Long Live The Hokage

Chapter 40: Don’t Do It!

Chapter 40: Don’t Do It!

Two years later.

2322, 2323, 2324 Five thousand sidekicks, you will do 10000 squat jumps if you cant finish it!

Dont get me wrong; this is Masahiko doing his training, not Kenichiro

One year ago, Masahiko accidentally lost in a physical duel with Kenichiro. Thus to regain his honor, he begins his training regime.

Although he wasnt used to it at first, this is didnt prevent some people from being shocked, to them, he was a 63 years old man, and the amount of this physical training is unbearable even for younger people, but in reality, he was about 22 years old, his body didnt take a lot of time to get used to this kind of training.

Sensei! Ive finally managed to do it! Kenichiro said from a distance, with a face full of excitement.

Masahiko stopped side kicking, and with a bitter smile, he said, Thats really fast

What Kenichiro is practicing is the new technique that Masahiko taught him, Chidori. Initially, he didnt want to show him this technique so soon. But theres no other way. After he started his physical training, Masahiko discovered that his physical talent wasnt as good as Kenichiro.

Regardless, Masahiko taught Kenichiro Chidori to slow down his physical training and distract him. As a Sensei, its really shameful to be weaker than your disciple But without Masahiko even noticing, Kenichiro already mastered Chidori in one month.

Although he was feeling a little bit bitter in his heart, he tried to hide it and replied with a disgusted expression, Youre happy with! Shame on you, Yuriko is younger than you and mastered the Rasengan in three days!

Youre right, Sensei! I will work harder! Kenichiro shouted out loud, then he immediately started doing push-ups.

Masahikos face turned pale, when he thought to himself, If you try any harder, I will be the laugh of everyone in the clan

He immediately said, Physical training can be temporarily slowed down. Have you already forgotten about the advance version of the Chidori?

Kenichiro immediately stopped his push-ups and bounced up, I remember Sensei, the Raikiri, I will start practicing it immediately!

Masahiko watched Kenichiro, who quickly rushed away to practice, then let out a sigh of relief, being around a genius will always make people feel stressed. Yuriko is fine, although, shes really talented in Ninjutsu, Masahiko has lived for 60 years, and he has mastered hundreds of wind and fire releases that he can teach them to her slowly But Masahiko has never really worked that hard on his physical strength, as an Uzumaki member his body was naturally strong enough, and after he received his system, he fully relied on it to improve it.

This years hard work has brought some good results as it was shown in Masahiko status bar; the physical attribute has been improved by 100 points. Now Masahikos physical attribute is close to 500.

However, this is not enough Although the current physical status of Kenichiro is only around 300 points, hes just 13-year-old now. If this continues it will only take him 5 years to Masahiko muttered in his heart, No, I cant let this continue.

How many sidekicks have I done again? Masahiko murmured.

Forget it, 2000, lets continue!

2001, 2002, 2003

After an hour, Masahiko has finished 5000 sidekicks and 10000 squat jumps. Just when he was about to rest, Nanako ran over.

Sensei! The Patriarch is looking for you! Nanako, whos now a 16 years old girl, has caused quite an uproar amongst the boys. Because she has grown up and became really beautiful.

Whats wrong, Nanako? Did you break one of the boys heart again? Masahiko couldnt help but laugh.

As soon as these words came out, Masahiko regretted what he has done and prepared to receive the backlash from Nanako.

However, unexpectedly, Nanako just blushed when she heard Masahikos joke and said: No, the Patriarch has asked for you, the second and the third elder are already there. It seems like something big is going on

Masahiko blinked, he couldnt believe what he saw. Its been five years, but this is the first time he saw Nanako behaving in such a cute way.

Theres something behind this kind of behavior Masahiko muttered but didnt ask her. Well, Mito got married to Hashirama when she was just 15 years old, Nanako is 16 years old now, he wouldnt be surprised if there were some action behind the scene.

Masahiko paused, and then he replied, Okay, I understand. He waved his hand toward Nanako and walked toward the assembly hall.

After half an hour. At the Uzumakis assembly hall.

Masahiko shouted, Founding a country? Is this a joke?

Thats right, the Patriarch called Masahiko to discuss with him the establishment of the Uzumaki Village.

Masahiko glanced at the second and the third elders, then said: What do you two think?

Uncle, we share the same idea. This was the second elder. The current two elders are actually Masahikos second and third nephews.

Masahiko remembered that in the original story of Naruto, the Uzumaki Village was actually a thing. But it was destroyed by another country.

Why do we suddenly have this idea? Masahiko still didnt understand.

The other three looked at each other, and then the Patriarch slowly said, Its because of our population. Since our war with the Kaguya, our Clan has been closed to itself for almost 14 years. By then we only had 3000 members, but now we have 10000. In addition, theres a lot of noncombatant civilian who wants to join us because of the war. Their number is roughly estimated to be 100000 peoples.

Masahiko nodded with a thoughtful expression, When you mention it, this is a good chance for Nanako to find love, we have so many kids under 16 years old

The Patriarchs face turned black, Uncle, can we focus on the business here?

Masahiko smiled, I know. But after we declare ourselves as a country, our relation with the Senju in the Land of Fire will be hindered a little, to who we will turn if we get attacked by a foreign enemy?

The second elder asked in confusion, Foreign enemies? Our land is surrounded by the sea and on our west is the Senju. Even if were not that close to them, they will not attack us, right? I dont think so. And our Northwest was once occupied by the Kaguya clan. I didnt hear of any clan taking that side

Masahiko wondered, How about the Land of Water across the sea and the Land of Lightning on the north?

The three of them looked at each other, then shook their heads, Theyre still in a civil war, why should they bother adding more enemies and come to us for trouble?

Masahiko is stunned, and then he remembers something. In a few years, the five great shinobi villages will be established, but the others dont know yet. Masahiko still doesnt feel very confident in his current strength, he wouldnt be able to defend against the Cloud, or the Mist of they came for trouble. But if he can only wait until Konoha is established then I feel that something big is gonna happen in the Land of Fire after a few years, lets wait for a while

Although the Patriarch and the other elders were left dumbfounded by Masahikos words, they are not that eager to rush for the founding of the Uzumaki Village. Its okay for them to wait for a couple of years and look for more people to join them and build the Land of Whirlpool.

This way, the state-founding assembly took a temporary break, and Masahiko went back to his house with a gift.

Witness and Change the Story of Naruto World (Side Story): The Founding of the Land of Whirlpool. Reward: 2 (*10) Witness Points.


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