Living in this World with Cut & Paste

Chapter 59-61

Let’s put the house name aside for now.

Nothing can be done if nothing comes to mind.

Fortunately, there’s still some time left.

「That’s all the things which were settled in the capital for now...... Next is......」

Hm? There’s still something else? Her face’s strangely red though.......

「......No, it’s nothing. Well then, I’ll head over to the town headman’s place」

「I’ll follow Hime-sama, since he’s an acquaintance of mine, after all」

She had something she wanted to say, right? It’s okay since the person herself said that it’s nothing, right?

If Aisha’s going to the town headman’s place, it’ll be reassuring.

At any rate, she is formerly the guild’s popular receptionist.

She probably also had a few conversations with him.

「Un, understood! I’ll be going to Craftman’s place」


「Hime-sama, is it okay to not talk about that?」

Aisha asked me.

She’s probably inquiring more deeply about the matter that I didn’t say just now.

「......No, it’s embarrassing putting it into words, it’s really hard to say」

There’s no way I can directly say something like I want you to make love to me.

The fact that only Aisha was embraced is one which I cannot turn a blind eye to.

I feel guilty to Aisha, but from my standpoint, I’m the one who will become the legal wife.

A situation where a child is born to the concubine earlier than the princess, the legal wife, must be avoided at all costs.

Of course, it’s not impossible that a pregnancy suddenly appears when the Clan’s establishment with only the three of us has already been settled, it wouldn’t be a laughing matter.

Danna-sama and Aisha also seem to understand that, and are properly using contraception, but.......

「Well...... at night...... I’ll say it」

This should be where Aisha and my age differences show.

That’s because I’m not accustomed to such things.

The issue between husband and wife is quite the difficult one.

While having such an important, but embarrassing talk, we arrived at the town headman’s office.

「Now then, let’s enter」

We entered the governmental office.

Although we told the receptionist that we wanted to meet the town headman, we were rejected since we can’t meet him without an appointment.

Aah, I see.

She doesn’t seem to know who I am, since I have a hood and robe on.

Since I was together with Aisha I completely forgot about that.

I took off my hood, showed my face and once again talked to the receptionist.

Seeing her face as if saying “You’re here again?”, she probably doesn’t know who I am.

As I did that, Aisha sent a signal with her eyes as if saying “Please leave this to me”.

「Long time no see, Bilt-san」 (TLN: ビルト help?)

As Aisha called out to her, the receptionist Bilt showed a little pondering face.

Then, the face and a name probably matched, and she replied to Aisha with a smile.

「Look who’s here, if it isn’t Aisha-san, are you here on a business for the guild?」

After glancing at me, she addressed Aisha.

「No, actually I’ve retired from the guild the other day, today I’m here for a private business」

While saying that, Aisha whispered something into the receptionist’s ears.

...... She’s probably telling her about my identity.

Just as I thought, once Aisha finished whispering and separate from her, her eyes opened widely and stared at me.

She then pitifully bowed her head, and fired off words of apology.

「I am deeply sorry!!! To be ignorant of Your Highness Sylphid’s identity, please forgive this rudeness」

「Raise your head, it’s my fault for coming here so suddenly」

Though I told her to raise her head, she didn’t comply.

She was determined to continue apologising.

The talk can’t proceed like this.

Aisha then started talking to her again.

「Isn’t making Hime-sama wait a disrespect?」

As she said that, she started and immediately trembled, stood up with an intense force, and ran off saying 「I’ll immediately talk to the town headman」.

U〜n, she seems to have quite the extreme personality.

Isn’t it troubling for the receptionist to disappear?

Aisha probably didn’t expect her sudden movements as well.

While smiling wryly, she stared at the path the receptionist ran away on.

Before five minutes had even passed, she returned.

As she was panting violently.......

It’s not like I learnt this from Aisha, but I couldn’t help but smile wryly.

「Your Highness, sorry for the wait. Please let me be your guide to the office」

「......Er, isn’t it bad for the receptionist to be absent?」

「There is no problem!」

I don’t think it’s alright but...... well, if the person herself says so, I guess there’s no helping it.

I decide to obediently follow her.

「Her Highness Sylphid has arrived」

The receptionist opened the door and entered the room.

We followed her and entered the room as well.

