Living leisurely in Tang Dynasty

Chapter 118:

Chapter 118:

Besides just visiting the hot spring, the Emperor intended to plan out Li Zhi’s wedding date. When it comes to getting married, Li Zhi is supposed to have no say in it but His Majesty allowed him a chance to choose. Li Zhi choose the daughter from Wang family in Taiyuan as his future princess.

Because Li Zhi was thrown into the Imperial Academy, the wedding was postponed. However, teachers had feedback that his progress is mediocre and that it was impossible for him to succeed in the examination and to make a name for himself. With that, there is no longer any reason to postpone the wedding.

When Li Yuanying heard this, he immediately forgot all his anger and went looking for brother to find out when these arrangements were made and why weren’t he aware about it.

“I am Zhi Nu’s uncle and I couldn’t even prepare a gift for him. That’s horrible!”  

“No one will be petty and find fault with you.”

Yuanying pestered the Emperor to find out who was Li Zhi’s bride. Li Er was too lazy to explain to him and directed him to Zhangsun Wuji.

So the boy went to looking for Zhangsun Wuji again.

Zhangsun heard that Yuanying was sent here by the Emperor and explained: There’s the saying “five surnames seven clans”. The five surnames are Li, Cui, Lu, Zheng, and Wang, respectively. They are Longxi Li family,  Zhaojun Li family, Boling Cui family, Qinghe Cui family, Fanyang Lu family, Xingyang Zheng family and Taiyuan Wang family.

These are famous aristocratic families and His Majesty had chosen the daughter from the Wang family of Taiyuan. She has family background and a good education. This shows how much His Majesty loves Li Zhi.

“What kind of person is she? What does she look like? Does she have a good temper? Is she tall? Is she thin or fat?”

Zhangsun Wuji was speechless and shook his head: “How can you inquire about these things when the young lady is still unmarried?” He persuaded Yuanying to control his mouth and not blabber on without considering the consequences of speaking out. How can you, an uncle ask these questions? When it’s time to avoid suspicion, you should try to avoid it!

Li Yuanying nodded obediently and went back to look for Li Zhi. He patted Li Zhi on the shoulder with great regret: “I can’t help you, your uncle refuses to tell me anything!”

Li Zhi was also speechless.

“We will meet each other during the wedding.”

He knew early on that his wedding would be arranged by the Emperor and he also knew where father would pick his future bride from. He was actually not curious at all. No matter what she looks like or what her temperament is, the matter is a foregone conclusion. Since he can’t make the decision himself, Li Zhi will just wait peacefully for father’s arrangements.

Li Yuanying was bored.

When Li Chengqian and Li Tai got married he was super young and so had no chance to get involved. Finally, it is Li Zhi’s turn but he is not interested at all. Disappointing.

Li Zhi changed the topic: “I’m not studying well enough. Father probably doesn’t want me in the Imperial College anymore. Once I get married, I may have to move to my fiefdom.” His fiefdom is in Taiyuan and Princess Wang’s family is also from Taiyuan. Perhaps the Emperor is planning to pack him up to join the feudal clan after his marriage.

“Don’t you want to take the Jinshi exam together?”

Li Zhi shook his head: “My knowledge is not good enough to be a Jinshi.”

Without any disappointment, Yuanying answered enthusiastically: “It’ll be good for you to move to Taiyuan. When you get there, bring your princess around and pay attention to shortcomings in the land. Then I will talk to old man Kong and bring a group to visit Taiyuan for playtime and we can see if there’s anything in Taiyuan that can be used to practice my skills! It’s your territory anyway, so you can do whatever you want!”

Li Zhi was a little happy hearing this feedback from Yuanying. After repeated brainwashing in the past two years, Li Zhi started to believe that it would be great to move to his fiefdom early and would pay attention to the situation in Taiyuan from time to time.

The two boys immediately got together and discussed how to play in Taiyuan to the fullest.

