Living in this World with Cut & Paste

Chapter 10-12

「Tch, a kid wants to become an adventurer? Don’t you look down on us」

Yup, it seems like this is going to be troublesome.

「Hyold-san, quarrels inside the guild are prohibited.」

The onee-san shouted a warning at the adventurer.

However, it doesn’t seem to have any effect at all.

「Aisha-chan, this isn’t a quarrel, I’m just going to teach the reality to this kid who doesn’t know his place. Just shut up and watch.」

I see, if you deal with this kind of people regularly, you will be surprised at my greetings and speech.

I have understood this in a strange place.

Ah, this Onee-chan’s name is Aisha, let’s remember that.

Name : Hyold

Race : Hume

Gender : Male

Age : 29 years old

Occupation : Adventurer (D Rank)



Support Magic・Gradual Restoration Small (Stamina)

So he’s a Rank D adventurer, he has fairly good Skills.

I’ll observe the situation, it he looks like a bad guy, then maybe I’ll take away his skills.

「Oi, shitty brat! Thanks to this Hyold-sama’s teachings, I saved your life, so hand over all your money as reward」

Hmm? Did he teach me anything? I don’t understand anything he said.

「Etto...... Hyold-san, was it? Did I receive any teachings from you? I have no idea, though......」

The adventurers inside the guild burst out in laughter at the exchange we had.

「Oi oi Hyold, isn’t he not taking you as an opponent? You’re getting looked down upon by a brat, you know」

An adventurer raised his voice, pointing and laughing at Hyold.

The other adventurers laughed harder at that.

The source of the laughter, Hyold, had his face turned red and started shouting.

「Don’t screw around, you shitty brat! If you don’t understand, I’ll teach you physically!!」

Saying that, he raised his fist and threw it towards me.

I can dodge it, but if I do, it might go wrong and hit Aisha-san, the receptionist lady.

I can’t forgive something like that.

It can’t be helped, I’ll let him hit me.

I’ve made a lot of potions, so I probably won’t die.

I firmly guarded against the shock, and clenched my teeth.

「Dogo」(TLN: As in hitting something, not doggo.)

As Hyold’s fist hit my right cheek, the shock sent me flying from my seat, and my back violently collided with the counter.


I then collapsed onto the floor on my back.

Aisha-san exposed an expression of anger, and among the adventurers were whistles and cheers.

While I frantically endured the pain which almost made me lose consciousness, I plundered both the asshole’s skills.

I formed a smile, saying ‘serves you right’ in my heart, as Cut & Paste finished without a hitch.

However, thinking that I was laughing at him, Hyold trampled on my stomach with full strength.


Seeing me who was fainting in agony, he felt refreshed, and with the foot that was trampling me, he put in strength in grinding as he crushed me.

As expected, this was unpleasant.......

My consciousness was then cut off.


「What happened? It’s awfully noisy downstairs, did some idiot do something again?」

Leaving the office, I went towards the first floor.

As I neared the stairs, I was able to clearly hear the racket.

「Oi oi Hyold, isn’t he not taking you as an opponent? You’re getting looked down upon by a brat, you know」

Hmm, the one who kicked up this fuss was that Hyold, huh. How many times does this make? I should prepare to give him a severe punishment this time.

「Don’t screw around, you shitty brat! If you don’t understand, I’ll teach you physically!!」

When I finally reached the stairs’ landing, the scene entered my eyes. (TLN:

That Hyold had his fist aimed at a young man sitting on the reception.

Hm, that young man......, though he could dodge, he clenched his teeth.

Since he might involve Aisha if he dodge, huh.

His action and resolution doesn’t fit his age. He’s quite good.

He shows promise for a youth.

Naturally, the young man was hit and fell to the ground.


Hyold that bastard, is he trying to kill him!?

As expected, I can’t just watch after seeing him putting strength in crushing the collapsed young man’s stomach.

「Stop it, you idiot!」

I shouted at Hyold with a voice which resounded throughout the whole guild.

Everyone sent their gaze towards me.