「Your Highness Sylphid, welcome.

I am Xamaba, serving the Town of Lucas」 (TLN: サマバ ...dammit author)

The town headman who stands up from his seat, offers a couch for reception use and greets from his name to his job.

......Fumu, he seems to be the quite the good statesman.

From my standpoint, I have met a lot of such town representatives, but sometimes they exist.

Those who think only for themselves despite their position as the ruling party.

「Sorry for disturbing your work when you are busy.

I am Sylphid・Augusta, I look forward to working with you」

While sitting on the couch he offered, I apologised for suddenly intruding.

「No, I am happy that Your Highness, famous as the Princess Knight, has come to meet me.

Incidentally, for what has Your Highness come here for」

A royalty suddenly looking for him without an appointment, of course he would be curious about the reason.

Even if he’s not guilty about anything, it does make one uneasy.

「No need to be so guarded, I’m not here for some kind of inspection.

Actually it’s about my marriage, my partner is from this town.

For that reason, I will be troubling this town.

Today, I came here to greet you and also have a little request......」

「Ohh, congratulations!!!

I see...... Your Highness is marrying...... No! This is an auspicious occasion!

The partner is from this town...... Fumu, he is Claude-sama from the Roselia Family, right?」

「No, he’s not a noble. His social status is that of a commoner」

「Oh, a commoner who made Her Highness, famous as the Princess Knight, his own, huh...... He’s really enviable.

If possible, can Your Highness tell me his name?」

「He’s a hunter who lives in the back of the town, Myne, a young man who just came of age, you know him?」

「......D, did you say Myne......!? Dyne-san and Yukino-san’s orphan child...... that Myne!?」

As soon as he heard Danna-sama’s name, the town mayor’s suddenly changed.

「His father’s name even appears here......」

Hm? Aisha said something interesting.

「What do you mean?」

As I asked Aisha, she said that the Craftsman gave a similar reaction when they went to request for the drawing up of the bath.

The town mayor who heard our conversation agreed, saying 「Naturally」.

Carefully asking him, it seems that Danna-sama’s parents are this town’s benefactors.

He didn’t tell me in details, but it seems that most of the citizens who have exceeded a certain age is thankful to them, and even now they respect them.

There are a lot of townspeople who support Danna-sama from the shadows, though I think that’s also because of his polite behaviour.

Also, even if they never heard of the name Myne, if they only hear that he is Dyne’s son, there will be a lot of people who will spare no effort to cooperate.

「......Of course, I am also thankful to Dyne-san and Yukino-san.

I see, Myne-kun is Your Highness’s......」

After this, the talk proceeded without a hitch.

About the establishment of our Clan, and the construction of the Clan headquarters.

The town headsman gladly gave his permission.

He suggested to overlook the cost of the land and the profit.

This isn’t because of my position.

I think that it would be okay even if Danna-sama came, but it’s a good thing for Aisha or me to hear about Danna-sama’s parents.

Like this, Aisha and I safely completed our objective, and we went back home.

「Hime-sama, the one over there...... Isn’t it Myne-kun?」

Aisha discovered Danna-sama who was walking a little further from us.

......However, somehow, he looks weird? What happened?

Aisha and I decided to stealthily follow behind Danna-sama without him discovering us.

It would be good if it is something we can help.


Thank you very much for always reading.

Please take care of me from now as always.

Regarding the house name, I’ve received an extremely large number of opinions from everyone.

There were a lot of things I didn’t thought of, so it’s really difficult to choose (lol)

I am thinking of receiving ideas for the house name until November 16th.

I am looking forward as to what kind of cool name it will be given.

Please continue to give your suggestions.

※Somehow this work appeared in the top page’s PICKUP!

It was extremely surprising.

TL: Izzy.

Separating from my fiancees, I made my way to Craftsman’s workshop.

On the way there, I met Alchemist-san’s wife, and while exchanging gossips a little, I informed her of my marriage.


Something probably caught her attention.

She clung onto it greatly and asked me various questions.

「And, who’s the partner??」

「Aisha-san who worked as a receptionist at the guild and...... H, Her Highness Sylphid」


Un, that’s understandable.

Madam-san hardened to the point of hilarity. (TLN: Madam-san because oku-san)

「S, sorry〜, Myne-kun...... Oba-san seemed to have heard wrongly.

