Longevity Begins with Marrying a Wife

Chapter 590: If you want to learn, then drop everythi

Chapter 590 If you want to learn, then drop everything


The sound of thunder is rolling, just like the sound of the sword spitting out from the Taixuan sword light.

Lightning flashed through the black clouds, illuminating Shen Ping Gujing Wubo's face like a sword light.

Do not know why.

Seeing those eyes without any ripples.

Huo Ru's sword heart trembled for no reason, but disappeared without a trace in an instant.

This battle.

She has to win!


The long sword in his hand rushed forward with unparalleled sword intent. When the tip of the sword was still half a meter away from Shen Ping, the ruthless power of the sword had completely enveloped Shen Ping.

The members of the sword tower standing around the sword platform didn't understand why the Zhenbei Hou remained motionless. Could it be that he was frightened by the momentum of Taixuan Sword Immortal!

But at this moment.

It was as if an invisible energy shield had condensed in front of Shen Ping. No matter how powerful the Taixuan Sword exploded, it could not thrust forward another inch.

"This, this is the realm of swordsmanship!"

You Jianzi exclaimed in surprise.

Only by having a deep understanding of the way of swords can you form your own unique understanding.

And Kendo itself is very difficult to cross.

The two top leaders in the Qiankun Ranking, such as Lijiang Fairy and Taixuan Sword Fairy, have just stepped into the realm of swordsmanship, and it is impossible to condense their own swordsmanship field.

Huo Ru's eyes showed a look of surprise. She knew that Zhenbei Hou was probably hiding his secrets, but she never thought that he could step into the way of swordsmanship.

"So what if there is a kendo field, I will break it with one sword!"

She gave a low drink.

The long sword in his hand suddenly spun and stabbed Shen Ping again at a very fast speed. The power of this stab was doubled from before.

At the same time, her whole temperament became overbearing, cold, and ruthless.

Obviously, all the power of Jian Qing Wu's kendo burst out.

The sword master standing in the distance could not help but change his expression slightly. He could see that Huo Ru had indeed made rapid progress in ruthless swordsmanship, but the Zhenbei Marquis remained indifferent.




Seeing that Taixuan Sword is still blocked by the invisible swordsmanship field.

Huo Ru bit her red lips and turned around Shen Ping at an extremely fast speed. Every turn she thrust out from different directions, trying to find the weak point in the field of swordsmanship. Unfortunately, she allowed her to use it for more than ten breaths. , unable to thrust the sword even an inch.

And at this time.

Shen Ping, who was standing, smiled lightly and said, "Huo Jianxian, now that you have finished drawing your sword, it is your turn."

The moment the words fell.

A sword light slowly condensed on his fingertips.

Then he stabbed lightly in front of his eyes.

The sword light instantly shattered the Taixuan Sword, and stabbed Huo Ru's body with unparalleled force. Huo Ru flew out like a kite with a broken string, and hit the edge of the sword platform. Finally, Half of his body left the sword platform.

"You lost."

The sound is very light.

But in the area covered by the sword tower, any member of the sword tower could hear it.

The astonishing sword intent slowly dissipated at this moment.

The heavy rain fell down, and for a while, the sword platform and the surrounding members were all wet, but no one spoke. Everyone stared at the two people standing and falling on the sword platform with wide eyes.

It's incredible.

They asked about the number one sword type in the Sword Tower. The Taixuan Sword Immortal, who was at the top of the Qiankun Ranking, was actually defeated by someone with one sword, and he didn't even touch the corner of his clothes from the beginning to the end.

Although it is said that strong swordsmen fight against each other, the victory or defeat can only be determined by a thought.

But the problem is that Taixuan Sword Immortal is the pride of Wenjian Tower!

The rain is getting heavier.

The sword platform was washed by the rain like a bright mirror.

Huo Ru clutched his chest, gritted his teeth and forced the sword to flow freely in his body, but in the end he couldn't help spitting out a large mouthful of blood, dyeing the clear rain red.

The color in her eyes suddenly dimmed.


The proud and ruthless sword intent was even more crushed, like a broken wing.

Failure is not terrible.

But such a complete defeat left her at a loss.

Is my ruthless swordsmanship really on the wrong track?


The young sword master landed on the sword platform through the air. He didn't even look at Huo Ru. He turned to look at Shen Ping and said with a smile, "Congratulations, Zhenbei Hou, for defeating the strongest swordsman in Wenjian Tower." , according to the previously agreed terms, she will be yours from now on. "

Shen Ping grinned, "I've met the sword master."

The sword master burst into laughter, "Shen Ping, from now on you will also be the one I ask for in the Sword Tower. With your strength, you will definitely be number one on the Qiankun Ranking!"