「「「「G, Guild leader......」」」」

「Hey, what’s this commotion about? Huh, Hyold」

My voice echoed throughout the whole floor which had turned deathly silent.

As I sent a stare full of bloodthirst at Hyold, he trembled and started giving his excuse.

「T, This is that, that education, giving this unruly shitty brat guidance as a senpai in the guild!」

「Is this like the last time you said this, where you picked a fight with a promising newbie, and then made him leave the guild? Haa?」

I remembered my irritation at this idiot who keeps repeating the same stupid excuse.

「You told me this before didn’t you? That you’ve repented and this won’t happen twice...... Oh, was it a lie?」

「Of course not! I didn’t lie to you, I’ve repented you see, I didn’t do anything bad, the fault is with this shitty brat」

Insisting that he’s right to the very end, huh. Very well.

I’ll confirm this.

「Hou, Aisha. Is what this idiot saying the truth?」

Despite being confused at suddenly being in the conversation, Aisha answered according to my wishes.

「No, he’s not. He picked a fight with “a civilian who isn’t an adventurer, furthermore a young man who had just come of age”, and demanded money from him.」

Hearing Aisha’s answer, Hyold’s face was dyed in red again, and started raving.

「D, don’t joke around! I didn’t do anything like that, don’t you say irresponsible things!」

「Furthermore, when the young man rejected his demand, and suddenly hit “him who is a civilian”」

「I understand now, Aisha. For the time being, you’ll immediately bring that young man to the medical room. Leave the rest to me」

Nodding to my instructions, Aisha, along with another receptionist lady, carried the young man to the medical room.

Even though it’s a serious injury, he won’t die with this. I’ll need to give that young man apology money from the guild later.

After confirming that Aisha-tachi has left my sight, I quietly descend from the stairs. (TLN: -tachi means ‘and others’. Basically the ‘others’ is the other receptionist girl.)

「Hey, Hyold...... won’t you tell me? Since when in the world was it okay for an adventurer...... a D rank adventurer, at that, to raise their hand against an ordinary child?」

I asked a question lavished with bloodthirst to Hyold.

「I, I said I’m not at fault right? Naa, please forgive me...... I won’t do it again, absolutely, will not do it again, okay?」

「How many times does this make? You saying those words to me?」

「It’s also absolutely this time. I didn’t lie to you, really! Please believe me」

「No, as expected, I can’t believe that anymore, are you looking down on me...... on the guild?」

To err again and again, and this time he even raised his hand against a civilian.

I can’t possibly absolve him of his crime, if he really think I will forgive him for this, then he’s really a mindless idiot.

「I’ll give you two choices. First is that you pay ten platinum coins as breach of contract, and expelled from the guild.」

「D, don’t joke around, as if I’ll accept that! Don’t screw with me!!!」

「The other is, before leaving the guild, cut off both of your arms now to pay the debt. Choose whichever you like」

An adventurer the guild has accepted, and furthermore a D rank, raising his hand against a civilian and finally killing him and such, is an action looking down on the guild’s trust.

If it goes that far, it’ll be an error due to leniency, even to the society. (TLN: Tried my best. ここまでやっても世間からは、まだ生ぬるいと言われかねない失態だ。)

「......You bastard, I refuse both of them!!!!」

This idiot, I’ll fucking let you have the worst.

Pointing a weapon towards me.

However, something’s not right. Raising his voice, the axe he swung with all his strength, that strike had relatively little sharpness.

A strike unbecoming of a D rank adventurer.

...... I don’t think he’s taking it easy but, whatever. It doesn’t matter what he’s scheming. (TLN: Too hard >_> 何か企んでいようが蹴散らしてくれる。)

I drew the two-handed sword I carried on my back, and cut off both of Hyold’s arms from the shoulder.

I had planned to encircle him, but it ended fairly quickly, huh...... whatever then.

「Ugaaaa, m, my aaaarms~~~~」

Since he doesn’t have his arms anymore, his life as an adventurer has ended.

He’ll have to live quietly from now on.

While thinking as such, I casually sprinkled high-grade potion on his shoulders.

