Living leisurely in Tang Dynasty

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

The group’s next meeting was at Sunflower garden and like usual Yuanying went around picking up all his friends. This time he also invited Chengqian and his family to join them.

It’s currently winter and constructing houses were not easy in such cold weather. However to enable the refugees to settle down as soon as possible, Yuanying spent heavily to recruit workers who are willing to continue working at the foot of the mountain. He paid generously and distributed winter clothes and food. Many were willing to work in order to survive the harsh winter. By early Spring a circle of houses by the foot of the mountain were ready.

Both local workers and Gaochang citizen were able to move into their new houses. Originally these houses were built for students and Mei Niang was planning to recruit students after the new year from nearby townships to teach them basic education. No one remained idle throughout winter and everyone’s faces was filled with satisfied and expectant smiles.

It hadn’t snowed in Chang’an recently and the hilltops in the distance were gradually dyed a little green. Li Yuanying wanted to invite his friends to check out the new look of Sunflower Garden.

It’s a pity that winter has just passed and the surroundings are looking a little bare and not very interesting. Yuanying could only lead the group to where the future “tree house” will be located. Since lodging has been settled, people can now focus on bringing the rest of his “blueprint” to life. It won’t be long before they can play in this tree-house base!

This is the reason why Yuanying invited Chengqian. He dragged Chengqian to an open space and started gesturing: “Chengqian, what do you think about building a big stove here? There are many residing in Sunflower Garden now and the numbers will only increase. We can definitely finish whatever roasted lamb or beef. This stove will be heavily utilize!”

Chengqian has no idea how to build a stove but he still looked towards the open space and nodded: “This position should be fine.”

Chengqian knows his young uncle well and initiated: “I’ll have someone come over and help you build the stove. If you don’t have enough people for roasting I’ll send a few men over.”

Li Yuanying who got what he wanted was happy with his eldest nephew, who was always generous.

Important matters takes a back burner fist as Li Yuanying led Li Xiang and the children from the garden for playtime. It was only after Li Xiang blushed bright red and couldn’t play anymore that young uncle allowed the little ones to snacks and rest. He then dragged Di Renjie and the others to discuss their brainstorming results.

Yuanying help Chengqian to get up to speed about his plans because Chengqian had many Turkic friends. Although they had long surrendered, their living habits were not very different from those living on the grasslands. This was the second reason why Chengqian was invited today.

Of course, Yuanying didn’t go off blabbering about invading other countries. That would be too bold and might earn himself much criticism.

He only talked about his original intention: which was his fear about Wencheng not being able to live comfortably in Tibetan Empire and had no support system. He wanted to send traders over to the western region for exchanges and interaction and to receive news about these places.

“Are you planning to sell tea from the south to these countries?” (Li Chengqian)

“Yes, I have already discussed with Lu Dongzan. It shouldn’t be very hard to sell if we could crack a few selling strategies. We need more trading relationship so that the latest news can be transferred back. Wencheng is in the Tibetan Empire and Honghua is in Tuyuhun, we need to send people to both. I think we should also send people over to Turkic, so I invited you for a discussion together.” (Li Yuanying)

“I’m afraid it wont be easy. Traders are already worried about bandits within the Tang borders, what more travelling to these faraway places?”(Li Chengqian)

“So lets come up with a plan.” (Li Yuanying)

Li Zhi tried his best to express his opinion and interrupted: “If the commission is lucrative, there will be people willing to take the risk.”

Lately a subtle trend of drinking tea has started in Chang’an and the surrounding areas will surely follow. With that the South is bound to make tea planting popular. Tea is not regarded as a necessity and remains an optional beverage for most people. Surely the tea market will reach a short point of over-saturation.

The group went home and pondered about this for a few days and all came to the same conclusion: Thousand Gold Tea needs to be marketed as a premium tea in small amount and high pricing in Chang’an. The remaining yield should be channeled to other countries by opening up new tea markets. In 2 or 4 years time, new players riding on the tea trend will enter the market causing prices of tea to go down. They can then direct these tea merchants towards the Tibetan Empire and Turkic in exchange for live-stocks and precious metals.

Two advantages for doing this. One, their personal trading team will not arouse suspicion when they mingle among normal traders. And two, tea is taxable, generating income for the country.

As for how to open up the tea market, the group came up with these points: First, cultivate a group of tea masters who are willing to put in handwork of learning and spreading tea culture. Di Renjie suggested to send monks as many in Tibetan Empire believes in Buddhism. Then, you must create legends and stories around tea that are easily accepted by locals. This can be easily done by Li Yuanying as Dai Ting is able to secure people who can fabricate various stories. As for the pricing and logistics of exporting tea, everyone in the group shared their opinions.  

Mei Niang remained silent this time. She and Wei Shu wrote down everyone’s opinions and compiled them into a feasible tea export plan.

Chengqian initially thought that young uncle was only toying with the idea. After listening to their discussion, he realized that these children were serious.

He had conflicting thoughts about this.

