Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 617: A full stop

Chapter 617: A full stop

Aria wasn't sure if Noor would be fine going with Arsh. Since Noor had shared about her newfound feelings, so Aria doubted if Noor could be comfortable with her. So she looked at Alan and cued him asking if he could drop Noor. Her husband never said no to her so he accepted it for her. 

Aria flashed a smile at him before turning to Noor.

As soon as their eyes met, Noor bit her lips and looked away. She was yet to know Aria actually knew the man she was talking about.

When came closer, Aria softly asked, "Noor, would you like to go with Arsh? Or else, Uncle Alan will drop you."

Arsh knew his mother would also care about Noor's preference so he didn't mind. 

Noor, who was thinking how she was going to be alive in Arsh's car, blurted out hurriedly, "Aunt Aria, I will take a taxi."

However, Alan interjected in his dominating voice looking at Noor, "Noor, I will drop you on the way. Come on."

Even if she wanted to turn down saying no need to take the trouble, Noor ended up nodding her head, gazing at Alan, "Thank you, Uncle Alan."

Aria silently giggled in her mind looking at Noor's awe. She knew her husband could calm the storm in Noor just by his presence.

Alan gave a side hug to his wife. He planted a kiss on the side of her forehead, "I will pick you up in the evening." He left after seeing her smile.

Noor wasn't seeing them for the first time, so their gesture was usual and each time, she always witnessed their abundant fondness and respect for each other.

She unknowingly had the urge to look at Arsh but controlled. She followed Alan closely without any words.

Aria cocked her head to look at her son. He needed the silence with his father, instead of her words of encouragement so he was going to drop her.

"Would you like to share something with me?" She didn't tease him as she had no idea what might have happened.

Arsh didn't want his mother to worry unnecessarily so if not anybody, he definitely would make her worry-free. "Instead of choking herself, she was suffocating herself."

Aria shook her head in resignation. At least, it wasn't a rejection, so it relieved her, "Give her time. She is shocked." She hooked her arm to his as she apologized, "Sorry for letting my husband steal your wife."

Both walked as he countered, "Then I have stolen his love."

Aria was glad Arsh wasn't taking Noor's silence to his heart and understood her well. She chuckled at his words and reached the door when Noor came up to them.

She paused looking at their hands before gazing at Aria. The latter worriedly went closer, "What happened, Noor?" She looked at her husband who just got in the car.

Noor hugged Aria and whispered, "Thank you." Then she smiled in gratification for always making sure about her comfort, even when it's against Arsh.

Aria didn't say any comforting words for the shock Noor was in.  She might sound like she is forcing Noor, so she avoided it. She patted Noor's back, "You are my kid too. No need for formalities."

Noor hummed before she ran away and sat on the shotgun seat without making Alan wait.

"Jealous?" Aria teased her son for the hug she got.

"Mom!" He wasn't jealous but he thought of a hug and that was displayed all over his face.

Aria chortled as she followed him. 

"Mom, we are not going to be like you and Dad, feeding dog food to every generation." He means he and Noor.

Aria nodded but in amusement, "You are naive, My boy." She was sure just like Alan, and Arna, Arsh wouldn't mind showing his love for his love. And everything depended on Noor and how she reacted.

Arsh quickly thought to divert his mother else she would try her best to make him blush with her teases.


At Wood's headquarters, around three in the late afternoon.

The meeting was going on where Noor was lost in her thoughts for the first time. Noah, who asked a question about some issues, didn't get the response so he lifted his head and caught her dazed. Others were looking at each other and Noor so he tried to call her again.

"Noor!" But earned no response, So he grunted loud enough to bring her into reality, "Noor!!!"

Noor was startled by her father's loud voice which is usually rare. His loud voice is enough to tear up as he never raises his voice at her. "I-I'm sorry," She apologized realizing she wasn't focusing on the meeting and Noah hates it.

Noah didn't treat her differently than an employee, but picked better words to avoid hurting her deep, "Leave."

Noor nodded, she grabbed her laptop and left the meeting hall before she let the tear roll out of her eyes. Even though Arsh was frequently on her mind for the past few days, today it affected her work. She wasn't able to focus from the time she returned, which made her angry at herself.

She returned to her office, took the files that needed her attention, and left the office to the tea house for some alone time.


She sat alone on the bench under the tree shade by facing the river, worrying about her behavior. She didn't like to disappoint Noah again so she wanted to put a full stop to her thoughts about Arsh.

She couldn't afford a distraction when she knew she needed to be extra careful and hard work to be able to work as her father. This behavior wasn't in her hold and she didn't want to tell Noah why she was distracted as Noah might scold Arsh for it.

Her shoulders jerked when her phone rang. It was a call from Noah so she answered quickly.

Noah's voice was back to the lovely father, "Noor, where are you?"

"I am sorry, Dad. I won't repeat it." She apologized again feeling she let down her father and others might have laughed at him for her mistake.

Noah sighed, "It's alright Noor, it happens. Learning from our mistakes is a great way." He continued after hearing her hum, "So where are you? Is everything alright?"

"Yes, Dad. I came out. I will come home directly." She kept her voice relaxed to avoid worrying him.

After a few more words, she hung up the call. She made her mind focus on her work, forget her stupid thoughts, or fantasizing about anything.


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