Lone: The Wanderer Rewrite

Book 2: Chapter 58: Showing Off and Laughing

Book 2: Chapter 58: Showing Off and Laughing

Thankfully, Wilbur's coughing fit left just as quickly as it had arrived. He also hadn't spat up any blood this time, which was a relief to Lone.

Sure, he was worried that his mentor could pass away at any second, but what was he supposed to do even if he did? He had no experience with this kind of thing.

No one he cared about had ever died of natural causes. His dad hung himself. That was neither natural nor did he care about that monster.

Sonya leaned back into her chair as she rubbed her neck. "What's your plan here, Lone?"

"Hmm?" Lone gave her a quizzical look as he broke out of his introspection.

She gave him a heavy sigh. "Look, I may be young for a dwarf, not even in my two hundreds yet, but I'm pretty skilled at reading people. Either you're actually insane which I don't think is the case, or you genuinely have some way to deal with not only getting sentenced to what will likely be death, but you also have an idea of how to handle a Taker. Need I mention that all Takers have a personal protector who is at least X-ranked?"

"That they do. Scary, emotionless bastards, those protectors." Wilbur nodded. "Your plan... it has something to do with yer insane learnin' speed, doesn't it?"

Lone puckered his lips in thought. "Dunno what I should really say here. I mean, it's safe to assume we're being listened to, right?"

"A reasonable doubt, but no, Lone," Sonya replied. "As dodgy as this trial seems, we're not being spied on in here. The five grand chancellors would quickly be deposed if it came to light that the defendants of such a high profile case were having their private conversation with their arbiter monitored during a legal session of recess."

'Hmm... I mean, it doesn't seem like she's lying, but I'm also no White Dragonkin so I can't be sure...' Lone ended up deciding to simply shrug.

"Fuck it. Wilbur's case has already been decided on, so what I wanted has already come to pass. Sure, I'll lay some cards on the table," he said, allowing himself to put a bit more faith into the two dwarves.

Wilbur had been incredibly good to him during his time in Krieg Moor. Not only had the man given him a job despite his species, but he'd even trained him in his specialization, steamforging - something that Lone had a deep interest in.

Sure, the old man was dying. They said that with the final chapter of one's life comes the realisation that petty things like racism and stubbornly held onto ideals were meaningless in the wake of one's mortality.

Maybe that was why Wilbur cared so much about him now. Would he have acted the same way a hundred years ago? Two hundred years ago? Five hundred years ago?

It was a thought that Lone had but one which he ultimately decided he didn't care for.

He also couldn't forget the effort the old man had gone through to get Sophie looked at by a doctor when she was suffering from Darkness Corruption despite that being a crime due to her being a human.

As for Sonya, Lone had only known her for a few days but he could tell she was a serious person who held absolutely no prejudice in her heart for his kind.

A rare thing in this world. Well, as far as Lone was aware. For all he knew, literally every other nation of Altros could be fair and just. Still, considering what he'd been through, that trait of hers alone was enough to earn his trust.

'Sophie? Mind teleporting to me if it's not too big of an issue? Like, ignore me if you think the Taker's protector will detect you or if you're around anyone except for just Breena,' Lone requested telepathically.

'We do not mind. We can do so safely so we hope there is a reason for this. Unlike when you were imprisoned, we aren't willing to have some 'fun' with you right now considering you are in the middle of your trial,' Sophie replied before she appeared at his side.

Both Wilbur and Sonya wore speechless expressions while Lone just chuckled. "I never properly introduced you to Gramps, did I, Sophie? Sophie, Gramps, Gramps, Sophie. Sonya, this is, as I'm sure you already know, my beautiful and wonderful lover, Sophie Vladimirovich. She's my easiest and most viable ticket out of here if my fate truly has already been decided."

Wilbur collected himself first. "Space magic? No... Ah've seen space mages at work before at Mystopolis when ah was topside... That was... a unique skill?"

'Mystopolis? That's the city in the Kingdom of Felron which hosts The Academy. I wonder why he ever needed to go to such a magic-rich city?' Lone pondered.

"Perceptive old man," Sophie stated as she narrowed her eyes and slowly turned to stare into Lone's eyes. "Showing us off, are you?"

He chuckled lightly back at her. "In a way, sure, that's what I'm doing."