This is after all compensation, it’s not like I want to kill him.

I then said in a loud voice towards those within the guild.

「Okay, I won’t tell you to act irreproachably towards the adventurers. However, you shall abide by the rules decided by the adventurer’s guild.」

My voice unexpectedly resounded among the adventurers who were making a stir at the tragedy inside the guild.

「Those who can’t abide by the rules, those uninterested in abiding, and those who hold the guild’s sanctity in contempt, cannot enter the guild. Get out immediately」

so I declared, and started walking towards the medical room.

「......An unfamiliar ceiling」

As I opened my eyes, a view I have never seen before entered my sight.

「Ah, Myne-kun...... You’ve woken up? Thank goodness.」

Perhaps my muttering was heard, I heard a woman’s voice.

I think I’ve heard this voice somewhere before...... where was it......?

As my mind was in a mess, I couldn’t collect my thoughts well.

What in the world happened to me?

While my mind was in a mess, an extremely beautiful onee-san entered my view.

I’ve seen this person before, this receptionist...... Aisha-san, was it?

Ah, I’m starting to remember.

An adventurer named Hyold picked a fight with me, I was hit by him ...... and my stomach was trampled with full strength.

I’ve don’t have any memories since then, which means I lost consciousness then, I think.

「......Where is this?」

After I enquired from Aisha-san, she wore an expression of relief from the bottom of her heart and replied 「It’s the Guild Medical Room」.

I see, Aisha-san was the one who brought me here, I have to say my thanks.

「Thank you very much for helping me, onee-san.」

After I expressed my gratitude, before Aisha-san responded, I heard a man’s voice.

「Sorry...... Myne-kun, was it? I am the Guild Master, Bazzam. I, as the guild master, sincerely apologise.」(TLN: バザム Any suggestions?)

A man who called himself the guild master suddenly appeared, bowed deeply at me and spoke words of apology

「No no, not at all. It should be me who should be sorry for troubling you.」

As I replied, Bazzam-san said 「Eh?」 and showed a surprised look.

「Guild Master, Myne-kun is like this, you know.」

Aisha-san, for some reason, had a triumphant look on her face as she addressed the guild master.

「No, sorry. Since I’ve only been talking to the those guys who use rougher tones, hearing your polite speech surprised me.」

Come to think of it, Aisha-san also said something like that.

「Now then, the man called Hyold who picked a fight with you, I’ve handed him his punishment just now on behalf of the guild.」

With the previous topic settled, Bazzam-san started talking about the cause of me sleeping here.


「Ah, I’ve expelled him from the guild and cut off both of his arms.」

Cut off his arms!? Seriously?

I reflexively pulled back hearing those dangerous words he suddenly uttered.

Probably realising my expression, Bazzam-san grinned broadly and told me directly.

「That guy didn’t just break the rules once or twice. Furthermore, this time he’s guilty of trying to kill an ordinary person.」

As he said that, he glanced at me and continued.

「If I didn’t act then you’d definitely be dead by now. As the guild master I can’t overlook this, he wouldn’t be able to live freely up until now with his arms cut. Well, he got what he deserved」

I feel like it is overkill, but if the guild master says so.

At any rate, since the punishment has been handed out, it won’t matter even if I say anything.

「Therefore, this incident was completely due to our guild’s incompetence. We will give 20 gold coins as compensation, take it from Aisha after this.」

「Eh? That...... Isn’t 20 gold too much money!? I can’t accept it!!」

「No, the guild also has to keep up its appearance. We’ll be troubled if you don’t accept it, so please understand.」

As he said that, the guild master stood up from his seat, said 「Goodbye」 and left the medical room.

While I was flabbergasted at the rapid development, I came to when Aisha-san cleared her throat.

「Sorry, even though he acted like that, he is worried about you, you know?」

said she as she gave me a wink, and followed-up for the guild master.

「Now then, I would like to properly apologise. ......Also, thanks. For taking the hit to protect me.」

「N, no, it’s only because I don’t like a girl being hit...... besides, it’s originally my fault that he picked a fight......」

「Yes, but remember that I am grateful to you, ne」

「Ah, yes......」

Somehow, it was forcibly concluded.

