Longevity Begins with Marrying a Wife

Chapter 101: Mortals cannot practice

  Chapter 101 Mortals cannot practice

  Late at night.

  The swaying of the bed board ends.

  The wives and concubines were too tired to move.

  Shen Ping opened the virtual panel and glanced at it. Talisman, spiritual root, puppet master, as well as divine consciousness, magic resistance, life span and physique are all increasing.

   Among them, the improvement of spiritual consciousness and physical fitness is relatively slow.

Although physique can strengthen the endurance and expand the meridians, but it must be immersed in the double cultivation to have the effect, and he has tried many times, it is difficult to have this effect on wives and concubines, only the fish and water with Yu Yan Sometimes, you will occasionally gain constitution.

  But what Shen Ping values ​​most is his spiritual consciousness.

  He broke through to the second-level top-grade Fu Dao the year before last, and now his spiritual power has been polished by 80%. If he practices at this speed, his spiritual power will be truly perfect by the end of the year at the latest, and only his spiritual consciousness will be left.

  Looking at the spiritual consciousness that is still far from the middle stage of foundation establishment.

   Shen Ping frowned darkly.

  Cultivators who are over sixty years old have a high probability of failure in building foundations, unless they have a variety of rare aids, plus foundation building Dan shelters Dao Foundation, but they will still fail.

  Although his lifespan has continued to increase, he still doesn’t want to build a foundation after he is sixty years old. The ideal in his mind is before he is fifty-five years old.

   "Three years!"

   "I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

  He sighed in his heart, even if he followed Yu Yan to increase the number of double repairs every day, it would be very reluctant.


   At this time.

  Wang Yun, who was breathing evenly, suddenly opened her eyes.

   Shen Ping came back to his senses and touched his wife's beautiful hair, and said in a warm voice, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

   "The concubine has been thinking about something these days."

   Wang Yun said softly.

"What's up."

   "I have been married to my husband for nearly ten years, and in four more years, I will be thirty."

Wang Yun hugged Shen Ping's arm, lowered her head and continued, "Mortal country women decline at thirty, at fifty they can be called old women, and at sixty they have silver hair. The medicine is nourishing, and the Dingyan pill bestowed by my husband can keep my face youthful, but, but..."

Speaking of which.

Tears blurred Wang Yun's eyes, and her voice was nasal, "The concubine is just a mortal after all, and it is difficult to accompany her husband to die. The jujube tree grows day by day, but the life of the concubine decreases day by day. The husband is a loving person. Instead, Instead of making your husband sad then, why not..."

  Shen Ping interrupted suddenly, "Yun'er, my husband won't let you leave!"

  He stretched out his palm and wiped away the tears from the corners of his wife's eyes.

   said heavily, "Absolutely not!"

   There is no gold frame.

  Wife has a place in his heart.

  The moment Yunshanfang delivered the flying boat.

  Shen Ping understood his heart. Although he knew that this heart was a long-term love, no matter what the love was, it could not erase Wang Yun's status.

   "You are my wife."

   "Wife with hair."

  He lowered his head and kissed Wang Yun's forehead. This was the first time he showed his heart.

  The tears in the corners of Wang Yun's eyes were already flowing like a spring, until the deepest worry in her heart completely disappeared at this moment.

  She smiled happily, "Husband, you once said that you will hold your son's hand and grow old together. When Yun'er is willing to be full of hair, she will also guard her husband."

  She kept repeating, and finally fell into a sweet sleep.

  The golden frame remains unchanged, but the shining golden light becomes deeper and deeper.

   This night.

   Ordinary and ordinary.

  The bright night sky is full of stars.

  At the beginning of Mao.

  In the steaming mist of wooden barrels in the wing room.

  Sinking flat color is calm.

   Seeing his lack of interest, Yu Yan couldn't help asking, "My husband seems to have something on his mind?"

  Shen Ping shook his head, and then said in a rare and low voice, "Can mortals really not practice cultivation?"

  Yu Yan was stunned.

   soon fell silent.

  She really wanted to speak a word of comfort, but she couldn't get it out of her mouth.

   It is common sense in the practice world that mortals without spiritual roots cannot practice, even those Nascent Soul monks cannot change it.

   "It only increases troubles."

   "The future is the future!"

