Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 261: Days with Eva pt.I

Case 261: Days with Eva pt.I

''Oh... here it is.''

Expectedly, everybody surrounds Eva to peek at the newly retrieved fragment of divinity. Dwarf King, who just went through the trouble of evacuating the workers, seems a bit dissatisfied, however.

I mean, there is probably another suitable source of energy if all they want is to fuel the furnace, right? I will gracefully leave that problem to Dad!

Though, I notice Eva herself looking... irritated. Is she mad at the fact that she missed this piece? Or, maybe she is concentrating on locating the others.

Either way, now that we have it on our hands, we shouldn't waste any more time.

After shoo-ing Dwarf King away, we begin to discuss the preparations for the third trial.

''My... to think I would be witnessing the making of six different goddesses...!''

''And they're all our daughters!''

Seeing Mom and Dad celebrate as they hug each other, I let out a relieved sigh.

Oh, right. I should give them my two daughters to play with.

Since the start of the second trial, Elysia and Stella have been staying inside Luna's realm—one of the many. This is to protect them against Emy's and my fluctuating divinity as we go through the transformation. Luna has given me access to it, so there should be no problem.

Utilizing the time when Eva briefs my partners on their missions, I pull Mom and Dad over.

''What's wrong, dear?''

''See, I have something I haven't told you guys...''

Giving it a brief pause, I then drop the bomb.

''I made two daughters.''



Instead of answering, I open a gate and go through it. Arriving at what seems to be the interior of a mansion, I search for my daughters' signals.

It seems they're still sleeping, so I gently open the bedroom door and peek inside. Seeing the two angels hugging each other while neatly tucked into the big quilt, I feel my heart throbbing.

My parents, who follow me all the way here, also peek their curious heads in. Upon discovering the two, they have to triple-check by alternatively looking at me and them before finally bursting into a celebratory dance.

''They're adorable!''

''Ugh...! My granddaughters!''

It's cute that they try not to make loud noises to let my daughters sleep in peace. When I explain to them that they're Emy's children and that they are born with the aid of divine magic, my parents express their understanding since Emy is the most enthusiastic about the topic.

But also, they feel sad that Elysia and Stella won't... last long.

I can probably extend their 'lifespan,' but I don't think that is appropriate. If I want to stay with them... I want to stay with them, the ones I give birth to properly.

Either way, leaving the two teary grandparents in there for a while, I reunite with my party.


First, Emy will travel the world to gain insight into Aria's different cuisines. Tina will accompany her both so as not to let Emy be alone, and she can gain musical experience along the way since Emy will be visiting culturally rich places.

As for Liana, Sariel, and Anna, they will be learning combat from Eva herself—with her clone, to be exact. Her main body will stay with me.

Now, up until this point, everything seems good enough, except...

''What will you do about your training, Sylvia?''

Anna's innocent question makes everybody turn their attention to me. Logically speaking, I need to be in constant pleasure or constantly pleasuring others to gain as much divinity in this period when the fragment is active, which lasts around a week.

But if so, I will be interfering with their training time, and that won't be ideal. I don't want to sacrifice their divinity for mine, either.

So, the only viable solution left is either me summoning my clones to fuck myself or let Eva, a virtually perfect candidate to fuel my divinity, fuck me instead.

As I hesitate, it seems my partners have already realized what is going on. Surprisingly, they only exchange knowing glances.

''It's fine. Do what you have to do.'' Liana says.

''I'm... good with it as well.'' Tina musters a smile.

Emy and Sariel have a look of 'I see' on their faces, while only Anna remains confused.

''Huh? What's going on...?''

This is quite amusing. Let's send her some discrete tapes later. I'm sure she would be exhilarated when she finds out her goddess NTR-ed her lover.

And so, it begins—my days alone with Eva.

Since we agreed to begin the trial tomorrow, I have one night to really get to know Eva. 

''We should stay together for as long as possible. What kind of environment would you like?''

''I want a cozy house with internet!''

In response to my answer, Eva's lips curl up lightly, creating a softer look on her domineering, beautiful face. She also likes to be an otaku, so I hope she can have a nice holiday this time.

A bit later, we got ourselves a relatively spacious one with a minimalistic design: one bedroom, one kitchen, one living room, one shower, and one bathroom.

The bedroom has two PCs, a TV, a bookshelf full of novels, and a comfy-looking bed. Looking out the window, I see a busy modern city, which Eva tells me is only a decoration.

Is this heaven?

While Eva quickly settles down since this is what she has created, I take my time exploring every bit of the house. Since it will be our... love nest for the next few days, I want to know the good spots beforehand.

Finally, with a heart full of anticipation and excitement, I flop down beside Eva, who has changed into her casual clothes as she watches TV.

''Are you sure about it?''

''About what?''

''Me... taking your first time. You know, this should be done between people who love each other.''

Eva lets out an inaudible sigh. Following that, her ruby eyes, full of emotions, turn to me.

''It will be meaningless if the world ends. Besides... I do not hate you.''

At the end of her sentence, Eva slightly averts her eyes as if embarrassed. Such small gestures show me that she truly cares... and they draw me in. Who wouldn't love a gorgeous gal who appears tough but is actually sweet?

Receiving the absolute green light, I start my offense right away.

Itching closer to Eva, I take in a light whiff of her divine scent before pressing my assets against her arms.

''Do you want to... try it tonight?'' I whisper. ''I assure you, it'll feel really good.''

Eva's breath stops for a moment. I can feel a faint twitch from her arm, indicating her nervousness. Eventually, she lets out a small 'mhm.'

Eva never blushes. It might be because she has 'programmed' her body not to show much emotion, but I can still tell from her demeanor. She is... eager.

I decide to be a bit bold.

Climbing onto her lap, my legs straddle her smooth, fair thighs. 

''Would you want me to take care of you? Or... would you like to... dominate me? Make me yours entirely?''


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