I heard you said you were marrying two people but〜, who is it other than Aisha-chan, you said〜?」

Aah, as expected, she can’t believe about Sylphy.

Well, even I can’t believe it.......

However, she seems to know about Aisha.

As expected, I once again felt that she’s well-connected because she’s a popular receptionist.

「......Her Highness Sylphid, I will be marrying the two of them......」

「Is it that Princess General, Her Highness Sylphid?」


Madam-san went into an uproar.

Well, I understand...... I understand but I’d like you to stop, please.

Madam-san kicking up a fuss attracted the attention of the passer-bys, and they steadily gathered.

After kicking up a terrible fuss, Madam-san finally managed to calm herself down after noticing my teary eyes.

In a panic, she drove the gathered people away, saying, “It’s nothing〜 Hohoho”.

「S, sorry...... Myne-kun...... Oba-san got a little surprised」

From the looks of it, I am a little worried, I should give Madam-san a warning to not talk about it.

Even though I told her because she had been taking care of me.......

「The official announcement hasn’t been made yet, so please never talk about it.

If any unfortunate remarks are made, the royal family might be troubled, so......」

Madam-san was probably aware of it as well, as she meekly nodded.

Although Sylphy didn’t specifically tell me to keep it a secret, I understood from Madam-san’s reaction.

This is something I cannot say.

If I use the royal family as a pretext, I don’t think Madam-san would say anything.

「Please do not tell Onii-san as well!」

I emphasised that thoroughly before separating with Madam-san.

......I’m a little worried.

While carrying uneasiness, I finally arrived at Craftman’s workshop.

「Good afternoonーーーーー!」

As I gave my usual greetings and entered the workshop, the dwarven woman who had previously received us greeted me.

「Oh, well, if it isn’t Myne-san? Thank ya fer the other day!」(TLN: Forgive my bad rendition of an accent. Tried using accent translators, but I can’t even read them orz)

Since I paid quite a lot for the bath, all the employees seem to have been treated to sake.

I was told that the sake was quite expensive, so everyone seem to have a favourable impression of me.

As I said that I came to discuss with Craftsman, she immediately ran to call him.

As usual, the scene of her noisily running looks really pleasant.

I also thought about this when they were building the baths, but every one of the dwarf race’s movements seem to exude their utmost effort, and feels good.

It’s been said that they are a hard-to-please race, but I don’t think that at all.

「Ooh, Myne, huh, thanks fer comin’! How’s the bath?」

Craftsman’s smile stretches across his whole face, as usual, his smiling face looks great.

「Yes! My housemates are also very pleased with it! Thank you for such a wonderful product!」

Craftsman said “Ah see, ah see,” while looking delighted.

It must have been a work Craftsman is satisfied with.

Even Sylphy and Alto-san wholeheartedly said that the bath was more wonderful compared to the one at the royal palace.

It’s not really surprising, I guess.

「And, whatja come ‘ere fer?」

“Actually,” I said, and explained to him about my marriage with Aisha and Sylphy, and following the flow, about the establishment of the Clan.

As expected of a master craftsman, he didn’t kick up a fuss like Alchemist-san’s Madam-san.

......Well, he was a little surprised, though.

「Fumu, so〜? Ya want us ta build a Clan house, that it?」

「Yes, of course, Craftsman-san may have work right now, so I won’t ask the impossible, though......」

As I said that, Craftsman folded his arms and pondered.

Then, he said something to the receptionist.

They were deep in talk for a while, but seem to have settled on something and talked to me.

「When should we start?」

「I think the construction will take some time, so I think it’s better to start earlier, but it’ll be at Craftman-san’s convenience.」

「Understood, I’ll accept it then.

I have work I have ta continue doin’, so〜, we’ll start after that」

Un, there’s absolutely no problem with that!

Let’s exchange the details with Sylphy and Aisha at home.

As soon as he’s free, Craftsman will come to my house.

Craftsman, thank you very much even though you’re so busy!


Now then, the talk with Craftsman has finished, what should I do now.......

......Ah, that’s right.......

About my marriage...... I’ll have to tell Otou-san and Okaa-san about it.......

I quickly paced towards the public cemetery north of the town.