“You are moving to your fiefdom. I don’t know when I can I go to mine.” (Li Yuanying)

“Aren’t you going to take the imperial examination? You are only 13 after the New Year. How can you pass the exam so quickly?”

Li Zhi quietly analyzed his father’s thoughts about young uncle: “I think father is reluctant to part with you. You alone can create a commotion worthy of 10 people’s work by yourself. Without you around it will be very lonely for father.”

Li Yuanying sneered at this statement: “He is willing to let go of  his son, why can’t he let go of me? I think the Emperor is just bad, when I said I wouldn’t join this trip he insisted on asking someone to carry me into the carriage. When I said I wanted to go to my land, he wouldn’t let me go. He just doesn’t want me get what I want!”

Li Zhi firmly believed that his father the Emperor had his own considerations and is not as childish as Li Yuanying.

“Next time, tell father that you don’t want to leave and want to stay in Chang’an. Let’s see if he would do the opposite.”

Good idea.

The next night, Yuanying went to the hot spring with Li Er.

“Brother, I have asked around. Prefecture Teng is far away from Chang’an and I don’t know anyone there. It’s no fun. I want to stay in Chang’an and never leave! Let me always be with you in Chang’an!”

Li Er was leaning his hands on the stone bank and was listening attentively to Li Yuanying. After Li Yuanying was done speaking, he glanced at his expectant face.

“Okay. You live in Chang’an for the rest of your life and you don’t have to take a step out of Chang’an. That’s great, the government saves money.”

Li Yuanying became anxious. Why didn’t brother follow protocol? He immediately changed his words: “Thinking again I think that it would be better for me to leave. This is against the rules.”

“Doesn’t matter, you have never  followed rules anyway, what’s another offense.”

Li Er got more emotional as he spoke: “If you leave it will be hard for me to see you again. Since you want to stay, then stay.”

Li Yuanying didn’t want to stay in Chang’an all his life. “I don’t want that!”

Li Er glanced at him and said calmly: “Didn’t you say you wanted to stay?”

Li Yuanying angrily betrayed Li Zhi: “This is Zhi Nu’s bad idea. He wanted me to test out if you’re just going against all my wishes! In conclusion, there’s no going against and he almost lost his chance to leave Chang’an.

“When have I not allowed you to do whatever you want to do?”

Yuanying thought about it. Indeed his imperial brother allows him to! Shameless Li Yuanying immediately transformed into a diligent and good brother. He stayed by His Majesty’s side and talked about interesting things. He wasn’t embarrassed about being called out like that.

Those who were lucky enough to bathe in the same hot spring all felt that His Highness, Prince Teng, was really shameless. Another person even if they had no shame would not be changing attitude instantly like this!

The group were all in happy mood as they spend a few days at the hot spring. The Emperor felt that his troubles were slowly melting away.  As Chinese New Year approaches, the Emperor gave out promotions and a salary increase. And Wei Zheng was appointed to become the Crown Prince’s tutor.

Yuanying heard about this on his way back to the palace. As soon as he return he went straight to console Chengqian, his poor nephew.

Wei Zheng’s fault-finding skills surpasses the combined effect of Kong Yingda, Yu Zhining, and Zhang Xuansu. Brother is really good at picking people, he sent all of the to East Palace.

Chengqian has been in a pretty good mood recently. Although he was scolded by Zhang Xuansu and a few others, he has gotten used to the fact that he will be criticized if he wants to indulge in playtime.  Chengqian objectively commented: “Master Wei is a person that father relies on. It is good that he is choose as the Crown Prince’s mentor.”

Li Yuanying is still convinced that being the Crown Prince is too much hard work. No visiting the hot springs, not allowed to go hunting or to escape the summer heat. He said sympathetically: “If it’s me, I wouldn’t be able to tolerate it.”

Chengqian didn’t want to dwell on these disappointing things so he quickly updated that a group of new musicians were appointed at the East Palace. He invited young uncle to come listen to their singing and dancing. If they are good, he will invite friends and family over during Chinese New Year.  Of course, Li Yuanying will be on the list of the attendees.