The two of them confirmed their previous agreement while talking and laughing.

Only Huo Ru struggled to get up and silently left the sword platform.

No one came to comfort him.

Because this is their usual practice at Wenjian Tower.

It is also part of the ruthless swordsmanship.


The sword tomb behind the highest sword tower.

Shen Ping followed the sword master, along the deep paths, and finally came to a stone chamber. Judging from the induction of true soul power, the stone chamber was surrounded by special mineral materials. Each piece of these mineral materials contained The sword intention seems to be continuously blessed by the sword masters of the past generations. Even if the immortal realm wants to break into it, it is impossible.

"Zhenbeihou, there are twelve landscape paintings in total, including five from Lijiang Academy, two from Iwenjian Tower, two from Haiyue Cliff, two from Tianyin Chamber, and one from Emperor Mountain. Originally, Lijiang Academy had six paintings, but one was given to Emperor Mountain.”

"Of course, every picture in the landscape scroll is mysterious and profound, and the five pictures from Lijiang Academy are easy to see, so there is no difference in how many there are."

The sword master said softly, then opened a mechanism and took out the two most important pictures from Wenjian Tower.

He stood on the stone table in the stone room.

"Marquis Zhenbei, please swear that you will never reveal the contents of these two pictures, including what you have learned from them!"

Looking at the serious look on the sword master's face.

Shen Ping swore immediately.

The oath had no binding force on him at all.

It's just that people in this world believe it very much, because once it is violated, it is easy to become obsessed when breaking through the immortal realm.

If Shen Ping is a strong person in the Immortal Realm, no matter what, the sword master will definitely not let him watch.

Finished swearing.

The sword master breathed a sigh of relief and slowly opened the landscape scroll.

The two pictures are not much different from those of Lijiang Academy. They are both drawn from some landscapes in this world. The most important thing is the drawn lines and the outline of the scenery, which constitute the true inheritance of swordsmanship.


Just as Shen Ping expected.

These two pictures contain the first three levels of "Taiyi Kendo", but there is no general outline. Not to mention other people, even he can't practice it.

After all, this is the swordsmanship of the top heaven and earth avenue, not a small path.

The sword master stared at Shen Ping. When his eyes left the landscape scroll, he couldn't wait to ask, "How is it? Have you learned anything from it?"

"It is a set of swordsmanship, but unfortunately it is not complete, and the most critical content is missing, making it impossible to practice. I also viewed five pictures in Lijiang Academy. They are also swordsmanship. To put it bluntly, these two The picture also has two sets of swordsmanship, which are inferior to the real content, but they are still top-notch swordsmanship!”

Shen Ping said casually.

He didn't care at all, because these swordsmanship inheritance required the comprehension of the "Principal Source Book". Without the foundation of understanding, no one could practice the swordsmanship inheritance.

The sword master did not expect Zhenbei Hou to be so honest. He had lived long enough to see that the other party was not lying, so he said, "In this case, the two pictures I asked about Jianlou are not the same as the five pictures from Lijiang Academy." Is it coherent?”

Shen Ping nodded, "Not bad."

The sword master frowned, "The four pictures of Haiyue Cliff and Tianyin Temple can still be viewed. At worst, I will use these two pictures as a trade, but Emperor Mountain is very difficult!"

"The Marquis of Zhenbei didn't know that back then, Emperor Mountain used all possible means to obtain a picture. The landscape map of Lijiang Academy would lose its effect after it was removed. However, Emperor Mountain forcibly moved the picture away with the mountain. , this is effective.”

"And for so many years, Emperor Mountain has always regarded that picture as a national treasure of the royal family. Except for every emperor, no one else can view it!"

Shen Ping thought for a while and asked, "Sword Master, I wonder if Lijiang Academy ever left any rubbings?"

"Rubbings are useless."

"You can watch it if you want, but don't have your hopes too high."

The sword master put away the scroll of landscape paintings and said with a smile, "Anyway, you can understand the sword skills from it, and your talent is really admirable. So, I will try my best to make the view of Haiyue Cliff and Tianyin Temple, just for you You should know that it is very difficult. Only by revealing the secret of the landscape scroll can the possibility of convincing them to get this opportunity be very high. "

Shen Ping said casually, "It's simple. I used two sets of sword techniques from the two pictures. However, this kind of sword technique requires extremely high understanding and time, and there is no way to record it."

Hear the words.

The sword master's face showed joy, "With the words of Marquis Zhenbei, we are 90% sure of this matter!"

Leave the Sword Tomb.

The sword master specially invited Shen Ping to have a drink together to celebrate Shen Ping's defeat of Huo Ru and his becoming a member of Wenjian Tower.

Originally, he wanted to hold a banquet celebration for Shen Ping.