As expected, there’s this feeling of an older woman.

「Well then, let’s proceed with our talk. About registering for the guild, you still haven’t changed your mind?」

Ah, right. I came here to join the guild, I’ve completely forgot about it because of the disturbance.

「Yes, please take care of me.」

I bowed and gave my affirmation, Aisha-san smiled sweetly and continued.

「Understood, it’s not as an apology for this time’s incident, but I am assigned as Myne-kun’s exclusive receptionist.」

Exclusive receptionist? What’s that? An unfamiliar word appeared again.

Though I still didn’t understand and was confused, she continued talking.

「Ah, I haven’t introduced myself, have I? I am Aisha. Aisha・Lorelle! Please take care of me, Myne-kun♪」(TLN: Suggestions? ローレル)

「Eh? Um, Aisha-san, please take care of me too...... not!? What is an exclusive receptionist!?」

「Exclusive receptionists are receptionists designated upon special adventurers by the guild master and are exclusive to them. So, as an apology for this time, Guild Master Bazzam assigned me as an exclusive receptionist to you.」(TLN: Somehow she said it’s for the trouble, but above she says it isn’t.)

Exclusive, does it mean that when I don’t come Aisha-san wouldn’t be working!?

I’m extremely sorry for that.

「No no no no, as you can see, I’m weak, and will trouble Aisha-san, you know!? Please let me off」

「Don’t worry, even though it’s called exclusive, I’ll still work as usual, you know? It only means that I will attend to you if you come, so don’t worry.」

Afterwards, I tried putting up resistance, but since it has already been decided, I couldn’t change the fact that she was now my exclusive receptionist.

「Are you okay already? If so, let’s head on to the guild counter. I’ll issue the card there」

With Aisha-san’s prompt, I took a look at my condition, and there doesn’t seem to be a problem.

Even though I was took that much damage, as expected of the guild’s medical facilities, there are a lot of skilled medics.

「Yes, I am alright.」

Seeing me getting up from my bed, Aisha-san started walking.

Seeing that I hurriedly followed her.

「Would you please sit here?」

I was led to a different counter from when the trouble happened, and sat on the chair.

It is a little separated from the previous counter, somehow I had an impression that this place was the only independent and special place.

「It seems like it is different from the previous counter......?」

I tried asking Aisha-san.

「Yes, this place is for the exclusive use for adventurers who have an exclusive receptionist, and there’s no need to line up like the ordinary counters.」

Oh, it’s true that it would be a smoother process here, and I feel that the reception would be considerably warmer.

While I was thinking as such, I looked at the counter I lined up at, and even now there’s still a lot of people lining up.

「Well then, would you please fill in the necessary information on this paper? If you need help in writing it, tell me.」

「It’s okay, I can write by myself.」

I filled in information like my name, age and address, and after roughly checking it, I submitted it to Aisha-san.

While checking the documents she received, she started talking to me.

「Oh, you live in your own house, huh, Myne-kun...... So you’re an apprentice hunter~」

While I chatted for a while with Aisha-san, she finished checking the documents.

「Okay, there isn’t anything wrong with the documents, wait for a while and I’ll make your card for you.」

She returned the documents and disappeared into the back of the room.

「O, oi? Did you see that...... Aisha-san, became that youngster’s exclusive receptionist right?」

「Eh? Seriously? That’s not possible, right? She never agreed no matter how high-ranked an adventurer begs?」

「But, only adventurers who have exclusive receptionists can process at that counter right?」

While I was waiting, when I tried listening on the other adventurers’ conversation, I learned that Aisha-san is quite the famous receptionist.

Is it really okay for a beginner like me...... although the person herself doesn’t care, I felt really uneasy.

......To calm my heart, I appraised my own skills.

