LONE: The Journey Beyond

Chapter 38: Null & Void…?

Chapter 38: Null & Void…?

<With a heavy heart I have to say this but you have indeed heard right, we have traitors.

All the proofs point in that direction only and since you are watching this video then that means everything is conformed. As they would have kidnapped me by the time you are watching the video.>

The President's words were like bolts of lightning descending upon the heads of every citizen.

No one could simply believe that they even had traitors inside them and that too in such a short span of time after the Advent.

Hell… even in those 21st century webnovels the traitors comes way too late, when humanity knows what they were facing and the consequences of joining the other side but this!!!

Wasn't this simply defying all logic.

The faces of the council members turned black as they heard the President.

They never imagined that the President will directly expose everything without thinking of the larger impact it will have on the society.

They just could not understand how the hell someone so short sighted became the President.

"My... my sir President is kidnapped!" Reven's voiced. He tried to show a shocked expression.

And continued "But who the hell are the traitors."

As he looked at the council members with some suspicion.

Veins came out of the foreheads of the council members.

"Looks like the President is going to say the names of the traitors. Let's continue to watch." Reven pointed at the hologram.

<My people, now I am going to announce the names of the traitors.

But before that I wish that you all do not cause much chaos after knowing the names as it may hamper the internal situation of the ISC. The govt. members and army will definitely handle those traitors.

So the names of the traitors are...>


Suddenly the hologram stopped.

"What? What the fu*k? Somebody stopped the hologram."


As the hologram stopped chaos spread throughout ISC.

It was really a good luck that Reven had cut off the international servers of the 'Empress' or else the whole world would have gone crazy by now.

While this was happening outside. Inside the hall where Reven and the Council were standing.

Huff-! Huff-!

All the Council members could be seen breathing heavily with dark expressions.

[Inappropriate use of the authority detected.]

[Taking some of the authority back until clearance.]

[You shall not be able to use any authority beyond controlling the military and its affiliates.]

[For further details contact the President.]

[Authority code shifting.]

[Task Completed.]


A few minutes back.

Just before the President was about to announce the names of the traitors.

The Council members ordered Reven to go out of the room and then ordered Empress to stop the video and erase it of the internet.

This in turn violated the rules of using the 'Empress' and thus their authorities were reduced.

At the same time after coming out Reven's face had a wolfish grin as he called Ankan and said "It is time. Let the bill pass ASAP."

Then he cut the call and went to the field behind the parliament building and reached near the hideout where Aimee, Emma and Atal were kept.

After taking them out of there, he told Atal and Emma to go inside the Parliament building and told Ankan to look after them.

Then he called Aarav and asked "All set?"

"Yes. Everything is ready."

"Good. Now tell Dwayen to absorb all the Ardor from the people. We don't want the people going berserk and destroy properties."

"I have already told him. Now I am coming towards your location."

"That's my old man alright." With that Reven cut the call.

As Reven was doing all this the Council members were in a discussion of their own.

"Just what is happening?"

"Everything is going wrong here. First that Greh guy coming back alive. And now this."

"Something doesn't feel right. This incident happened way too fast for us to even think about what happened. And now we have even lost our authority."


Terrifying undulations of Ardor spread out of the Council members.

"Wait let us just analyze the incident from the start again."

"Atal has gone missing, we don't have authority, the ISC is in chaos and the guild incident.

Something that can be gained from doing all this. What could it be?" Rennar Licht muttered then he looked at the others and asked…

"Has the army moved yet?" It was Rodrick Shah, the Head who spoke.

"They have already started to move. The citizens are also appeased by them and the troublemakers are already caught. Isn't this way too fast?"

"Indeed it is. Which means whoever planned this also took the army into account."

"C'mon who could it be? WAIT! No this can't be." Rennar remembered that Aarav Greh had suddenly retired just after they sent the MHS to Africa.

Then he recalled today's talk and his face turned red in anger.

"Reven Greh!" Rodrick Shah muttered.


Everyone was stunned as they heard the name. But Rodrick continued…

"It's Reven Greh. Only he can be the one. Damn it, we have to go catch him.

That bastard we can't even order the soldiers as they are busy appeasing the citizens.

We have to go their ourselves."

With that they suddenly vanished from the building.


At the same time in the parliament the bill was introduced.

Ankan proposed the bill and explained the procedure to completely erase the law regarding the council. All the MPs listened to the details he explained and then the bidding started without much questioning.

Who would question anyways when their deepest secrets would be revealed if they do not agree to the bill.

Soon the bidding was completed and unsurprisingly the votes surpassed 90% of the seats. This meant the 90% law was now applicable.

Seeing this Ankan smiled satisfyingly and signaled the President to move into the voting hall.

This shocked all the MPs.

"I know you have questions. And that is why he is here.

So sir President first I hope you formally announce the passing of the bill and act as today's representative of the parliament."

"I as the rightful President of ISC announce the bill to be passed and with the 90% law coming into effect due to the votes of the required amount of MPs.

I declare the Article 11X and its laws totally null and void from this moment on*.

Empress shall act as the judge and follow the accordingly." Atal announced.

[New bill enacted.]

[Changes in the Constitution of ISC is observed.]

[Changes can proceed with the authority of the President.]

[Please show authority.]

Atal smiled as he heard 'Empress'. Then he said "Confirm the authority from Reven Greh."

[Please wait.]

As the bill passed in the parliament, the council also found Reven and his team outside in the field.

"Reven Greh you will regret for what you did." Rodrick said.

"Oh really. Well… I think it should be you who should regret for sending me there."

"Oh so you know about it. But so what you can't do anything to us anyways."

Hoh-! Hoh-! Hoh-! Hoh-!

Reven smiled haughtily and said "What can you even do with that half assed authority of yours?"

"It seems you have the wrong idea Greh. But for your information we have lost control over civilians not soldiers and weapons yet."

It was Liam Rey who continued…

"Empress activate the Plasma weapons."

[Sorry you do not have authority.]

"What?" The council members were baffled.

Just breaths ago at Reven's end.

[Article 11X and its laws can be completely removed by using the 90% law's powers.]

[Do you wish to confirm?]

'Yes!' Reven ordered in his mind.

[Approval gained.]

[Removing Article 11X from the constitution of ISC.]


[From now on Article 11X and its laws are null and void.]


Author's Notes:

* I do not know if there is any kind of Article 11X in the real world but if there is then I am strictly speaking that this Article 11X mentioned in the novel is not inspired from them and it do not have any intention to hurt any country's constitutional laws.

The Article 11X in the novel is totally from the author's imagination and nothing else.



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