play with her, which ended up giving her a chance to escape, another hundred thousand miles and she would reach Leizhou. Yun Miaoyi felt that Han Li would not dare to set foot in Leizhou.

Now, Leizhou was crowded with a multitude of strong figures from the Yinyang Sect. If Han Li dared to pursue her in Leizhou, those Devil Grandmasters would not turn a blind eye, and Han Li would be biting off more than he could chew.

Watching Yun Miaoyi flee, Han Li chuckled lightly. His Spiritual Sense had long since covered a radius of six hundred thousand miles, finding no traces of True Martial Realm hiding. As long as he wished, not only would Yun Miaoyi fail to escape, but she wouldn’t even make a sound to the outside world.

After Yun Miaoyi escaped fifty thousand miles, Han Li flashed and appeared a hundred miles ahead of her on a mountain peak.

When Yun Miaoyi flew closer, Han Li stretched out his right hand forward, making a claw gesture. A massive True Yuan Devil’s Palm formed, becoming bigger and pressing down towards Yun Miaoyi.

“Little Devil Princess, can you escape from the Ancestor’s Five Finger Mountain?” Han Li laughed lightly.

Yun Miaoyi still didn’t speak, she merely drew out her Devil Sword, Spring Rain, and struck with all her might towards the gigantic palm made of True Yuan.

It was to no avail; the palm’s descent was not slowed in the slightest.

Reluctant to accept defeat, Yun Miaoyi gripped Spring Rain tightly, swinging it repeatedly for more than a dozen times, still to no effect.

The little Devil Princess smiled bitterly, ceasing her resistance; she knew it was futile.

She had seen it clearly, that bastard Han Li was determined to capture her. With her speed far slower than his and the overwhelming difference in strength, there was no chance of escape.

Yun Miaoyi even suspected that Han Li’s strength had improved again, but she had no evidence and felt it was unlikely, as a Great Grandmaster of the Myriad Phenomena Realm would progress very slowly.

The imprint of the True Yuan giant claw fell down but did not harm Yun Miaoyi, it only sealed all her cultivation.

With a slight summons of his right hand, Han Li made Yun Miaoyi fly uncontrollably into his arms.

Feeling the warm and tender beauty in his arms, Han Li did not hold back and directly lowered his head, capturing Yun Miaoyi’s delicate red lips.

Yun Miaoyi clenched her teeth tightly, refusing to let Han Li, this Devil Grandmaster, go any further.

She was known as the Devil Princess, but in Yun Miaoyi’s view, Han Li was the true Devil Grandmaster.

After a long while, Han Li finally let her go, not forgetting to comment, “Still the same taste, really good.”

“What exactly do you want?” Yun Miaoyi bit her red lips, unable to hold back her words.

Although she knew that once in Han Li’s hands, he would never let her go, there was still a glimmer of hope in Yun Miaoyi’s heart.

“Aren’t you looking for Jiang Baiye? I’ll send you to keep her company, how’s that? Am I not a good person?”

Han Li’s face beamed with smiles. Now that Yun Miaoyi had come to him, he would not let her leave again. The Old Ancestor Han had been thinking about the Devil Princess for a long time, and he had even imagined the scene of refining treasures.

Yun Miaoyi’s delicate body shivered, looking at Han Li in shock. She stammered, “Jiang… Baiye… was captured by you too?”

Yun Miaoyi deeply regretted her actions, knowing that Jiang Baiye had been captured by this devil Han Li, she would have never come to Qingzhou.

This bastard might have guessed her intentions and specifically waited for her in Qingzhou; otherwise, how could he coincidentally discover her trail?

Han Li nodded with a smile.

“Is Jiang Baiye your wife or concubine?” After a silence, Yun Miaoyi suddenly asked.

Han Li was startled. The Devil Princess was so direct?

“Answer me,” said Yun Miaoyi, her pretty face frosty as she glared at Han Li.

Since she couldn’t escape, she might as well fight for some favorable conditions for herself. After all, Han Li wasn’t going to let her go.

“Jiang Jiang is of course my wife,” Han Li naturally replied.

Yun Miaoyi sighed with relief. It was good that Jiang Baiye was the wife, so if she married Han Li, she should also be the wife.

She was aware of Han Li’s situation. He had two wives at present, one of whom should be Jiang Baiye. Han Li had sixty or seventy concubines, and she didn’t want to be one.

Having made up her mind, Yun Miaoyi became much more composed and scoffed, “Tsck tsck, ‘Jiang Jiang’, how nauseatingly sweet. It seems Jiang Baiye fell into your Devil’s Palm long ago.”


Han Li laughed. He liked Yun Miaoyi’s response, which showed she had made her decision.

Unlike Jiang Baiye and Lu Tianxiang, Yun Miaoyi had climbed up from the bottom step by step to become a Core Disciple of the Yinyang Sect. Her thoughts were more intricate, and she knew well how to make choices.

Han Li really appreciated this trait in Yun Miaoyi; it would save him a lot of trouble.

“Yun Yun, once you cross my threshold, I will give you the status of a wife too,” Han Li said earnestly, looking into Yun Miaoyi’s eyes—this had been his intention all along.


Yun Miaoyi agreed straightforwardly, being a wife is always better than a concubine.

Han Li let her go. It was only then that he took the opportunity to observe Yun Miaoyi properly, realizing that whatever she wore, her voluptuous body was always in full display.

Her black, smooth hair reached her waist, occasionally stirring with the breeze. Her face was stunningly beautiful with not a single flaw. Beneath her long lashes were round, bright eyes, clear and sparkling, her brows and eyes exuding a soft, enchanting charm; her sensual and bewitching demeanor was mesmerizing.

Her hot and curvy body, her slender waist like a willow, was perfectly accentuated by the tight black dress she wore, showcasing the seductive S-curve of her figure. Her bare arms were exposed to the air, her skin white as snow glistening in the moonlight, especially tender. The hem of her black dress revealed her long, fair legs, with clear battle boots on her feet displaying her tender, crystal clear toes, shining with an enticing luster.


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