In order to get the news from the Tibetan Empire, Li Yuanying was willing to go through the trouble to pull off such an elaborated plan. This is probably the reason why children like playing with Yuanying. While Li Yuanying loves making a scene and creating trouble, he is more serious than anyone else in protecting those dear to him.

This plan is 100% beneficial for the country as goods can be exported and sold to foreign lands in exchange for live-stocks which is highly needed in the Central Plains. No one in court will be unhappy with this idea. In addition, Yuanying has previously proposed to levy a 10% tax on tea leaves. If this is executed, there is no need to worry about an empty treasury!

Chengqian immediately share what he knew with the group and initiated that he can introduce his network to the group if they really wanted to sell tea this way.

The two sides hit it off and drew up plans on the spot.

While they were chatting lively, Li Xiang woke up from his nap, sat up and rubbed his eyes. The Crown Princess was chatting with her ladies in waiting who accompanied her. Li Xiang didn’t see Yao Yao  and was disappointed. He held onto his little boots and walked towards the princess bare footed.

The Crown Princess noticed her child and picked him up. She held onto his bare feet and reprimanded: “Why didn’t you call for someone? What if you fall sick from walking barefoot in the cold.”

“Look for Yaoyao!”

The Crown Princess couldn’t help but feel a little green-eyed. While putting on Li Xiang’s shoes and socks she said: “If Yao Yao is around you don’t want anyone else.”


After he finished speaking, he embraced mommy with his arms and raised his little hand to pat the Crown Princess’s back.

She was pleased with her child led him to Li Yuanying and the others.

Everyone at Sunflower Garden were alliances and no one stopped the Crown Princess when she approached the group.  As soon as Li Xiang heard Yuanying’s voice he let go of mother’s hand and reached towards the curtains.

At the same time, the discussion ended.

Hearing the movement of someone pulling the door curtains, Yuanying turned to look and saw little Li Xiang running over. He immediately held out his hands towards the little boy and ask if he wants tea after waking up.

Li Xiang looked at the green tea and remembered how Li Yuanying tricked him into licking wine. He shook his head resolutely and refused to open his mouth.

“See, you tricked him last time. Now he won’t eat anything you give him anymore. (Li Chengqian)

Yuanying tried his best to coax Li Xiang. After awhile the boy swayed and finally decided to try the drink, only half trusting Li Yuanying.

“How is it? I didn’t lie to you, right? It’s delicious!” (Li Yuanying)

Li Xiang nodded: “Delicious!”

On the way back, the Crown Princess hugged Li Xiang. “Xiang’er really likes young uncle.”

Chengqian patted Li Xiang’s little head and shared how young uncle planned to keep in touch with Wencheng.

Wencheng didn’t have prior contact with Yuanying and only entered the palace for a short time but he is willing to host such a big plan for her! These feelings are often mutual. When others feels that Yuanying is good to them, they naturally will be good to Yuanying too.

“But can they really pull off exporting tea?”

Chengqian hadn’t had the chance to answer and Li Xiang beat him to it: “It can be done!”

Chengqian saw his little son full of confidence and wondered: “How do you know they can pull it off?”

Li Xiang said in a sweet voice: “You Yao said that as long as you put your heart to it, you can definitely do it! There is no absolute difficulty in the world, only those who have the heart to accomplish things!”

Both parents realized that their son has good memory and could articulate what young uncle has taught him word for word. Maybe he will be studious when he grows up?

“Xiang’er is right, as long as you want to do it, you can achieve it.”

Li Xiang corrected him: “That’s what Yaoyao said!”

I said this is what Yao Yao said. Daddy is so stupid!

Seeing that her husband was belittled by her son, the Crown Princess couldn’t keep in her laughter.

Chengqian didn’t find fault while his child.

After returning to the East Palace, Chengqian summoned Fang Yizhi and the others and instructed that they provide support to Yuanying in implementing the plan which has suddenly became grand. To implement the plan in full, relying on Yuanying and his team is not enough.  Since Chengqian had participated in today’s discussion he will contribute and not sit idly and profit from it.

The group left and started being very busy in cooperating with Li Yuanying.

Fang Xuanling saw that his eldest son has been busy recently and asked him what he was doing.

Since this is a proper matter, there is nothing to hide. Fang Yizhi picked his words and shared the plan with his father. Since Fang Xuanling is the prince’s teacher, he was proud that the Crown Prince is working hard with Prince Teng to open up a new tea trading market. He thinks that the Crown Prince is improving day by day.

Although the plan sound a bit fanciful, but it’s not impossible to achieve if you put your heart to it.

There are not many places in the Central Plains that can be used to raise live-stocks. Let’s not talk about consuming meat frequently, even to replace human labor with animal labor is a great difficult feat. Even up till today many hard labor is done through human. If we really can exchange tea with livestock, it will be great for the country.

Fang Xuanling encouraged Fang Yizhi to continue on and the next day he shared this matter to the Emperor.  

Notes from the author:

Little Prince: A very powerful person once said that we must unite all forces that can be united!


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