Lone: The Wanderer Rewrite

Book 2: Chapter 54: Speaking One's mind and Lying? Never

Book 2: Chapter 54: Speaking One's mind and Lying? Never

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enchantment Magic Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Intermediate Level 2.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enchantment Magic Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Intermediate Level 3.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enchantment Magic Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Intermediate Level 4.

"Fucking hell. You upgraded the enchantments in here a lot," Lone commented. "Had I the ability to see magic, I'm sure this place would be lit up like a Christmas tree."

He noticed out of the corner of his eye that Sonya was on the verge of having an aneurysm while the man sitting across from both him and his arbiter seemed bothered by his statements.

"I have so much I wish to ask, but I did promise Miss Forgegulf here that I would ask you a very specific question before all others," the man said. "And you're right. I never did introduce myself, did I? I'm Elric Greydon."

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enchantment Magic Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Intermediate Level 5.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enchantment Magic Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Intermediate Level 6.

"Fuck, it was worth not slaughtering the guards or just fleeing and letting myself get jailed just for this," Lone spoke his mind aloud unintentionally. "Oh. They make you more inclined to speak instead of think, too? That's new. Nasty shit. Bet spies everywhere would sooner die than step foot in one of these rooms."

Sonya nodded. "I agree. It is rather crass magic though. It strips away some of your basic rights... Anyway, Mister Greydon... your first question."

"Right, of course," the dwarven man nodded kindly. "Mister Immortus, are you opposed to me questioning you in this, well, questioning chamber?"

Lone shrugged. "Do I really have a choice? I don't really mind, to be honest. I'm getting Enchantment Magic Resistance skill level ups like crazy. Thinking on that spy thing, surely Enchantment Magic Resistance is up there on their training itinerary's priority list. Probably right next to Persuasion, Acting, and Poison Resistance. Maybe Sneaking Mastery too? Is Sneaking Mastery a skill? I don't have it. Never really needed to sneak before beyond hiding in some bushes to gank a bunch of goblins. Sorry. I'm rambling. Hard to keep my thoughts in my mind."

"Try harder," Sonya hissed. "I'm affected by the magic just as much as you are. You don't see me spewing my guts out, now do you? By the Stone, he has so many tails and they look so soft despite the dirt and grime... I bet they'd make a fantastic rug."

The woman snapped her hand up to her jaw and practically clamped it shut before she gave Elric a look that was likely able to wither the most resilient of flowers.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enchantment Magic Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Intermediate Level 7.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enchantment Magic Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Intermediate Level 8.

Lone grinned. "A rug, huh? Don't think Soph would appreciate that. I bet Sophie would see the grim humour in it though. But yeah, I don't mind spilling a few secrets for access to this kind of hyper training. Go ahead and question me, Elric. It'd be downright daft to ignore such a ripe opportunity for growth."

"I thought you'd say that. Now, first, how many skill level ups have you gained thus far, what level was your Enchantment Magic Resistance when you stepped in here, and how are you gaining the levels so quickly? Even a genius at understanding how the magic works would be lucky to gain a single level within 5 minutes of exposure to this room," Elric asked.

Sonya nodded at that. "I actually have the skill. Need it to avoid being trapped into a dodgy contract that's been laced in enchanting magic on top of the contracting magic."

"Huh. I do wonder how normal contracting magic works. I have nothing to compare it against, really. The collars it can make are interesting if you can look past the horrific implication of their existence. Anyway, your questions, right, Elric?" Lone asked with a tilt of his head.

He tried his best to resist the compulsion to speak his mind any further. He normally had dozens upon dozens of errant thoughts at any one time.

A project he wished to complete, a theory he was working on understanding or proving, new facets of the world of Altros and the continent of Teresta he was still digesting, new and inventive ways to use his many skills in combat. So many thoughts, so many secrets, so hard to not spill them all.

He focused as best as he could to keep said thoughts and ideas locked away within the confines of his mind instead of spewing them up like some weak-willed mongrol. Surely doing that would boost the level ups even further which was as good a motivator as any.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enchantment Magic Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Intermediate Level 9.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enchantment Magic Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Intermediate Level 10.

'Just one more level until Advanced rank. Oh, hey. Internal thoughts for the win,' Lone chuckled to himself. 'Fighting this is fuckin' painful though. Wouldn't be surprised if I walk out of here with a level in Mental Pain Resistance if this keeps up. Better open my mouth to lessen the mounting compulsion a bit though.'

