Living in this World with Cut & Paste

Chapter 34

When the guild leader heard that I was resigning, he incessantly persuaded me.

Since it’s beeng a long time since I last seen him so desperate, it felt quite fresh.

But well, I understand his feelings.

A guild receptionist is indeed a popular job.

If it’s to replace a member, one day will be enough.

Of course, the exprimental part will take some time, and they will need training.......

Even to me, who is of the same sex, the guild receptionists are all beauties.

I’m not trying to brag, but I am proud that it can be seen. (TLC:かくいう私も自慢するわけではないが、それなりに見れる容姿だと自負している。)

This isn’t like the guild leader’s tastes or anything.

Its aim is to increase the motivation of the adventurers and to reduce withdrawal rates.

If the beautiful receptionists could properly carry out more of their work, naturally the adventurers will favour and follow them.

If that happens, the number of adventurers quitting the guild will be drastically reduced, and they’ll increase splendid results to impress the receptionists.

I was also that way in the time I was working in the guild, and because of that, quite a lot of adventurers favoured me.

I don’t want to think much about them, but Lyle and Hyold who caused problems before this were also one of them.

It’s impossible for the guild to simply say 「Oh I see」 and let a receptionist who is tied to so many adventurers resign.

Even if I am an exclusive receptionist I am enrolled in the guild, and when the exclusive adventurer isn’t here I receive the adventurers normally.

However, if I were to quit, that would all end.

If I were to quit, numerous adventurers’ motivation and their actions from now on will probably be affected.

I feel sorry for them, but I also have my own life.

No matter what, it’s important to carry through things I’ve decided on, that’s why, I will not hesitate.

......Thus, I have a trump card, a trump card which will cause the guild leader to be speechless and agree.

「Aisha, reconsider it. A lot of them adore you. Think about those guys!!」

「I am happy that they adore me, but either way, I’m going to be married you know?

According to previous cases, after receptionists marry, their popularity will drop sharply, am I right?

......Also, for the sake of starting a Clan, Hime-sama has already left for the capital.

If I were to remain in the guild, inevitably, I won’t be able to become a member of a Clan. Because of that, it would probably be difficult for Hime-sama to obtain the recognition of the Clan.

You understand what I mean, right? How will guild leader explain to Hime-sama?

Since I can’t betray Hime-sama, guild leader, please persuade Hime-sama, a “royalty”」

My trump card is Hime-sama.

Knowing the royalty’s actions and obstructing them, though it depends on the contents, but the matter this time around probably does not warrant a punishment.

However, her experience will certainly worsen.

There’s no doubt that pressure from Hime-sama towards the guild is something which will considerably worsen.

When I was still an adventurer, requests arrive quite freqeuently so that they can receive requests from royalty.

Requests which have quite the large reward, at that.

If Hime-sama’s experience becomes bad, such requests will be greatly impacted.

Also, regarding my retirement from the guild, there’s nothing about that written in the guild’s work regulations.

Naturally, the guild leader cannot obstruct my retirement with his power.

Well, guild leader’s impression towards me will worsen with this case.......

「Mu, mumumu......」

When Hime-sama’s name came out, as expected, the guild leader couldn’t pursue anything beyond that, and kept silent with a sullen face.

「I am sorry, but this is something I’ve decided on」

I clearly declared once more when guild leader’s persuasion stop.

It ended there, with the guild leader crestfallen and shoulders dropped.


「Aisha-senpai! Is it true that you’re quitting the guild!!!?」

As soon as I showed myself on the floor, my kouhai, the receptionist Mil, said in a loud voice. (TLN: Floor as in working floor)

Though it wasn’t the peak hours, there’s still quite a few adventurers in the lobby at this time.

If you shout in here, naturally the contents will reach the ears of the numerous adventurers here.

「......Sigh」(TLN: this a legit onomatopoeia)

The person who shouted realised that right after she shouted, the lobby’s noise fell silent, and all the attention was on us, and finally seemed to have understand that what she was guilty of.

I noticed that her expression became visibly pale.

It’s too late to cover our mouths.

This is exactly the case of ‘no use crying over spilt milk’.

It can’t help that things have progressed like this...... this place probably won’t be at peace if I don’t give an answer.

「......Umm, it’s been decided that I’ll retire tomorrow. Incidentally, it’s a resignation on marriage」

「「「「「「「「「「W, What did you sayーーーーー!」」」」」」」」」」

「Really, why are you all so uncomposed! I always said it didn’t I, to act based on your surroundings!!」

After that, the guild was in a bigger chaos than expected.

Not only the adventurers within the hall, but also those who weren’t there but through word of mouth, rapidly gathered.

It wasn’t simply about my resignation, but the uproar seemed to have become greater due to the blurting of my marriage.

Because of that, it wasn’t only Mil, but I was also responsible, and naturally, I won’t say such a thing to these kids.

If I were to say it, I will repeat this again without regrets.

Guild leader who held his hand to his stomach as he crouched due to it being more chaotic than as expected spurred the chaos more.

......In the end, the uproar lasted for three hours.

There would probably be another uproar tomorrow.

Since there’s no doubt that this matter will spread tonight.

My receptionist duties haven’t ended, and there was only the handing over. It’ll probably take a few more hours before I exit the guild.

I’m really sorry to my dormmates, but it cannot be helped.

At the very least, I decided to put in a candy and left the guild.

Ah, in the end, even when I was leaving, guild leader sat on the chair as he grew senile.

My condolences.

I finished my duties at the guild, and when I returned to the dormitory, I greeted the management oba-san.

She was shocked when we talked about my marriage and resignation from the guild, but in the end she told me to work hard and handed over memos with cooking recipes she had written on it.

It was sudden, ......the marriage was decided really suddenly, but since I’ve already decided, I’ll work hard to become a good wife.

I’ll continue supporting Myne-kun’s heart, and as the first step, I will use these recipes.

Thanking the management oba-san, I returned to my own room.

Putting my room’s luggage into my storage bag, I moved out.


「I’m back, Myne-kun!」

In the first place, since the luggage isn’t that much, Aisha-san’s residence changing was finished quite quickly. (TLN: No, I have no idea why she uses Aisha-san)

However, as expected the time was approaching late night.

Today I only prepared for sleeping, and I’ll tidy up tomorrow.

Since it’s still before marriage, naturally the beds are separate.

I feel like I heard 「loser」 from somewhere, but this is already settled.

This way, this chaotic day came to an end.

Good night.


Thank you very much for always reading.

Impressions and evaluations left will become my encouragement.

Please treat me well


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