Name: Myne

LV : 7

Race: Hume

Gender : Male

Age : 15 y/o

Occupation : Apprentice hunter


Appraisal・Complete LV2 (3/200)

Cut & Paste (9/200)

Dagger・Extreme (14/50)

Twin Blade (0/50)

Axe (0/50)

Leg Strength Enhancement・Small (22/50)

Sight Enhancement・Moderate (10/50)

Swift Feet (Small) (22/50)

Strong Arm (10/50)

Magic・Wind (12/50)

Support Magic・Speed Reduction (2/50)

Support Magic・Sleep (1/50)

Support Magic・Gradual Small Recovery (0/50)

Cooking (1/50)

Needlework (0/50)

Etiquette (0/50)

Art of Negotiation (2/50)

Alchemy (6/50)



Something chaaanged!?

What is this, this level!!!??? It’s my first time hearing it though!?

Incomprehensible numbers appeared at the back of the skills?

I had planned on calming my heart, instead I ended up making my heart pound.......

While I was trembling at the appraisal results which had suddenly changed, Aisha-san who finished her job returned.

「Ara? What’s with the amusing look? You’re making a funny face, Myne-kun!」

...... I was laughed at.

It was extremely embarrassing. I wish I could just disappear.

「Sorry for making you wait, this will be your card.」

As she said that, she handed me a ochre-coloured metal card with a pink border.

Engraved on it was my name and the word 「F」.

And for some reason on the lower right, 「Lucas: Aisha」 was written.

「The pink border on the card means that there is an exclusive receptionist. By the way, pink is my favourite colour.」

According to Aisha-san.

The colour and material of the card determines the adventurers rank.

F is ochre, E is yellow, D is grey, C is bronze, B is silver, A is golden, S is black.

The materials for F-D seems to be bronze, C is copper, B is silver, A is gold, and S is platinum.

Since my rank is F, my card is ochre-coloured.

Also, the card can act as an identification document.

The proof of citizenship I have is only valid in the Augusta Kingdom which includes the Town of Lucas, but the guild card is valid in all towns.

It seems that it is also valid even in rural areas without guilds.

It’s very reliable, this adventurer’s guild.

Because of the credibility, Hyold whose conduct will sway that trust was severly punished by the guild master.

If I were to decrease the guild’s credibility, naturally I will be punished, so I should be responsible for my actions, Aisha-san strongly warned me.

「Then, the apology money which guild master told you about just now in the medical room has been put in this card.」

Apology money has been “put in”? What does that mean?

She probably noticed me making a ‘I-don’t-understand’ expression.

Aisha-san smiled sweetly and explained it to me.

「The guild has a service to look after the money, and can be withdrawn in any guild around the world. Information about deposited money is recorded in the card.」

I see, that means that the 20 gold coins guild master mentioned is recorded in this card.

I feel extremely grateful to the guild for safekeeping the money.

If I were to buy equipment, the excess money will be stored.

「Also, when you want to receive a request, you don’t need to go to the counters over there, but come to this counter even if your receptionist isn’t here. And, if you insert the card here, I’ll come! By the way, if you go are in other guilds then naturally it’s the general counters.」

Exclusive receptionist, amazing.

Getting along with a beautiful onee-san, and smooth guild processes.......

Others will be extremely envious of that.

「Incidentally, if a subjugation request is accepted, the number of monsters defeated will automatically be recorded in the card, so don’t worry.」

It’s certainly perfect, this card.

I wonder what kind of technology is used to build this....... (Izzy: I want to know too.)

「Well then, this is the last one. You can reissue a lost card but there will be a handling fee so please be careful. The handling fee differs by rank, F~B will cost one gold coin.」

I’ve heard that long ago, there never ceased to be adventurers who lose their cards.

Well, to the boorish adventurers, taking care of such a small thing will be quite hard huh.

Thus, to counter this, the guild implemented the handling fee for a reissue, and since then the number of lost card cases made a sudden drop.

After all, losing a card with such amazing features without reservation is unbearable, right.

I will also have to be careful as to not lose it.

Since all the explanations and procedures are finished, I expressed my gratitude to Aisha-san, and left the guild.

With this, I am also officially an adventurer!


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