"I've gained 9 levels since I greeted you and Sonya here," Lone admitted. "This skill was intermediate rank 1 when I walked in. As for how I'm improving so fast... let's call it... magic. That's not exactly untrue even if I have no usable Mana Points. Technically, we're all magic, right? Well, most of us. Apparently, everything has magic in it. The walls? Magic. The ceiling? Magic. Your cup? You fuckin' guessed it baby. Magic. The clothes on your b-"

"I get the point, Mister Immortus," Elric said chidingly and with an eyebrow raised in disappointment, "Please, answer the question ho-"

Sonya interjected just then. "He did answer. Also, this topic has very little - if anything at all - to do with the charges levied against him. If you press the matter, my client will be forced to leave the questioning chamber and I'll be lobbying a formal complaint against you. I know you're powerful and have a lot of connections, but so do I. Don't forget who my great grandmother is. Are we understood, Mister Greydon?"

'Damn, she's got fire. Can she not feel how strong this dude is? I can't detect auras yet but even I can tell this guy's up there. He feels like a mini King Ralph in his own right,' Lone thought. "You, on the other hand, fiery little dwarven woman, are far weaker than perhaps even Breena... Maybe. You've got bigger balls than this dude though if you're standing up to him despite the strength gap."

Both Elric and Sonya looked at him in a mix of embarrassment, confusion, and disapproval.

Lone smiled. "Oops. Wasn't supposed to say that out loud."

Sonya coughed. "I'm sure. Thank you for the very strange praise though. How your mind works, I wish to never learn."

Lone nodded. "That's for the best. Nobody should find out what it feels like to be forced to murder dozens of kids."

The air in the room turned frosty.

"I beg your pardon?" Elric asked in a demanding tone.

Lone winced as he saw flickers of something burst out of the inquisitor's aura, though he was clearly suppressing it. "Something I had to do to stop them from being raped and tortured to death in front of me while I was incarcerated in Ranton's castle dungeon. Look, can we not talk about my past? Thought we were here for my present."

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enchantment Magic Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Advanced Level 1.

Passive Skill: Enchantment Magic Resistance

A skill that allows the host to resist all negative enchantments (depends on the host's mindset).

Enchantment Magic that the host deems harmful that is used on them will be weakened by 30% [+15%].

Cost:N/A Mastery:Advanced Level 1

'That's a shame, no new effect. Keeping my thoughts inside my head is way easier now. Still a struggle and a bit painful, but far, far more manageable. Might be able to sneak in a lie or two as well in this interrogation,' Lone thought absentmindedly.

His enthusiasm for the room and its enchantments was starting to wane given what he had accidentally brought up.

"I fully agree with my client. Also, rein in your aura. It's incredibly unprofessional for a man of your age to lose control over something like this, even if only slightly. I could use this against the prosecutors, you know? Coercion under threat of an S-ranker's aura."

Elric shook his head softly as any semblance of his aura faded entirely. "No, you're absolutely right, Miss Forgegulf. I don't know what came over me. Shall we continue?"

The woman sitting next to Lone frowned something fierce but relented nonetheless. "Yes, but one more derailing like that and he is leaving. His mental health matters to me as much as anything else does, currently. No more dragging up of painful memories that have nothing to do with the case."

'Even though I was the one who brought it up. Damn, I'm starting to like this woman. Looks like the greater council doesn't skimp on the quality of its state attorneys, huh?' Lone jested internally.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enchantment Magic Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Advanced Level 2.

"Of course. Now, Mister Immortus," Elric said, changing the target of his conversation, "Let's get to the meat and potatoes of this situation, yes? Do forgive me if I repeat some of my questions from last week, but it is necessary. Do you have the Steamforging skill?"

'Man, would it be hilarious or what if I said 'no' right now?' Lone thought.

He didn't know how much he was expected to resist the enchantments here but however much it was, it wasn't enough given his vast mental capabilities. While he had his demons from the ordeal in Milindo, it has certainly helped in tempering his mind.

Besides, he didn't really care all that much if he revealed how incredibly quickly he could learn stuff. He, Soph, and Sophie, were done hiding their capabilities.

Worst case scenario, Lone just had to brain blast whoever he needed to and Soph could teleport them and Breena far, far away. 'Maybe to a monster-filled forest where I can farm the shit out of stat points. They don't boost much without being applied, but every little helps.'

"Yup. I do have that skill, as I've admitted to already. I'll give you a freebie too. It's at intermediate level 8," Lone answered honestly.

"That high? Master Steamforger Wilbur must be far more advanced in the Teaching Mastery skill than we were previously aware of. That's concerning," Elric mumbled but in a way that was done so Lone would intentionally hear him.

He wouldn't rise to the bait. "Why's that? He never taught me, like I said last week and have continued to say. That is unless Teaching Mastery applies to being spied on. Y'know, I actually have the Teaching Mastery skill myself. It's at intermediate level 3."