On the way, I decided to buy some flowers my parents loved.

They’ll definitely be delighted.

The florist-san asked me “Are you going to decorate a grave with this flower?” and made a dubious face, but this flower is my only choice.

This flower’s name is 「Sunflower」

Using selective breeding with magic power or something,recently, any kind of flower can be bought all year round.

However, this flower is originally a flower which blooms in the summer.

Otou-san and Okaa-san also love this flower.

......Of course, me too.

『Hey, Myne. Don’t you feel better looking at sunflowers?

A flower which puts a smile on people’s face and makes them feel lively, isn’t it wonderful, Otou-san and Okaa-san both love this flower as well』

Otou-san and Okaa-san were smiling all the time.

They greeted everyone they met with a smile on.

The weapon shop’s Oji-san said.

That Otou-san and Okaa-san’s smiles were like sunflowers.

I also think that too.

That’s why, to me, this is the only flower I can bring to Otou-san and Okaa-san.

Otou-san, Okaa-san...... I wonder if they’ll be glad at my wedding.

It’d be good if they would.

I then arrived in front of the grave Otou-san and Okaa-san were lying in.

「......Otou-san, Okaa-san, it’s been a while」

Of course, there was no reply.

「Today, I have something to report to Otou-san and Okaa-san....... You’ll surely be surprised.

......I am getting married. Isn’t it amazing? It’s surprising, isn’t it」

There didn’t reply, but I know that Otou-san and Okaa-san are surprised.

「Actually, I have two partners, isn’t it surprising?

There’s something more surprising, you know? Do you want to hear it? ......No helping it, I guess」

Before I realised, my eyes were flooded with tears.

「Both of them are beauties that won’t lose to Okaa-san, you know!

Eh? What did you say Otou-san, they lose to Okaa-san? No way! Okaa-san is a beauty, but

my wives are also really beautiful!

On top of that, one of them is this country’s princess, isn’t that amazing? I’m the most surprised, you know!

I never thought that I would marry a royalty and polygamy would be approved! When I realised, I got two wives.

......Okaa-san’s definitely saying that I’m getting too carried by the flow again, right......」

My eyes are becoming blurry, and I can’t see anything, you know.......

I wanted Otou-san and Okaa-san to see my wedding.

I wanted Otou-san and Okaa-san to see it with their sunflower-like smiles on.

「We’ll be having a wedding ceremony.

They said it’ll be at the temple in the capital, it’s far, but...... both of you must definitely come and see it!」

Otou-san, Okaa-san...... Why did you have to die.......

I’m lonely, come back.

As I couldn’t contain my wailing, something warm hugged me from my left side and back.

I wiped the overflowing tears with my hand, and when I looked at that ‘something’...... there were my two fiancees who I was talking to my parents about.

As I was surprised, Aisha and Sylphy put their hands together in front of Otou-san and Okaa-san’s grave.

「Father-in-law-sama, Mother-in-law-sama, nice to meet you. My name is Sylphid.

I will be married to Myne-san.

I will certainly make him happy in Father-in-law-sama and Mother-in-law-sama’s place. Please rest assured」

「Father-in-law-sama, Mother-in-law-sama, my name is Aisha.

I will also be married to Myne-kun.

I have heard from the townspeople, and will certainly become a couple that is as wonderful as the both of you.

I will make a home brimming with smiles, please watch over us」

I who was taken aback, graspped both of them tightly.

I am alright now, I’m not alone, that is what I want to say.

「......Otou-san, Okaa-san, it’s just as I said.

They are beauties that won’t lose to Okaa-san.......

Please watch over us from now on as well. I will persevere」

『Do your best, Go for it』

......I had certainly heard both of their voices at that time.


Thank you for reading as always.

Please take care of me from now on as well.

Please don’t retort with “Are there sunflowers in another world? “.

Please understand that they exist in this world.

TL: Izzy (who cried while TL-ing q.q)

「......Why are you guys here?」

Finishing my greetings to Otou-san and Okaa-san, I asked them after we exited the public cemetery.

After all, isn’t that too good a timing?

I’m absolutely not trying to gloss over my crying! I’m really not!

They said that they found me on my way to the cemetery, but I made a face as if thinking of something really hard, so they became worried, and followed me here.