But Shen Ping refused.

The reason, of course, is to return to the Marquis Mansion as soon as possible and marry Huo Ru.

The young sword master smiled and secretly thought that he was a young man with a strong temper after all and could not resist the urge of his body.

Five days later.

Shen Ping took Huo Ru away from Wenjian Tower. When they returned, they did not leave from Jian Gang Floor. Instead, they took a carriage and slowly returned to the Marquis Mansion. The journey alone took more than three months.

The carriage is quite spacious inside.

It is a fine carriage after all.

Huo Ru was wearing relatively simple white clothes, with a calm expression, without the decadence of being defeated, but Shen Ping knew that this girl was definitely beaten by him.

He didn't say anything either.

Instead, he closed his eyes.

The two were gone for seven days.

Passing a bridge.

The carriage could not go forward, so it had to be sold, and after crossing the bridge, another one could be purchased in a nearby county.

It happened to be a rainy day, and the ferry bridge built with iron cables swayed back and forth. The wooden boards on it were all wet. Ordinary people did not dare to walk at all, so they could only gather at the inn at the entrance of the ferry bridge.

Shen Ping also took Huo Ru to a room like ordinary people.


The rain shows no sign of letting up.

The lights in the house danced.

Huo Ru sat cross-legged on the bed and looked at Shen Ping standing at the window, her eyes full of confusion. She really couldn't imagine that a majestic land **** and a strong swordsman could actually act like an ordinary person. This ferry crossing is waiting.

Could it be that this is why the other party is so powerful!

a long time.

She couldn't help it anymore and asked, "What kind of sword is that of yours?"

His mind was filled with images of the exchange and exchange on the sword platform that day.

The opponent's light sword, or the sword light condensed by the sword, has always stayed in her mind, and it has never been gone.

After hearing this, Shen Ping couldn't help but smile, turned around and said, "If you want to know, you can, please beg me."


Horu gritted his teeth.

Shen Ping leaned against the edge of the window, "You ask Jianlou to practice ruthless swordsmanship because he can sacrifice everything for the swordsmanship. Why, now that you have such an opportunity to learn the supreme swordsmanship, you still don't want to give it up?"

Horu was silent.

She knew what Shen Ping said was true.

In Wenjian Tower.

You can really give up everything for the sake of swordsmanship.

Including your own body.

Those low-level members of the Sword House had to make sacrifices for superior swordsmanship, even if they were slaves every day. She also came up from the bottom, but her talent was so good that she didn't stay at the bottom for long, but she also knew the hardship of the bottom.

"It seems like your swordsmanship is not pure!"

Shen Ping clicked his tongue and joked.

Horu hummed, "What do you want me to do?"

Shen Ping clasped his hands in front of his chest and said with interest, "Simple, kneel in front of me, turn around, lift your waist and hips, stay like this for an hour every day, and I will teach you supreme swordsmanship!"

Huo Ru's face was burning, and he glared at Shen Ping, "Dream, even if I die, I can't agree to you!"

"It doesn't matter."

"I just gave you such a chance. It's up to you whether you want to or not."

Speaking of which.

He said with a half-smile, "Tell you something, your sword master let me look at the landscape scroll of the Sword Tomb, and I also learned two sets of sword techniques from it. If you want to learn it, I will teach you too. !”

Huo Ru remained silent.

He stretched out and said, "It's boring. Compared to you, Yao Xian from Lijiang Academy is much cuter. She is also very talented. She has basically mastered the secrets of swordsmanship in a landscape scroll from Lijiang Academy!"

Huo Ru's expression changed after hearing this, "What, you mean Fairy Lijiang has learned the swordsmanship of landscape scrolls?"


Shen Ping sat directly on the window, listening to the sound of rain outside, closing his eyes and breathing gradually steadily.

But Huo Ru's expression was uncertain.

She didn't expect that the Lijiang Fairy, a woman who could bend and stretch, and looked pretty good, would do such embarrassing postures and movements for the Zhenbei Marquis in order to practice swordsmanship!


She cursed inwardly.

A night of silence.

The next day.

Huo Ru, who had dark circles under his eyes, saw that it was still raining outside, "When are you leaving? Hey, you really plan to be like an ordinary person. It's going to rain for three or four days!"

Shen Ping yawned, turned over and walked to the door of the bedroom. He called the waiter to bring him a towel and breakfast. He turned around and said, "The way of heaven and earth lies in nature. The way of nature lies in spring, summer, autumn and winter, mountains, rivers and lakes, and even more in people." In this world, you have been in Wenjian Tower all year round, but have you ever resonated with heaven and earth? If you have forgotten the way of heaven and earth, how can you show the true way of heaven and earth even if you step into the sword?"

(End of chapter)


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