  Shen Ping suddenly laughed, and then amidst the rippling sound of the water, he leaned forward, looked at the sweet pomelo and gritted his teeth, "Today I will smooth your way!"

  He seemed sullen.

  Yu Yan's charming tongue was drawn on the lip line, and she said provocatively, "If you want to obliterate my mother's way, fellow Taoist Shen, can you do it?"

no respond.

  Only the heavy Taoism is fighting.


   Early February.

  Senior Fu next door once again invited Shen Ping and Yu Yan to have a drink in his courtyard.

  Several times.

Shen Ping knew that this Senior Fu, like himself, was a cultivator who liked delicious food and spirits. However, although Senior Fu's Taoist couple looked gentle and jade-like, they were actually quite strong-tempered. refute.

   "Friend Daoist Shen."

   "Friend Yu."

  Below the wooden frame surrounded by green vines.

  Several people sat around the stone platform, Senior Fu raised his glass with a smile, "This is the newly brewed nectar wine, you two can taste it to your heart's content."

  Shen Ping raised his head and took a drink, tasted the taste carefully, and said, "This wine seems to be the same as last time at Qingyang Lake..."

   He didn't finish his sentence.

  Senior Fu laughed in satisfaction, "You Daoist Shen is really a wine tasting master, yes, this wine is exactly the Ice Dew Yuzhen Wine imitated."

   Shen Ping was a little embarrassed.

  He was really just saying a polite compliment, but he didn't expect Senior Fu to take it seriously.

  Senior Le glared at the Taoist couple with a soft and charming face, and hurriedly said, "This wine is not as good as Ice Dew Yuzhen Wine. Fellow Daoist Shen, don't exaggerate, or my Taoist couple will believe it."

  Shen Ping repeatedly said yes.

   Had a few drinks.

  A few halos of wine rose on Yu Yan's cheeks. After all, this nectar wine was carefully brewed by Senior Fu. Although it doesn't have the semi-perfect effect of Ice Dew Yuzhen Wine, it is unbearable to drink too much at the seventh level of Qi training.

   Shen Ping was able to continue, but there was a bit of alcohol in his words.

  Senior Fu hesitated at this moment, and asked, "I wonder if the relationship between Daoyou Shen and Senior Chong is relatively close?"

   Heard this.

  Shen Ping knew in his heart that after the last small banquet in Qingyang Lake, this senior Fu came and went a lot. He guessed that something must be wrong, and now it really is.

   pondered for a while.

  He replied: "Senior Chong is bright and enthusiastic, it's just a compliment."

  Senior Fu showed disappointment.

But Senior Dao Lu Le smiled warmly, "You Daoist Shen is self-effacing. The last time I had a small banquet, even the disciples of Senior Chong had never drank ice dew jade wine. This friendship is probably more than just acquaintance. That's it, my little girl The spiritual root aptitude is not weak, but he prefers fighting skills, and the skills he cultivates are somewhat related to Senior Chong."

   "So when Senior Chong comes back, can I ask Fellow Daoist Shen to introduce you and let my little girl worship him as a teacher."

   Shen Ping wondered, "Well, it's a good thing to have a teacher. With the cultivation of the two seniors and the friendship with Senior Chong, it shouldn't be difficult, right?"

   Can be invited to a small banquet.

   There must be some kind of friendship with Chongji.

  Senior Fu smiled wryly, and said bluntly, "Fellow Daoist Shen, Senior Chong's requirements for accepting disciples are not too harsh, the only thing is that they look ordinary."

Shen Ping subconsciously glanced sideways, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the girl who was secretly standing and listening by the door frame. The corner of his mouth twitched, and he really wanted to say something about the girl's 18th transformation. In a few years, she might not be as cute as she is now, but in the end she didn't say it .

After thinking about it seriously, he replied: "Senior Chong will not come back for a few years, if I see Senior Chong at that time, I will try to mention whether there will be a follow-up, the two seniors should not have too much expectations. "

   It would be too embarrassing to directly refuse.

  Shen Ping could only say this euphemistically.

   Fortunately, the Foundation Establishment couple also understood and did not continue this topic.

  After drinking for more than ten days.

   Shen Ping, who was in the talisman making room, received a very unexpected message.

  He stopped the talisman pen.

  Looking at the flickering messenger symbol, "Chunmanyuan is here."



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