Elric creased his brow. "How alarming. So you're telling me you are rather capable of letting our cultural secrets be spread throughout the lands? Very alarming indeed."

Sonya shot Lone a look that could kill kittens.

'Ah, fuck. Not my best brag, I'll be honest. Don't glare at me like that. I got it. Shut up unless spoken to. I felt like I had to tell the truth though. The headache from that lie was killing me,' Lone tried to convey through his eyes to his arbiter.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enchantment Magic Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Advanced Level 3.

"Everyone is capable of teaching to some degree though, no?" Lone replied. "And it depends more on the student than the teacher, really, when it comes to learning, Teaching Mastery skill or not. I'm also an adventurer, so it's not like I can be fucked sitting down for months on end teaching someone how to steamforge."

"I see. Now, could you please tell me why Master Wilbur taught the craft to you?" Elric asked.

Lone sighed. "Are you deaf, dumb, stupid, or a mix of all three? I already told you - I learned it myself by watching him when he was unaware of my presence. Hell, despite these things," Lone said, raised his hands to display the ardartian cuffs bindings his wrists, "I have no MP. I'd heard about steamforging before coming to Krieg Moor, y'know? It takes a lot from enchanting magic and uses its own special magic to harness the steam of a forge to, well, forge stuff. I can't do fuck all with no MP."

"Interesting," Elric replied plainly. "While you've heard of how steamforging works, I've also heard of the Golden Foxkin clans. Before they vanished a hundred years ago, they were renowned across the continent as peerless magical warriors. Their tails were as sharp as steel - sharper even - and magical tattoos covered their bodies, empowering their every step."

Lone shrugged. "Do you see any ink on my skin? I'm also 25, so you're speaking about a time long before I was ever born."

That felt good. Telling a full truth after such a massive lie relieved his mind of an incredible amount of pressure. Not that he didn't get a lot from telling such a lie on top of obscuring the truth, of course.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enchantment Magic Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Advanced Level 4.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enchantment Magic Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Advanced Level 5.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Mental Pain Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Expert Level 4.

Sonya's glare intensified as it locked onto Elric. "You are dangerously close to going off-topic again."

"Of course. Only simple, case-related questions from here?" the man asked with a charming smile.

The woman didn't budge, impressing Lone somewhat. She nodded sternly, not giving in to whatever charm-based skills or stats Elric had. "That would be for the best. My client needs to rest shortly and I need to go over some details of the case with him. Our first private meeting was hardly satisfactory since you all but demanded to see him."

'Go over details? More like reprimand me for being an idiot. I know enough about lawyers to know she's pissed off with me. Rightly so, to be fair. Still, I'd rather not leave this room until it stops giving me level ups...' Lone thought in passing.

"Have you ever employed your Steamforging skill, Mister Immortus?" Elric asked.

'I doubt the enchantments will see it as the truth if I intend my answer to be about employing the skill for a paying job like a milkman or customer service agent. Heh,' Lone jested as he lied, "Nope, never."

Even if all he had made were the introductory gadgets and gizmos to learn the skill, it still counted as steamforging, and that would imply he had been instructed to create them, implicating Wilbur.

After all, it likely took thousands of years of experimenting and trials to determine the best entry-level artefacts for beginner steamforgers to create. Letting Elric know he had, in fact, made such items, was something Lone could not allow.

Anything about him and his power was fine, but despite Sophie's underlying thoughts, Lone would never throw Wilbur under the proverbial bus.

'I've betrayed enough people as it is,' he thought as his mind drifted towards the children he had slaughtered to save from a fate worse than death.

"Where did the artefact used to determine you have the skill go?" Elric asked.

"Away," Lone answered in a distant fashion.

"Very amusing. Where is it? That device is worth more money than it's costing to keep you locked up, keep us on the payroll, and set up your trial a hundred times over. It's very valuable," Elric said in a slightly threatening tone.

Lone only smiled sadly, still trapped in his reminiscence. "So it could be a useful bargaining chip? I mean, I don't have it. Don't even know what you're on about, to be honest, but if I turn out my pockets and it falls out during my trial, well... Let's just say I'll certainly make good use of it."

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enchantment Magic Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Advanced Level 6.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enchantment Magic Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Advanced Level 7.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Enchantment Magic Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Advanced Level 8.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Mental Pain Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Expert Level 5.

Elric scowled a deeper scowl than Lone had ever seen before. "We're clearly not getting anywhere. How you can already resist a tier 3 questioning chamber is a miracle that needs a heavy and thorough investigation. Answer one more question for me; how are you not bleeding from your face as a result of the mental strain suffered when lying through such an enchantment's effects?"

Lone slowly stood up and cracked his neck. "No clue what you mean, buddy. I haven't lied once in my entire life."


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