U〜n, I don’t think that’s true, but...... it seems that I made an extremely awful face.

Since I didn’t give off such a feeling of thinking hard when we left the house, the both of them judged that I might have gotten myself dragged into something, and decided to take a look at the circumstances.

It’s so that they can deal with it immediately if anything happens.

And, looking at me suddenly crying at the grave, they rushed out in a panic.

......Seems like I’ve made them worried.

Both of you, I’m sorry.

Aisha on my right hand, and Sylphy on my left.

Joining hands with each of them, the three of us got on our way home.

When we were going back, Sylphy asked me why I decorated the grave with sunflowers, so I answered, “Tou-san and Kaa-san liked them”.

As I said that,

「Myne-kun, our garden...... why don’t we plant a lot of sunflowers?

Father-in-law-sama and Mother-in-law-sama will definitely be delighted」

So said Aisha.

That’s true, I didn’t have much time up until now, but from now on, I’m not alone.

I also have enough living expenses.

Something like that would certainly be fine.

「Un! That’s good!! Let’s plant a lot of sunflowers in the garden!」

Before returning home, we stopped by the florist-san who I dropped by earlier, and purchased a lot of sunflower seeds.

Un, I’m really looking forward to the future!


「Now then, Danna-sama. Let’s exchange reports」

When we arrived at home, and as we relaxed while drinking tea, Sylphy announced that.

「Un, okay」

Saying that, I straightened myself and made sure that we can discuss.

「We’ll start first」

They obtained permission to build the Clan House without any problems.

Town headman-san seems to also know Otou-san and Okaa-san well, and when they said that they will be marrying me, he quickly gave approval.

Of course, it was a request from the First Princess, so I don’t think rejecting was a choice from the beginning.

Town headman-san said that my parents rescued this town from a crisis.

......I wonder ...... what did Otou-san and Okaa-san do?

They are just normal Otou-san and Okaa-san when at home, so honestly, I don’t really have any idea.......

Come to think of it, Craftsman was also thankful to Otou-san, wasn’t he.

U〜n. Why don’t I try asking next time?

「Well, that’s the gist of it.

Town headsman will visit us before long, so we’ll draw up the contract for the land then.

Honestly, the price was overwhelmingly cheaper than I originally thought.

Town headsman did gave us a discount, but there’s also the fact that the land around this house is originally cheap.

It depends on the price of the quality materials, but it seems like the funds Chichiue prepared would be more than enough」

Ooh, that’s what I wanted to hear!

However, we can’t just push everything onto King-sama.

Exactly because it has become cheaper, I think I have to take the initiative in paying.

「Hey, Sylphy. Let’s pay for the building!

We will be the ones using the Clan house, right? If that’s the case, it’d be weird if we’re not the ones paying!

......Furthermore, I think we’ll definitely become more attached to it that way!」

As I said that, both Sylphy and Aisha looked at me blankly, before looking at each others’ faces and started giggling.

「That’s what I like about Myne-kun」

「That’s true, I too think that that’s extremely likeable」

I don’t quite understand, but I seemed to have gained their approval.

Un, that’s good!

「Well then, next is my turn, isn’t it!」

Saying that, I talked to them about what has been decided at Craftsman’s place.

「I see, after a week, is it? Until then, we’ll need to finish up the contract for the land before then, huh.......

Seems like it’ll be better for us to send out a fast messenger horse to Chichiue.

Let’s let them dispatch it to a specialist to handle the design of the building and such, and make advance arrangements with Craftsman-dono」

After that, the three of us contributed various opinions, and after making a rough plan, we finished our discussion.

Now then, I’ve gotten hungry! Let’s make dinner.

That’s right! I will make dinner!! This time, they’ll have to take a rest.

Such being the case, both of them are relaxing in the living room while having a talk.

They didn’t really agree, but in the end, I pleaded them and got them to yield.

It’ll be good if they could be at ease, no? I’m glad that I have hardworking wives.

......Ah, but it seems like they’ll do the same if we change positions.

While thinking that, I made the meal for my family, which was really fun.

Okaa-san...... and Sylphy and Aisha definitely felt like this when making the meals.

While working in an enjoyable mood, time passed by in a flash.