Yuanying  is not skilled in music but has no problem listening. He grew up among beauties so his ability to appreciate music cannot be bad.

Chengqian ordered the new musicians to perform a song for Li Yuanying. Uncle and nephew sat together having tea and enjoying the performance. To be chosen as a court musician, a person’s skills must be top-notched. Li Yuanying thought that the performance was good but lacked excitement.

“It’s not lively enough, my nephews might think it’s a bit boring.”

Chengqian knows Yuanying’s preferences and clapped signal them to change to something more lively.

Yuanying like it as it is exciting. The music suited him so he started judging the dancers. They were all extremely beautiful but appearance and figure were not important to him. After watching for a while, he got bored and started focusing on the pipa playing.

This musician’s beauty is equal to the girls who are dancing and she is playing the pipa extremely well.

“Who’s the one playing the pipa?”

“That’s Chen Xin, she specializes in playing the pipa and is also good at singing and dancing.”

Chengqian initially didn’t pay much attention to her but now looked over due to young uncle’s remarks.

There is no shortages of beautiful women in the East Palace. Although this Chen Xin is beautiful, she is not outstanding. Chengqian took one look but still had no impression of her.

“Young Uncle if you like her, I’ll arrange for her to be assigned to you after the new year.”

Yuanying originally never intended for this but now that Chenqian is offering he quickly agreed.

“I really do need a musician. If you are willing to assign her to me I will accept your good offer.”

Chengqian is straightforward about who he love and hate and would share everything with those that he have fun with.

“Why would I be unwilling, all these are arrange by the ministry. Young uncle, what are you planning to do?”

“Isn’t Feng Thai Restaurant the exclusive food provide for the Imperial Academy? If so, we need to make special programs for it. This Chen Xin plays the pipa well. I plan to set some of my classmates’ poems to music, so that performances can be done at the restaurant. In the future, we will have more branches and these poems can be sung throughout the country. Definitely more people will visit the restaurant for these performances.”

Which scholars wouldn’t want to be famous? Reputation is an important consideration for those taking the imperial examinations and official appointments. If Yuanying can specially train a group of musician to perform these poems it will further enhance Feng Thai Restaurant’s status in the minds of the educated.

When Chengqian heard this, he couldn’t help but ask: “Young uncle, you thought about this before coming here and asking for a new musician from me?”

“No, I thought about it on the spot when you said you wanted to assign her to me. Are you reluctant to give her to me now?”

“Of course not! If young uncle wants my whole team of musician I will gladly assign them to you.”

He continues by sighing: “I just feel that your brain works like a clockwork. In the blink of an eye, you get a new idea.”

Li Yuanying answered proudly: “Of course, I have the best brains.”

He then told Chenqian about his plan to open multiple branches all the way to Mount Tai as this was the agreement he had made with the Emperor. He has to think about new tricks to make it the best restaurant in the world, so that he will gain capital!

Chengqian thought to himself, no wonder father likes young uncle so much. He knows how to please father well.

But everyone can talk big words and what’s so hard about expressing filial piety with words? What’s rare is when someone really does his best to fulfill his promise wholeheartedly. Chengqian admired Yuanying for keeping his word.

“If you are short of staff or money, let me know and I can help.”

Chengqian is a really great nephew and so Yuanying praised him the next day to the Emperor saying that he is generous and was willing to provide help to his plan.

His Majesty was moved hearing this.

But after being moved he shook his head: “The expenditure of East Palace is allocated by the imperial court. If East palace uses too much money, the Ministry of Revenue will have opinions.” In fact, not only the Ministry of Revenue but also Wei Zheng, Zhang Xuansu, Yu Zhining and the others. They are all going to rant. It’s simply not feasible to use the budget allocated to the East Palace.

Yuanying had never intended to use his eldest nephew’s resources, so he patted his chest and promised:  “Brother, don’t worry. I already told you that I won’t use any money from the government so naturally I won’t ask from Chengqian.”


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