Sonya stood up abruptly and said, "Limits and ranges. I need to know exactly how that skill works. I respect my job and the legal system but considering Miss McStuderson's involvement, I need to formulate a proper response to lessen or maybe even outright nullify any attempts to chase you assuming you successfully escape."

"That's surprising," Lone said. "I know lawyers are forbidden from, y'know, just turning coat on their clients and whatnot, but I didn't expect you to be so readily onboard with breaking the law."

Sonya scrunched up her brow. "I respect justice. If the system that propagates it refuses to do so as well, then fuck it. Meet criminal activity with criminal activity. I've investigated you more thoroughly than any of them could have. You're a good person. I'd rather you ran free than got murdered here for such a petty crime where all you've hurt is our cultural pride. If they want to break the law to win, then I'll break it right back too."

Sophie smiled brightly. "You were right, Lone. She is one of the good ones."

"We, the Deciders, hereby declare that Master Steamforger Wilbur Steamson shall not be declared innocent nor guilty on this day. Due to his mental state, we shall instead decide to postpone his trial until a time that the greater council deems his mental state to be in a place where he can accurately defend himself without any external influences."

Lone grinned. "Called it."

Wilbur frowned deeply at his side but he didn't say anything. Clearly, their conversation in the private recess chamber had cooled him down a bit.

Lone didn't doubt that the man's stress levels would reach new heights, however, were something bad to actually happen to him - his apprentice. For that reason, he was glad he'd shown off some of his lover's capabilities.

'Even if 'porting out doesn't work, Wilbur should be out of the courtroom by then so it won't be possible for him to freak out to my backup plans. Now I don't need to worry about anything. Ha-ah, what a feeling, having such a burden removed from my shoulders. Truly, this is bliss,' Lone thought in glee.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enhanced Vision] has levelled up! It is now Intermediate level 1.

Passive Skill: Enhanced Vision A skill that makes seeing through obfuscation 15% [+10%] easier. Cost:N/A Mastery:Intermediate Level 1

'And as my vision clears somewhat, so too, does the bliss within my mind expand slightly,' Lone pondered, feeling in a somewhat philosophical mood.

Wilbur stood up and calmly placed his hands on the desk in from of them. "May ah say a few words, Your Honour?"

The judge whom Lone now saw was the proud owner of a handful of scars under his left eye nodded. "Of course, speak freely, Mister Steamson."

"Thank you," the old dwarf replied as he glanced at Lone who was now at eye-level with him since he'd gotten up. "If my trial is to be postponed, it is only fair that my apprentice's trial shares the same fate. If I am guilty, he is guilty. If I am innocent, he is innocent. Is that not true, Your Honour?"

'Wily old man,' Lone thought, not hating nor loving Wilbur's suggestion. 'I really doubt they'll suspend my trial, but if they do, I'll just have to leave without first engaging in a juicy verbal war.'

A loud murmur spread through the crowd and Lone was able to tell that it mostly consisted of voices that agreed with Wilbur.

Not only was he a highly respected steamforger who was the leading inventor of steamforged items, but his words also rang true.

Lone's case was primarily focused on his learning of the Steamforging skill. Since that involved Wilbur, it made little sense to them to postpone only one trial and not the other.

The judge frowned as did the leading prosecutor, Mister Chillforge.

The latter dryly said, "Your Honour, as linked as the cases are, there is a stark difference between teaching and learning. The hows and whys can differ and the punishments too can differ. There is no discernable reason to postpone Mister Immortus's trial when his mental state is not being questioned as Mister Steamson's is."

Sonya snickered at Lone's side faintly. "That's such horseshit. This guy's the looniest person I've ever met."

Lone rolled his eyes underneath his eye wraps. 'Yeah, yeah. Now, judge, what are you gonna choose to do here? I can see a few ways this could play out...'

Stroking his beard softly, the ageing dwarf said, "I cannot accept this request, Mister Steamson. Mister Immortus has already confessed to owning the Steamforging skill and this has been confirmed by the device he stole. His trial will proceed as planned."

"Hey!" Lone yelled. "Don't go stating someone did something you can't prove! Sure, I have Steamforging, but I didn't steal anything, you lying sack of shit! Take back those words or I'll sue your old ugly ass!"

'Never before have we seen a more shameless display,'Sophie communicated to his mind.