「Food’s readyー!」

As I said that, both of them said “We were waiting for this” and carried the food out steadily.

And then, the time for a fun dinner has come.

Since Sylphy wanted to hear about the Dungeon of Strength, Aisha and I took turns talking about it.

When she heard from Aisha that I quickly defeated the Troll Gazer, Sylphy sighed and said,

「......Danna-sama, you overdid it」

Hearing that, Aisha and I spontaneously looked at each other.

And then we started giggling.

「W, what is it? Why...... are you two laughing?」

Sylphy who was looking at us was baffled.

「The “you overdid it” Hime-sama said is the same thing I said when Myne-kun defeated the Cocka Grice」

Aisha explained while enduring her laughter.

Un, she certainly did say that.

「......Myne-kun, you overdid it......」, she said.

Hearing that explanation, Sylphy also started laughing.

Laugher continuously resounded as we sat together while having our dinner.


「Phew〜, baths are the getaway from life, aren’t they♪」

......Yes, right now, I am entering the bath.

After finishing our fun dinner, both of them said that they wanted me to leave the cleaning up to them.

I could possibly say “I’ll do it,” when they rolled up their sleeves and were getting fired up, so I just left them with it.

Well, what should I do?

That’s right, there is something that only I can do!

That being the case, I heated up the bath.

As expected, I’ve gotten used to regulating the water temperature, and it was ready in just two minutes, the fastest so far.

The Skills on this pebbles’ usage are really convenient, aren’t they.

It’d be good if I could think of some other usage for them.

While doing nothing but thinking that, I heard the sound of the door opening, and someone came into the baths.

There’s a lot of steam, so I don’t really know who came in.......

Is it Aisha???

Sylphy is here so I thought she certainly won’t come in, though.......

However, even after I waited, the person who entered did not move from the spot.



As I called out, that person’s body swung with a start.

Hmー? Weird, it isn’t Aisha?

......Wait a minute. It isn’t Aisha??

「......Don’t tell me...... Is that you, Sylphy?」

As I said that, that person’s body trembled violently, opened the door in a panic, and exited the bath.

『......What in the world...... doing...... if you run...... you know!!』

I faintly heard some kind voice.

That’s Aisha’s voice, isn’t it.

......Un, I somehow understood what happened.

A while later, the door opened once again, and a person came in.

With the opening and closing of the door, the steam became a lot less compared to before.

The person who opened the door and came in was as I expected, Sylphy.

Her face was dyed a bright red, and she was hiding her body with a towel.

She then turned her face at a completely different way to not look at my face.

Un, she’s embarrassed. That’s.......

Most probably, she was scolded by Aisha.

Her tears welled up slightly and it seems like she’s pouting.

It was different from her usual dignified look, how do I put this.

Cute...... Yes, she feels really cute.

「......Danna-sama, I came to wash your back」

At last, she said only those words, and approached the bathtub.

Every time she takes a step, the glimpses of the parts hidden behind her towel comes into view, which is very poisonous to the eye. (TLN: poison to the eye = temptation.)

Un? Not poison, but a feast...... I guess?

It looks somewhat small compared to Aisha’s.

Eh? What, you say...... that’s a secret.

After that, the towel slid down and her birthday suit was exposed, her concealment failed, and on top of that, she saw me nude.......

At that time, Sylphy’s shriek echoed within the bathroom.

「......Sorry, Danna-sama」

Both of us soaked in the bathtub, and she seemed to have finally calmed down.

Aisha must be fretting outside the bathroom.

「I had roughly learned about this as royalty, but.......

Actually showing myself naked, no matter what it’s embarrassing......」

「It’s alright, even I feel embarrassed.

Thanks to Aisha, I’ve gotten considerably used to it......」

「I see, Danna-sama’s also embarrassed...... I see, I see」

Sylphy probably relaxed while soaking in the bathtub, as she gradually returned back to normal.

......It’s rare seeing Sylphy with teary eyes, so I had wanted to look at it more, though.

And then, when we exited the bath, she seemed to have prepared herself as she said,

「Danna-sama, I’ve talked to Aisha...... Tonight, I want you to make love to me」

Thus, Sylphy and I spent the night in the same futon.


Thank you for reading as always.

Please take care of me from now on as well.

*Syosetu stuff*

TL: Izzy


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