Lone ignored her as he put on his best 'I've been slighted and it's an injustice to the world' expression.

He could see the judge's warring thoughts. On one hand, he could charge Lone with contempt, on the other, this trial was rigged to hell and back so coming across as petty over a few baseless insults wouldn't do him any favours here since the public wasn't in on the sham.

Lone could see it all in what he could only liken to 320p resolution. '15% is so much better than 5%. Can't wait for it to reach Advanced. 30% boost, here we come.'

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enhanced Vision] has levelled up! It is now Intermediate level 2.

"Mister Steamson," the judge said, choosing to brush off Lone for the moment, "I would like to respectfully ask that you return home for the day. Do not leave the krieg until you are summoned again for your retrial."

"... So they are corrupt," the elderly dwarf at Lone's side murmured under his breath. "Yes, Your Honour," he said loudly and with a tinge of regret in his tone.

He then gave Lone a very meaningful look before he left the courtroom while being escorted by a contingent of guards.

"Now," the judge sighed as he leaned back into his chair, "We shall begin the trial of Adventurer Lone Immortus. Mister Chillforge, if you wouldn't mind."

"Of course, Your Honour," the man with the cool surname replied respectfully.

"I shall begin by reciting the defendant's currently known history to the courtroom. Oddly enough, information about him can only be found dating back to a little under a year ago when he entered the port city of Ros, located in the human-run kingdom of Milindo that borders the Estoplian Wasteland just as this krieg's topsider entrance does," Mister Chillforge announced.

"Now, admittedly, collecting topsider information is one our weaker suits as an underground focused people, but for a Golden Foxkin, a race of foxkin thought extinct or missing not so long ago to have his entire life up until just recently be a complete blank... Now that, well, that is very odd," he said as he looked down to his notes.

"Regardless, he and his human companion, Sophie Vladimirovich, landed in Ros. They didn't stay for long, instead choosing to head to Milindo's capital, the Holy City of Ranton - a city dedicated to serving the Primals. For those unaware, most topsider nations, be they human or not, venerate the Primals," Mister Chillforge explained lightly.

"Once he arrived at the Holy City of Ranton, he quickly made a name for himself as an adventurer whose power far outstripped his rank. He even gained the personal attention of the local guildmaster, a White Dragonkin who held the position in an attempt to lessen local distrustful views of non-humans," Mister Chillforge stated.

Lone listened as the man then went on to, in great detail, list the quests he and Sophie had gone on as well as their usual routines while in Ranton. He also explained Lone's rough encounters with the locals like Daisuke and Bastion before detailing his entry into the local annual tournament.

'Looks like Sonya's not the only one who did her homework. Why hasn't he mentioned Grimsley yet though? Ah! I see. Don't want it to be known that I helped a dwarf and was actually apprenticed to him in blacksmithing, do you?' Lone concluded.

It wouldn't be good for anyone to sympathise with him since they planned to kill him today, after all. Most people present probably expected him to get his Steamforging removed by the Taker before being exiled.

Mister Chillforge's job here was undoubtedly to smear his name as much as possible and to paint him in a poor light.

'It'll be the kids, won't it?' Lone thought. 'He'll depict me as a ruthless child murderer or something.'

Lone kept quiet for the next 25 minutes while the leading prosecutor did his job. Surprisingly, he brushed over his four-month imprisonment in Ranton's castle dungeons.

Instead, the man chose to skip straight to the fact that Lone had claimed he was responsible for King Ralph Heidron the Third's death.

"... And thus, I think it is reasonable to assume that Mister Immortus here is some sort of spy or assassin raised by the foxkin clans. First, he went to the weak human kingdom of Milindo with the intention to topple it and have The Adventurer's Guild swoop in to rebuild its government. By doing that, the clans could more easily gain an influence over it since the guild is a very inclusive organisation. Second, he has come here to our lands with his companions in the guise of relaxing and performing easy quests when in actuality he is here to weaken our krieg and shake the very foundation of our society by stealing not only our sacred arts, but also valuable artefacts like the Steamforging Checker that was used on him," Mister Chillforge concluded.

Lone wore a blank look on his face for a good long moment.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enhanced Vision] has levelled up! It is now Intermediate level 3.

Immediately, he burst out laughing like a madman.


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